Angela Merkel now understands how the rest of us feel when Drumpf talks.
Angela Merkel now understands how the rest of us feel when Drumpf talks
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Angela can barely stand his buffoonery, what an embarrassment.
He even gets sized up by Trudeau.
And it wasn't for a good reason, Trump just had to act like a teenage boy sizing up some other kid.
His lack of respect for others leads to a collapse of decorum in which he comes out as the idiot he is.
Good on her for standing up to that bully. Such a child, she proves yet again to the world that a woman can stand on her own, with her OWN powerful nation!
Trump is dangerous and reckless. That much we know. We can't let this guy take control of our world. People will suffer.
Amirite rest of reddit ???
wtf I hate Zrooompf now
I see shills are out in full force today
But Obama's administration did spy on her
wtf i hate ploopf now
Not gonna lie, former trump voter here. Love to see him crash and burn yada yada
Merkel is a cuck.
Zomg im so redpilled
way more than usual, but faggots out in force tells me we are winning the overall fight. TRUMP IS PRESIDENT, HILLARY LOST, get over it shill faggots
Wtf I hate Dompz now
Can some Kraut-user explain how in the fuck this bitch is on her 4th fucking term? How hasn't she been voted the fuck out yet? Is this election fraud/fuckery? or are you all really voting this bitch back in over and over and over?
>but he's not acting in the goyish manner we expect from our lying politicians that don't care about us
That's all that matters anymore, not what you do, but how you look. Everyone living in the West needs to be punished.
That's not how you spell trolls.
She cant even speak english lol what a disgrase. She only likes to suck muslim cock
I don't care who won or lost, thats what it means for something to be worth fighting for.
Je moeder is een cuck.
wellllll.... actually it's her third.
and how it came to this? As allways: the lesser of two evils...
When she first got chancelor the alternative was Gerd Schröder. He's a russian Shill and was the reason for HIV.
After that... idk.. seems we stick with our current Führer as long as he doesn't do too much shitty stuff. Kohl for example was in for 4 periods...
As a pretty wealthy country it doesen't really matter that much who's in charge anyway... The day-to-day-live doesn't change that much regardless of our Führer...
Imagine being Merkel in that moment and having to be all like "damn, Drumpf, you fuckin' smart, all intelligent with your big brain and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all she really wants to do is fuck another 12 year old refugee in her dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Merkel and not only stand there while Drumpf flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable questions barely concealing his idiocy and buffoonery, and just stand there, question after question, minute after minute, while he perfected that stupidity. Not only having to tolerate his monstrous fucking visage but his haughty attitude as everyone tells him he's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, DRUMPF IS THAT SMART AND PLAYS THAT GOOD OF 6D CHESS?? because they're not the ones who have to stand there and watch his mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of refugees and arab sex slaves and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Germany. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on his fat stomach as he sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to stand there and revel in his "statu-bigly-esque (for that is what he calls himself)" intelligence, the intelligence he worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the reporter calls for another question, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the secret security could put you down, but you stand there and endure, because you're fucking Merkel. You're not going to lose your future political career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
What's up with that giant earpiece she had on? Don't they have anything a little smaller, a little more current year?
That thing looked straight outta the 1950s.
oh and regarding VoterFraud: Possible, but I doubt it, since we still vote with Pen and Paper. Much harder to fuck that shit up...
Worse is the 'big coalition' meaning both big Partys work together. I'm pretty sure this will hapen this year again. Meaning we have no viable opposition. Not good for a democracy -.-
She understands it and speaks phrases.
English actually came from Germanic speaking people moving to Britain and was influenced by French and Spanish through trade.
She has probably has hardly studied it, she can just manage to do it.
I bet she can read it too.
Literally gas yourselves
>She cant even speak english lol
didn't stop the austrians from fixing the presidential elections last year
Making such a shitty version of the original Arnold copypasta is blasphemy to the highest degree. May Kek send a plague upon your house.
she was the CDU poster child, a Woman coming from the GDR who participated in peaceful student protest and got her doctorate.
after Kohl united both Germanies (a big mistake, but the fat fuck wanted to gain the title of "chancellor of unity") he "raised her" in his image so she could lead in his stead.
People vote for her, because she kept the status quo up, by doing virtually nothing and sitting everything out instead of doing something.
>she got us out of the economic crisis (even though our former chancellor did way more than she did)
tl;dr: people actually vote for her, because they think she did good things for Germany
whats way more worrying is that we have people in our parliament that are there since the 80's
He's a russian Shill and was the reason for HIV
while i agree that he's a buttbuddy of Putin and Hartz 4 and the Agenda 2010 were big mistakes. Booth were unarguably the savior in the economic crisis, and they helped for Germany to stabilize our economy
also i thought first you said that he is the reason for AIDS, becaus of the HIV
>He's a russian Shill and was the reason for HIV.
is that the name of a political party there or are you talking about like literally HIV the disease
but seriously, we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes
That's why Angela is the leader of the free world now, not Trump.
The National Populist (((Workers))) Party doesn't sound like freedom to me, fuck you.
>Booth were unarguably the savior in the economic crisis, and they helped for Germany to stabilize our economy
In retrospec I totally agree. But I think it was the reason for many people to not vote him again.
She kicks the god emperor like nothing, while still being a better human being.
Must be a strong leader
why does she smile so much around brown people?
He has no respect for so called "leaders" who are just willing to be doormats for the rest of the world
>Literally defending Merkel and her globalist cronies.
Wew, Fareed. Try not to be so subtle next time.
na HIV -> Hartz-IV (4)
its the name of an agenda which basically resulted in a pretty hard reduction on the social-safety-net. After... idk... 1 or 2 years you basically just get enough to survive... barely..
before you could live a decent live on the costs of the taxpayers..
In her defence, you guys seem to be the one of the few to avoid any serious money woes during the austerity fights a few years ago before Syria got really bad.
yes, people did the same thing, that they did to Schmidt.
and while i hate the SPD with a deep passion, i have to say that Schröder was the last SPD/German politician that had balls, and i would've pick him over Merkel anytime. But i guess we'll get the alcoholic Schultz as our next Chancellor, maybe if we're really lucky we'll Red-Red-Green (sarcasm). But if so, i'll probably leave this shithole of a country, because the RRG coalition will ruin and destroy the last dignity this country has
Clearly she takes the BBC. And likes it.
like i said it was the merit of our old chancellor and his policies, she was pretty lucky that he actually could archive this, or else Germany would be in one hell of a shitty condition
>alcoholic Schultz
He's a drunk? Like been to rehab/AA meetings and shit?
Ukraine is retarded, you literally protested your government because they wouldn't give up their sovereignty to EU
What did he do?
Then why is he the one who looks like a bitch m8?
yes, he said it in a couple of interviews, he's also a school dropout
Merkel is filling her country with Syrian refugees like she fills her fat face with stroodle. Impractical, unrestrained. Trump is making it clear we're not getting cucked on anything anymore. The best thing for Trump is all these leftists retards thinking he's a moron. I hope that continues, as their repeatedly underestimating him will only benefit him and the country. Keep it up libshits, you fucking coddled, brainless twats.
Go away shill. The traitor Merkel got treated how she deserved to be treated. No handshakes for commies. Saged
I can't believe Drumpf made such a fool of himself before the leader of the free world!
cut social security and all unnecessary funding, hence why many people were poor, but we could keep the country from collapsing
what a hideous bitch
I'm almost sure that the last thoughts of quite a few Great Men have certainly been, "I underestimated him."
But where to go? I've considered this for years but any counry I look into is worse -.-
Antarctica maybe, but thats too fucking cold
If my dreams come true none of us has to worry about the greens. They should go the way, the FDP paved for them.
Instead we'll get the AFD. This means only Red/Red or Black/Red since nobody wants to have anything to do with the AFD.
I'm afraid we'll get the latter...
come home white man
how dare you insult the fuhrer's tochter!
did you just assume my gend.... skincolor???
seriously: where would that be?
She's Germany's deep state puppet.
does she speak turkish
it's either to Burgerstan or middle/eastern European Country (Czechia/Poland)
they're all glad to see a migrant that would actually work for his living
Slide thread, sage
ofcourse let me provide an example:
Here you can see Merkel holding the same speech once in german, once in turkish
The Midwest. No joke, inb4 60%
We were founded on the backs of people like you, fleeing your shitholes to create a new utopia. What does it matter if you're fleeing sandniggers or cathoniggers?
I have literally never met a muslim in my entire life. There are like 20 black people in my town. We were more than +30% Trump.
This place was made for you. There's so much space just waiting for you to take it, and it will be whatever you make of it. What more could a white man want?
Reddit get back to Mexico with me where you belong.
Nice job replying to yourself, dipshit
Reported to the Deutsche Polizei for wrong thinking.
thank god this is the last soil that is untainted by the German Ministry of Truth.
(they legit debated about the Ministry of Truth)
No one even gives a shit about the elections anymore. That's been over for a while man. People just love making fun of how much of a retard he is, keep up.
yeah well now look where your utopia is headding...
For example: At first it may sound reasonable to do anything so your jobs are not outsourced internationally. But what will it lead to? Amifags need more money than some chinese children. Meaning the products will get more expensive or even lower in quallity in the long run.
Also I don't want to pay taxes to a country which is warmongering like the US is.
Don't get me wrong, a defence is neccessary. But you've won no war since 1945. So all the money invested into Korea or Vietnam or Irak or.... was pretty much wasted in my opinion... What's the point then?
It's called speak in your own fucking language instead of trying to speak that of the country you're visiting just to please some faggot press, it's a sign of national pride and awareness of your position as representative of your own country abroad
Hmm. Notice how all shill threads now get the 2-3 first replies, pretty long shit too. Do they work in tandem or is it just super fast ip switcher ?
>national pride
Money from Korea and Vietnam paid back in the victory of the capitalist system, though some undoubtedly was wasted, as was the men who sacrified there
Iraq should have paid back in oil but we fucked up. Now we have no choice but to clean up the middle east and this time for good.
Is spending your taxes housing refugees really better than spending them killing them?
Clearly it's not perfect, that's why i recommended the midwest. Here you can live the way Americans were meant to; we're untouched by the multiculti disease.
Anyway, if we can beat that disease in the long run, we're fine. America could be self-sufficient if it needed to be, you don't need to worry about the cost of your iphone m8. Goods in America are much cheaper than they are there already, even if some day our prices go up a little.
>But you've won no war since 1945.
This is what you like to believe and you will plant your goal posts wherever necessary to prove it.
Learn english, you fucking pomme de terre. MAGA!
We did it reddit
>Notice how all shill threads now get the 2-3 first replies
I noticed this too.
this is a very good next-level-meta-maymay
that was a legitimately cute response and i like merkel now
>way more than usual
you say this every day
>How hasn't she been voted the fuck out yet?
She's taken full control of her party and has eliminated any competition that could challenge her.
Now, that's how she stays head of her party. As far as being chancellor goes? Germans are traditional voters and the CDU is one of the oldest parties. So when it comes to making your little checkmark in the voting booth, people just vote what they've always been voting.
donald j trump BTFO
Ebin downvote reddit faggot. You are the type of faggot that closes his ears and screams "llama can't hear you"
She didn't have her earpiece in and she wasn't paying attention. She was confused because everyone was laughing and looking at her and she didn't know what he said.
You're crazier then a shithouss rat. That'll make some good pasta.
>le superior leader face
that's already a pasta derivative you newfag dingus
I want Guttenberg back 2bh
thanks pops
give us a dad meme
Does this bitch have downsyndrome?
I thought it was hilarious how he got taken down back then.
But now... yea, things would have been better under him.
Says the country that lost in 1945