>The European Court of Human Rights ruled on Tuesday (14 March) that Hungary unlawfully kept two migrants in a transit zone on its border with Serbia, in a decision that could affect the country's new plans to automatically detain all asylum seekers in border camps.
>Two Bangladeshi citizens, Ilias Ilias and Ali Ahmed, filed a suit against Hungary in September 2015, shortly after the government erected a fence on its southern borders and created two transit zones for asylum seekers to stop and control the flow of migrants.
>Hungary will have to pay €10,000 each to the two men, and a further €8,705 to cover their expenses and costs under the ruling.
We ourselves just asked the European Court if unlawfully kept some Kurds in detention center. The court has said that yes, since our own laws do not provide strong enough support to detain them.
We are about to change those laws.
Aiden Russell
PAY DEBNTS HUN. You should have shot and burried in the forrest those turbo pajeets.
Nolan Powell
wait, Bangladesh is a warzone?
Hudson Watson
hungary is shit country the dont want migrants and we dont want them in the west
Jose Green
Hey memeth.
Andrew Adams
What the fuck are Bangladeshi pajeets seeking asylum from exactly???
Nolan Price
Assad's barrel bombs have a large blast radius, these people clearly aren't safe in their homes
Matthew Nelson
Grayson Adams
>court says
What fucking court? What is this stupid god damn bullshit?
Luke Martin
you have chosen to be gayer instead of Geert, you can fuck off traitor
Ian Murphy
>(((European Court of Human Rights)))
Hungary should ban everyone involved from entering the country, issue a proclamation calling them faggots, and then start shooting the migrants at the border so they will stop complaining.
Nolan Torres
How fucking poor are you guys to have to surrender your sovereignty to the EU? Are the millions of Muslims worth it just to use the euro?
Adrian Phillips
Hungary doesn't use the Euro.
Christopher Gray
>its illegal in Europe to not open your home up to visiting Bangladeshi no-poo-loos
Colton Richardson
Ian Myers
Not yet. But they want to when their economy can handle the transition.
Dominic Bell
wtf those literal nazis detained those migrans illegally and didn't even feed them!
Sebastian Wilson
Implying they will pay anything
Alexander Parker
You say that, But Budapest is probably the nicest Continental city I have been in.
Jackson Williams
Why would anyone choose to join the Euro now?
Kevin Wright
Hungary uses Forint.
Parker Gomez
Zachary Foster
The headline should be "Hungary detained illegal immigrants" not the other way around.
Daniel Long
>Suing a country for not letting you illegally cross the border
Are we living inside of some weird satirical novel?
Ayden Morales
30K fine for two parasites? That doesn't even register on my BTFO scale.
Landon Anderson
Since detaining them is illegal apparently, you should just shoot them while attempting to cross the border.
Robert Rivera
Makes me want to visit the land my great-grandparents came from. Thanks for being so based, Hungary. Makes me proud of having Magyar blood.
Ethan Taylor
This. Why couldn't they, actually?
Serbia isn't a war zone, so they couldn't claim to be rapefugees.
Jose Stewart
Michael Myers
Brody Perry
Those poor poor refugees. From Bangladesh. Refugees. Nah Y'all should have shot them, burned the bodies and reworked the bullets into new ones to shoot more refugees with.
Brayden Perry
Muh Poverty 'n unemployment , Many Such Cases!
Bentley Davis
Oh see in the EU you don't get to make your own laws for your own people. The unelected EU bureaucracy gets to do that.
John Cruz
When y'all leave the EU what products and services can I as a burger purchase to help y'alls economy grow. Even shit. I don't care. It's all to spite Germany.
Adrian Scott
This. Make up story they were in the act of murdering a gay Muslim trans m2f Somali. And blow their heads off.
Xavier Morgan
We won't pay, fuck off. We have a gigantic castle to renovate and it won't be cheap, every Forintshekel counts.
Joshua Martin
Then why the fug are you moving here?
Henry Gonzalez
lol wut. Germany is fucked
Gavin Johnson
Amnesty and the UN is already watching us.
Adrian Green
Noone takes Amnesty seriously since they tried to pass that shit syrian jail story as proof of genocide. And the UN can't do shit without the security council telling it what to do