Slavery in europe

>most people in europe were slaves in the middle ages
let's talk about it

it was called body ownership (translated from german)

Not really, Serfdom had a rigid set of laws and regulation that prevented the abuse of power.

You probably had more Rights as a Serf than as a Citizen now.

Most people are slaves today in the capitalist system, spending even more time working (3 hour rides from home to work and back etc. ) than did peasants in the middle-ages.

The biggest lie we are taught from the school, that this current system of ours is the best, that we are more free than ever, when in reality we are more enslaved than our ancestors ever were, working for the fat pieces of shit and jewish bankers who hoard the wealth


that doesn't negate the fact, that we were owned

Peasants in Europe were able to own weapons.
Peasants in the middle ages had more rights than Yuropoors now.

Explain pls

correction: peasant were not allowed to carry weapons which main function was killing, like sword or mace. But they went around this law by carrying axe and scyte which was everyday item and could not be outlawed.

pitchforks aren't weapons

Well, I can only speak of English Serfdom. But The Serfdom model understands completely that the peasant class is the foundation of the Kingdom;- a Lord with Many knights and no Serfs is a poor Lord.

As such, the Serf class actually had extremely levels of Autonomy, they managed themselves, they maintained their own land, had their own set hours of work.

Ironically, a Serf would work around 4 hours a day, pay little tax, Have little legal obligations and enjoy fully legal protection of their Lord.

if your Lord is shit? You move. Next Lord over offers you fantastic shit, He gets more Serfs and becomes richer.

This was such a problem, Lords would KIDNAP their own Serfs, and then get fucking demolished for it.

Africans still hold africans as slaves.

Dumb commie, go live in the woods then. All peasants from the middle ages would rather work as many hours we work today if that meant doubling their life spans and getting all the comforts we have today. The ammount of work we have today is not even remotely comparable to the rewards we get from it. How much work do you think you'd have to do in the middle ages to get your newest iphone?

germany abolished serfdom in 1871

4 hours. See

Great! Now go to the woods and work four hours using middle age tools and then come back with the new iphone.

Serfdom was a two way street. I provide crops for my Lord, the Lord provides me with shit I want or Need.

So yeah, Modern day Serfdom would me run around on a tractor for 4 hours and get an iphone when I request it.

>muh iphone
>muh longer lifespan
Is an iphone really the greatest thing you have in your life, monkey? The whole everyone dying at 30 is a meme anyway because of infant mortality affecting statistics. If you weren't weak and prone to disease and weren't stupid enough to get yourself killed in an accident, once you made it to 20-25 you could live about as long or longer than people today. Physical labor is better for you than sitting on your ass for 8 hours, exercise is good for the body, it keeps you healthy.

This. One of the critical things leading up to the French Revolution was a printing press meme of a lord receiving grain from a peasant, compared to a spider catching a fly in its web. Behind that was a growing consciousness that the feudal system had gone from specialization among nominal equals to severe caste-maintaining exploitation. That didn't happen overnight.

The iphone is just an example. You wouldn't get an iphone. This is why you're a dumb communist. You can't realize that the only reason you can buy things today such as an iphone, a pc, a ps4, a car and travel by plane is because people work 9 hours a day, 6 days a week, sometimes even more in order to overproduce things so that the price goes down so that you can have a comfortable life. If people worked 4 hours a day there wouldn't be millions of iphones produce, the price would skyrocket and you would barely have enough money to buy your own food and clothes, just like in the middle ages.

Theres still slavery in Africa and de facto slavery in the Gulf. Lets talk about that.

Well that's the reason why The French rebelled while the Brits did not.

We had it on Writ. Magna Carta; a Lord abuses his Serfs, the King gives him a chop or by Divine right the King is not being the British King.

Ive only read anecdotes. Have you got a broader understanding that peasants being able to move around was the rule rather than exception?

Given that the amount of our ancestors grow exponentially for each generation (4 grandparents, 8 great-grandparents etc) quite a few of us have noble ancestors.

Also, the guy who worked for the abolishment of serfdom in Russia possibly belongs to the same family that I'm related to through my grandma. Although after the abolition we still had sharecropping (including my family) untill the 1917 revolution. Disgusting peasant scum.

Thank God I can just live off of welfare, I have so much freedom now. Oh wait I can't afford to do anything besides play games on steam and jerk off

something something german peasants war something

They were not allowed to carry swords around a town though. Only knights could do that. They could own a dagger though.

the word slave originates from slav, who were enslaved by spanish muslims.

The average lord was maybe as wealthy as a few dozen serfs back then.

The average kike billionaire is roughly 25,000 times as wealthy as the average American today.

A serf's share of his kingdom's wealth was MASSIVE compared to our own.