Why are Japanese birthrates so low when you have so many sexy girls running around?
Why are Japanese birthrates so low when you have so many sexy girls running around?
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Where that picture of the Japanese nurses?
Cuz all their males are beta af and theres good sex dolls
I just want to go there and breed them, maybe they're waiting for white bulls to come to breed them since their men are betas
Because of sex toys for horny school boys
Everyone is working.
Because the only ones who find them attractive are foreigners, no one living inside Japan.
Admit it Sup Forums.
You'd wear those clothes.
Becuse nips care about work more then kids.
You have rich CEOs in the 70s who are still virgins.
Dear Anglo posters
Stop making Japanese girls thread anymore.
This board is "politically" board,not race fetish board.
stop projecting spen
i bet you would wear those clothes and touch yourself vigorously while thinking about being a cute petite girl
Implying girls think its fun to be pregnant ,
all the ones of breeding age are too old. after eight, it's too late.
Because their culture is trying once again to resist the jewelry plague that has infested western culture. Their men know how to be men. Not savage hypergamous children. The west is oversexualizing their women, you can tell it's the jew just by noting the qualities sexualized in Japanese women. Just like children, right...
Their men can't afford them. Look up herbivore males.
As someone who has lived in Japan, 99% of them are stereotypically ugly Asian looking, and the men are either too busy working or too invested in their anime waifus.
if i were to go to japan the birth rate would duble
You're right. Id wear those clothes because I'm such a sissy slut. I have cuter clothes though.
Probably this, also it's expensive I'd assume. Same as most of the west, unless you're ready to cheat the state and get your gibs (niggers and other lower humans), or you're actually so poor that you can get the gibs without cheating (poor people in general), it's too expensive to have lots of kids, or maybe even any at all if your working life demands a lot of time/effort (like in Japan).
>Race fetischism
>Not political
Oh, I don't know. You tell me, on this japanese cartoon imageboard
Hi, japan
>being this much of a cuck
Guess we have our answer. Thanks Japan
Because they want white men to impregnate them, not enough of us are around
I have been to Japan. I have been in women's fashion malls. I have walked the streets all over tokyo and akihabara. When they reach their 20s, Japanese 99% of women become disgusting. Also they are the most materialistic women in the world, men have no time for families and are some of the most feminine beta males in the world. Do you see the issue?
This. I think what happens is they take the really hot 10% of Japanese women and learn how to market them appropriately.
In the end it looks like it's working.
They do, get one worked up enough and they'll do anything for that precious semen. If you weren't a virgin you would know.
What is it with this obsession with traps, crossdressers and trannies lately? There are threads about them everyday and posts such as this one are frequent.
Girls like to be fucked
Not that you've ever indulged in pussy in your life, pussy faggot.
ummm, like its the only reason they exist
Yeah like, since Sup Forums was created.
because of feminism. When a nation abandons patriarchy, it abandons the future.
check the dubes
Sexy girls have more sex than babies
Because asian girls are as entitled (if not more) as white girls.
Japan is already over populated, why would you want more?
they don't care for the whites so much its rather shameful to be with a white man, however the niggers get a free pass well at least the 8 or so that have been in every black on jap AV ever made watch8x.com
anglos are gross race fetishers.
Why would anyone want to turn fat and have the burden on carrying that bowling ball inside of you for almost a year and them stretching your cunt 10x the size to make it come out and then your looks degrading from the stress of it all.. i am convinced women only get pregnant by accident.
Still relatively decent looking desu. Would be pretty happy to come home to her, especially if she's got some tea ready.
How new are you?
The women are smart enough to know if you have a kid with a jap dude you have to stick around with him.
Japanese guys are fucked in the head. I'd go and live their to give a nippo slut a kid and a normal life but im not learning their shitty language
post said clothes, bonus point with you in them
They like to get fucked not pregnant like you were implying idiot.
left still looks kind of cute except for those eyebrows
Looks still good to me.
hormones dude
when a woman is pregnant their body produces tons of feel good hormones and drugs
If she had eyebrows she'd be cute
the "all Japanese women are hot" meme is precisely that, a meme. not reality.
Who cares you fucking autist lmao
JIDF psyops or something.
Whatever it is, it needs to stop.
Girls may not pregnancy in and of itself, but any girl with an ounce of femininity has a desire to have children. If you weren't a virgin, you'd know this.
Many women are too masculinized and career-driven now, though.
I used to live there. Japanese girls are fucking ugly. Maybe saw 1-2 hotties in public per month. Knock kneed, pidgeon toed, buck teeth havin, no ass havin, no tit havin defcon 1 uggos.
I'll let you on a secret. They don't have sexy girls running around. Japanese girls are makeup artists. They have nothing else going on for them other than makeup skills. They look like dolls with a fixed facial expression that never undergoes a change of mood because of all the layer of makeup caked on their face.
Japanese women don't want children without marriage.
So this is why gaijin father never increasing in Japan.
Dude, you could cut her hair a bit and she would be completely indistinguishable from an average looking 3/10 male asian. You should probably get some standards. I mean, if you can afford to.
Nobody thinks that far ahead, it is an impulse of the sex drive to procreate. Once they've already gotten knocked up they project 'meaning' and other kinds of human bullshit onto their unborn child. Which isn't surprising because being a mother is very meaningful.
I don't think you would ask a caterpillar why it chooses to turn into a butterfly? It's just what they do.
dejected young men who were never taught by their fathers what it means to be men
This guy gets it.
The birth rate will go up after it goes down and adjusts. There is no such thing as a terminal population decline. There will be one, however, if you import rapidly breeding third worlders en masse and have the native population pay for it.
This is our problem in the West. We will reduce population and have dips and peaks. This is the way it should be. There is no such thing as endless growth. However, by artificially putting off the process by bringing in migrants, all you achieve is introducing a hostile, unintelligent, unproductive population that will degrade the societal cohesion, trust, and functioning.
Every time I see a Muslima with her 5 kids on the high street, I know that my taxes are subsidising her life. They don't care about quality of life because for them, it's already better than their country of origin. So they breed more and more and bring in more and more, who in turn breed more and more. Eventually, wealth producers will be overwhelmed.
So japanese males don't want to get married?
Why do they all have fucked up teeth?
It's cool, they have values
She's cute. I like both looks a lot. The first one looks less striking because you're used to females always at least putting on eyeliner before showing themselves to anyone, but if you google "makeup tutorial" on youtube you'll find a million videos of girls looking much worse without makeup, she's actually not a bad example at all.
This is before you get to know her, too. If the face and personality is good enough, that's all I need. As long as she didn't moan like in those Japanese pornos, I'd be happy.
Uh many (most?) girls fantasize about being pregnant and a mother often
They don't consciously link it to getting fucked, but women are even prone to thinking they wear thongs and cake on make-up "for themselves", so lol that they know why they do the sexual things they do
Found the nigger
she still is cute without makeup
Japanese women are fucking really ugly.
Are you fucking kidding me mate? Our pool of decent women shrinks more and more every year. At some point, we'll HAVE to settle for traps. I've seen straight up tranny queens that look 100x better than 90% of the women trying to hook up.
Stop larping achmed.