Out of all the times I could have been born why did it have to be this time? I mean this shit is just fucked man. You have ISIS, Iran, and Putin trying to take over the world you got a refugee crisis climate change fucking diseases like aids and Ebola going around. I think this era should be called the "era of war" since the world today is seeing more war than it ever has. I think it's unfair we were born when the world is in a state of chaos.
Why Is the World So Fucked Up Today?
Simply humans.
Oh please. We are living in by far more peaceful and plentiful times than most of history. If anything you're simply brainwashed by the media and its propensity to only report on negative news.
A small nationalistic and religious movement that is all-but stomped out.
A regional power and Shia nation that is friendly to Russia and in opposition to the Sunni oil states friendly to the US gets slandered by the media. The Saudis are by all means far worse, yet you find nothing about them in the media.
> Putin trying to take over the world
Russia claiming Crimea as their own is far less "taking over the world" than the US invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan for example. It's just geopolitics.
> you got a refugee crisis
A true issue, yes, but not a refugee crisis, but a mass-migration, or barbarian invasion along the likes that plagued the Western Roman Empire.
>I think this era should be called the "era of war" since the world today is seeing more war than it ever has
Objectively incorrect. The first world is at peace for the first time in a long time, along with the stronger second world countries. This alone makes our time far more peaceful.
Wait what is Iran doing?
Can someone red pill me on Iran. I know there was some hostage situation like 40 years ago, but what else is there really? What are they doing to take over the world? They don't even have 1 nuke yet.
Ask yur mudder.
>CIA led coup crashes the country
>turns into a Shia islamic theocracy
>has friendly relations with Russia and friends
>directly opposes US/Saudi/Israel/Oilstate/Sunni interests in the region
>US/Saudi/Israel propaganda (including US politicians like Trump and Mattis) paints Iran as a great destabilizer, evil and the greatest funder of terrorism
They're on the wrong geopolitical side, basically, so the sheep get told they're evil.
>why is the world so fucked up today
Jews. Frankfurt School. Karl Marx. Communist CIA operatives. Talmud.
You know, the usual.
>the genocide of the Jews
>no civilian deaths prior to ww2
oy vey what did (((they))) mean by this?
Nobody cared enough to count dead civvies, militaries did it to know how capable they are.
Getting rid of Jews in Europe counts as genocide.
>Iran and Putin trying take over the world.
The world has always been fucked up.
Do you perhaps think sage to be a downvote?
At first I was gonna call you a pussy, then I realized this was just a troll post. 5/10
Im saying I agree with you, Finlander
we began throwing huge piles of rice & corn at arid afrikkkan countries in the 1970s...
You whiny pathetic little leaf. You complain of a few paltry wars continents away and an outbreak of Ebola that killed tens of thousands. Yet for milenia there was constant warfare in Europe and Asia while diseases like the plague wiped out millions. You are just getting freaked out by the sensationalism and mass propagation of the media. It's not as bad as you think. Sure parts of the current reality are fucked but imagine living through something as traumatic as WWII where tens of millions of people died in the span of 6 years. This is nothing.
Too many people.
at least we can kill muslims when they invade
It could have been worse for you.
Like being born in a "camp" in Poland during December 1944.
Globalists are finnaly cutting their loose ends to impose NWO. They failed with World War 1 + League of Nations + 29' Great Deppression combo because of Hitler and National Socialism. And after WW2 they had to steer the nations in right direction under United Nations because they realized their plan can't be implemented in the time span of one generation because people will rebel. So now we got 08' Deppresion + massive immigration to break Western nations under long period of time while undermining them with usefull idiots promoting liberal views which is turning people against each other. So after all this crisis and when world collapses they will come forward with their "saviour" which people would follow to lead them to "prosperity". But no prosperity will come, only slavery and death as Globalist elites rule the world with no outer enemies to face.
OP, I feel the same way. I was born in 1978 and wish I was born 30 years earlier. Would have allowed me to see the world when our civilization was peaking while also getting to see other countries before niggers/shitskins and religious fanatics brought them to ruin. USA, London, France, German, Italy of the 1960's would have been something to see.
Now those cultures have been destroyed by sub-human cockroaches flooding those countries in the name of "tolerance" while those animals have no interest in assimilation and contribute nothing to society while obliterating the traditions, values and hard work that better races and cultures built and cultivated.
There is no hope for the future and I have no interest in this world as it is.
>Oh please. We are living in by far more peaceful and plentiful times than most of history.
An extremely myopic point of view.
With the rise of globalism, wealth inequality has been increasing to ridiculous levels. That trend will only get worse unless globalism is defeated. Also, there are other trends that are equally worrying such as increasing diseases and pollution levels. Yeah, we've never had it so good... Fucking joke.
The world is in its most stable in recent history. No post-Communism state civil wars, no nuclear arms buildup, no major European war in 70 years, only small scale civil wars (Ukraine, Syria), and we now have the ability to shitpost with anyone from all over the world.
>wealth inequality has been increasing to ridiculous levels
Which means nothing more than that there are a small group of extremely wealthy people, while the ordinary folks are by far better off than the normal peasantry and commoners of the past.
>increasing diseases
Which mean very little so long as we can treat and contain them. What do you mean by "increasing diseases" any way? Has the amount of pathogens massively increased? Are there numerous more diseases? How do you even compare them to the past where we didn't even know what pathogens are?
>pollution levels
Affect very little outside of major cities and climate change, while very financially harmful and certain to cause more mass migration, is something we can cope with.
>Yeah, we've never had it so good... Fucking joke.
It's true. The quality of life, life expectancy, human knowledge, etc. have never been this great. War, thanks to nuclear deterrence is far less likely among great powers these days as well.
Laws against rape and murder. Major cause of all world's problems.
They've failed before, they'll fail again
Hubris gets them every time
>Dumb, the post
>I mean this shit is just fucked man.
Yes. In a word, GLOBALISM. I am sure that there could be a form of globalism that was truly for the benefit of ordinary people but this not the form of globalism we have now - far from it. A few global elites are pulling the strings and most of the establishment political leaders in all Western countries are just puppets. Meanwhile, the real power has been exercised via groups such as the Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg and other organisations that have what is reality a Communist and Crony Capitalistic agenda. We can only hope that the rise in Nationalism will succeed to save Western Civilisation.
I'm fucking ancient and I can say that the future is in the hands of Generation Z.
think he is referring to the fact that many pathogenic bacteria are becoming immune to antibiotics, a well researched and recognized problem
over-hyped "problem" imo
quarantine procedures and chemo (yes, cancer drugs) can be used effectively against superbugs
Actually immigrants were brought in by the global banking cartel to maintain "economic growth".
Native populations simply were not reproducing fast enough for them to continue siphoning off the excess they require to maintain their decadent lifestyles.
It was greed, pure and simple. The elites pushing this merely convinced themselves it was in the name "tolerance", and then accused anyone who apposed them of being "racists".
Over population, under educated shitskins every where. No real major wars for more the 50 years. Basically, there's to many idiots around an not enough left to steal.
>...while the ordinary folks are by far better off than the normal peasantry and commoners of the past.
No, I'm not talking about comparing with medieval peasantry. Since the end of WWII, there has been a shrinking of the middle class and an expansion of what is looking more like a new Serf class - which is essentially a dumbed down proletariat. You can argue that the new Proletariat are still better of than they were hundreds of years ago but in a world with so much more wealth and so much more inequality, the injustice in today's context is significant. Look also at the effect of the modern day banking and monetary system that (((they))) designed to create a massive asset transfer from ordinary people to the elite - debt enslavement. It's unjustifiable.
>Which mean very little so long as we can treat and contain them.
Just to pick a few examples, levels of cancer, heart disease and diabetes are massively higher than ever before. This problem will only get worse as Globalism will continue to make healthcare more out of reach of the masses while the elites profit.
>pollution levels
...is something we can cope with.
Oh really?
yea superbugs not a huge problem today, what people are worried about is their potential in the future, and good luck with large scale quarantine in the modern world if things get nasty
>levels of cancer, heart disease are massively higher than ever before.
that's mainly because of how effective we are at treating infectious diseases, so most people now get to grow old and die of these age related diseases instead.
diabetes has more to do with peoples increasingly shitty lifestyle