Why did Jon alienate half of his audience by revealing his power level? What he did was commit e-celeb suicide. No one is even defending him....except us of course.
>inb4 Jon makes a video apology disowning nationalism
Why did Jon alienate half of his audience by revealing his power level? What he did was commit e-celeb suicide...
Other urls found in this thread:
This is irrelevant
can this fucking eceleb nonsense stop ffs
His last tweet was on 13th. Is he okay?
>slide thread
it's called "Sup Forums is full of retarded shitposters"
Fuck off I'm not a shill.
>Guy with 3 mil subs comes out as a white nationalist
>irrelevant e celeb thread
>stop sliding our cuck threads
You have to stop with the gamergate mindset and adopt the gorilla mindset pal.
I have a similar thread up about JonTron and blocking clickbait from Windows Hosts File and possibly Google (if possible). Any chance I could get some help over at:
So he went on Sargons stream the first time; and it probably would be okay. Then he went on a second time, but it was right after and it was mostly just a friendly talk about the pewdiepie situation. It would have been okay. But he continued, arguing on twitter and then this Destiny debate thing that he was wholly unprepared for.
He's backing away from the spotlight for a bit, probably just focusing more on filming at the moment. I get the impression he feels he took the political stuff too far since its starting to affect the rest of the NormalBoots crew.
>implying he wasn't always making Sup Forums jokes
Jon pissed off the normal boots people by being interviewed by Breitbart, at a time where Jon was fairly non partisan. Than PBG has an autistic fit over it and went into a pissing match with Psychicpebbles on twitter. Jon never reveled his power level during this event.
>No one is even defending him....except us of course.
I'm not defending him. He sucked really hard in the debate.
I love him as an entertainer but he really let me down.
I can't tell if you are a dumb leafposter or a Destiny IDF
So, what, one bad debate means he deserves the shit he's getting?
Nah, he'll be fine.
Who? Sorry I'm not autistic.
Most people don't care
The conservatives also have a bigger viewer base in youtube
He can't debate but at least Destiny's career is crashing faster than Molymeme's
>a few thousand people
Half of his audience.
>this is considered white in america
kek and this heeb is ''non hispanic white''. america is 30% white at best at this point
For every jontron video that you don't watch, I'm going to watch 3.
Really made me reconsider world-view.
He's white though kek
>half of his audience
About 10,000 people unsubscribed from his channel.
37,000 subscribed in the past month.
He'll be fine.
>Than PBG has an autistic fit over it and went into a pissing match with Psychicpebbles on twitter.
Any details?
gtfo faggot
Because he knew his new fans would replace those lost, and are of a higher caliber
>Caring about e-celebs
i trought we watched this fucker because he was funny?
we should go back to our origins and love to watch tards, but at the same time pointing and laughing that them.
without idolising those retards.
>doesn't recognise the potential of e-celebs to redpill milions
b but how many of those 37 thousands a are just sock puppets?
the typical Sup Forumstard has like 50 to 100 different accounts
He did it for us Sup Forums.
Is there a highlight reel or something? I'm not gonna watch a 2 hour video.
>Doesn't recognize the potential of pooing in loo
Just what did he say exactly?
and he lost about 10,000 total subs, literally a drop in the bucket
nobody cares.
>doesn't have any arguments
>goes on shitposting as usual
Good on you fukboi
He made the mistake of being famous then losing a debate when it's so much more preferable to lose a debate before you become famous.
Race crime stats but tied it directly to race with his real name attached
He probably cares about potential future growth.
White countries should stay white.
>lost a few retarded libshit subscribers
>easily gained it back and more in no time
>the left continues to eat itself and turn moderates to our side
While I'm happy for the echman I don't really think it needs to be discussed on Sup Forums. Gotta have room for all of those "How can whitey compete" and "Look what Killary just posted on Twatter, pol btfo" threads.
>eceleb thread
Maby he did this to get out of the eceleb train.
He was right for the most part but fucked up hard debating. he implied that no matter what niggers were gonna nig. Nigs in america are the same in africa and even that rich nigs commit more crime than poor whites (only the last point being false actually)
He is a fat and greasy neckbeard unlike pewdiepie. Of course it is not going to be favourable to come out as politically incorrect
If I am gonna be insulted and discriminated at least I want a white person to do it. not this fat fuck mestizo. (that's my only complain)
Negligible damage done. Jafari made the right choice, he's on the bleeding edge of the changing times.
He's also actually funny unlike PewDiePie. PewDiePie is the fucking death of comedy sware on me me mum
>Half of his audience
Yea, ok. What ever you say
This thread belongs on Sup Forums.
nobody cares, he won't lose anyone just like pewdiepie
His subscribers are doing fine.
He lost a very small fraction of his audience, the only people attacking him are far leftists
The internet is pro freedom of speech, so they are okay will JonTron
He actually came out as an ethno-natinalist.
"Longtime Fans Of YouTuber JonTron Say They Can't Watch Him Anymore" -t (((Kotaku)))
No shit, I can't watch him anymore either because he makes NO MORE FUCKING VIDEOS ANYMORE
His ideas are fine, he just wasn't ready for him. Destiny is a master of logical fallacies and Jon just wanted to shoot the shit so to speak.
>Why did Jon alienate half of his audience by revealing his power level?
Its not as if he was making any fucking videos.
One time poo in loo makes a good post and you shit all over it.
>half his audience
You actually mean, like, 10 people.
We're not as divided as you'd like us to believe we are, shill.
He said 'thanks goys' in a vid as a dogwhistle probably listens to TDS
He will be fine. Plenty of young people are red pilled enough to know he is telling the truth.
Trump is president. Farage succeeded with brexit. Geert (fucking kike) Wilders' anti-islam party is tied for second in parliament seat numbers.
His comments are mainstream politics now. It isn't even edgy anymore.
>career suicide
>lost 5000 subs
>regain all them over the following week and is still gaining
nah m8
Hes just a Sargon level memer, dont get your hopes up
Fuck off with this bullshit
What happened to his Q&A video? I can't find it anywhere.
It's pretty clear from the streams he's done with Sargon that he's not memeing.
That was the only good part of that debate
Took it down because he said "thanks goys" and "/our guy/" and people attacked him.
He's going radio silence for almost a week now, he may have been broken.
Sargon and even alt lite cucks doesn't make 'goy' jokes thats generally something only WNs do
Can someone explain to me why subscribers matter? IGN has a shit ton of subs but their videos get dick all views. Jontron has 3 million subs but many of them arent around anymore because of his sparse uploads combined with the length of his youtube channel being out.
Meanwhile rooster teeth made a new channel that gets a million subs in a year but get a consistent 250k view average. Hell youtube has tons of dead channels still with 1 million plus subs. Doesnt it seem like view growth over time is a better metric to see how big a channel is?
>in the midst of a culture war
>doesn't recognize the victory that is all these major youtubers going redpill
waste of triple doubles tb h
Caring about subscribers is just part of the horse my friend, fact is people with lots of subscribers but few views are a diamond dozen
Who cares? PBG is a hypocrite anyway who whines about politics as much as Jon except PBG is a leftist so everyone sucks his cock about it.
Yeah he isnt a great debater, i could have destroyed every one of destinies talking points as im sure most oldfags would
>citing sources that don't exist
That can't be real. Link?
>He's going radio silence for almost a week now, he may have been broken.
Nah, he's not broken, just tired and hurt. I understand where he's coming from, he was put in an uncomfortable position (which, to be fair, he agreed to) and got humiliated for his troubles. It's like the worst fear of someone who is afraid of public speaking, and amplified tenfold because multiple websites are reporting on the whole situation and blowing it all completely out of proportion.
He'll bounce back, Jon's got a will of iron. If nothing else it gives him a reason to actually work on filming his videos.
Holy smokes!
Not that the bureau doesn't say this in other studies.
I'd care if he made a video more than twice a year. Also, WHERE'S THE VIDEO GAMES JON?
i tried looking for it, I even found the offenders demographics page, but all its shows is PDFs for victimization
AKA - dey killin our babies!
Reminder that these people are shills who are scared shitless of conservative ideals becoming the norm on youtube. They'll do anything to avoid losing one of the biggest cultural influences of our time.
Destiny is autistic as hell
>"Is incenst really bad?"
nice bait Shlomo. E-celeb threads are reddit-tier kikery and you are a massive faggot
yea sure we all keep 100 different youtube accounts
>people who subscribe to things i don't like must be sock puppets
Who is JohnTron and why he is /OPsguy
Quick Run Down, Red Pill Form
>fat gamer loser on youtube
>makes youtube videos about video games
>fan base is mostly 10-15 year old nerds
>constantly makes smug faces at camera
>Not political
>Not politics
>Not educated in anything
>Spouted a /pol meme
>/pol losers who watch these faggots went crazy
>sage goes in the options field
>JohnTron is a fat loser manchild gamer, with no education or credentials. He's not someone to listen to or care about. He made youtube videos about video games. He is a loser.
If he is an ethno-nationalist and a Persian-Hungarian, to which ethno-state does he belong? I am half Anglo half Perisan, also born in USA like JonTron (never watched his show) I am asking for personal reasons too. I would say I look about as white as JonTron. Persians are exempt from the Nuremberg laws so under a Nazi regime he and I would do just fine, but the Nuremberg laws are meaningless now and probably had flaws. I agree that there is too much dark skinned blood mixed into the Iranians of today to consider them genetically close enough to ancient Iran (or Aryan, whatever that really means, because I have no idea)
This is how memes lose their value. Fucking stupid American niggers.
>checks flag
nothing to see here folks
Not really. He considers himself to be a moderate liberal who has embraced some Sup Forums thoughts. I wouldn't say he's Hitler 2.0 because he's smart enough to know you don't want floods of immigrants into a nation.
Nobody here thinks he's breaking new ground you retard.
This desu. He's saying what he believes to be true, despite it being very politically incorrect. That is highly commendable if you ask me. I'd love to see Sup Forums defend him more actively.
>still a net gain of almost 4 times the subscribers he lost
When did liberals get so strategically retarded?
Entho-nationalist =/= supremacist or purist. So he is fine with minorities, but each nation should have a majority demographic and, more importantly, culture. As for where you "belong" that depends on your culture first and what race you at least appear to be 2nd. Jon's point was it is natural for a group of people who basically founded a country want to remain the majority so they have a place to belong. Even more so when you see how much of an anti-white monolith the other races are in the US.
So he lost literally 0 followers?