So progressive!
BuzzFeed decides to recreate Playboy covers with expected results
fat bitches can be hot. these cows are ugly..
can't even assume the same pose because she's so fat
probably can't even touch her toes
Nooo, no please no
you probably can't even touch your toes
Why would any woman even agree to do this? It'd be like me taking off my shirt and standing next to Arnold in his prime. I'd look like a guppy by comparison.
t. fatso
The only way lardasses can be 'hot' is when their blubber insulates their body heat.
>so fat you cant cross your legs above your knees
Why don't they push this fat acceptance with fat men?
>thinking any mere woman can compare to Farah Fawcett, Elle macpherson or Pammy in their prime
the last one in the archive would be hot if she lost a few pounds. even the one in this pic would have a decent facial bone structure if she was thinner.
i thought the picture included this half
Literally emulating the pose of the prettier model.
>dem titays
>dat pirate hat upper lip doe
Men corporal envelope does not matter. Only the size of the bank account.
She's the only decent looking one
Okay, I get it, magazines don't put average looking women on the covers. But what did you fucking expect from a mens nudie mag?
Disregarding that, these are plus size recreations. Not all women are thin and perfectly proportioned in the real covers just as not all women are plus sized in these parodies. Neither show the "average women"
It's fat acceptance, and that's bullshit. It's one thing if you have a thyroid problem, that's genetic, can't be controlled. But this whole "real women are plus sized!" Thing is innacurate, and cancerous.
I unironically think she's hot as fuck
Am I a degenerate?
When stretch marks form, thicc has been exceeded. She an attractive girl, but she danced with the devil of fat and now she's got irreversible flab status.
no, you are just human trash.
I wouldn't call her hot as fuck, but she's cute
>using playboys logo to make money off a shitty clickbait article
lawsuit incoming
not even hot just like something to lay rather than masturbate
I would desu
Jesus fuck... Buzzfeed is disgusting.
that fat bitch has tiny legs
>those legs
Whats the point of this? Why sre they body shaming slender women?
Quote from the archive...
"This shoot proved to me that sexy is not just on the outside but also on the inside"
And as Playboy has proven over the last six decades, sexy sells. Just face the fact that a majority of men DON'T find plus size and/or overweight sexy. Had Playboy gone down that road, they'd have been bankrupt by issue #3.
they photoshopped her to be fatter, to match the fat agenda
Why can't cuckfeed be erradicated
Is buzzfeed a false opposition? It seems like at least 80% of people from both the right and the left see buzzfeed as a bunch of retards. Every time they pull a stunt like this they get backlash and criticism from all directions. I struggle to believe that any organisation can be this unaware of itself. Surely they see that they're dying, and they must realise you can only live off click bait for so long. It seems impossible to me that they could genuinely think up an idea like this and then take it seriously for long enough to actually go through with it. Every time they do this they just prove themselves wrong.
It wasn't Playboy and the like who made fat people less atrractive than healthy people.
That would be biology. Fatties are almost always going to rank lower than their thinner competition. It's why the weakminded ones that let this obvious fact of life get to them yet do nothing about it over-compensate by being sluts.
"Being fat" is not a characteristic, it's something you do to yourself. I'm fat, and I'm fat because I like eating icecream and massive portions of turkey dinosaurs and baked beans more than I like doing sit ups and squats. If I had to be thin for some medical reason, that priority would change.
All the guys saying "hot" for this guys are mesmerized by those titties.
Can't you see she is literally hiding her fat with her arms, shoving it behind her or out of frame? She is so fat she can displace part of her flab off camera and no one notices?
Fat chicks are gross.
This is a very relevant picture.
I'd sincerely like to see what the men look like that these three would immediately swipe left on their tinder profiles. Something tells me they don't grant the same "body positivity" to men that they expect us to give them.
You can't re-define what people find sexually attractive. Just stop it.
i'd fuck that desu
why tho
Buzzfeed really is the worst, it's not just because of bullshit things like the OP.
It's aggregated clickbait, that mainly makes money off of pushing content they didn't create. When they do actual journalism, it's usually lazy pabulum, written by someone without a journalism degree, who is never held accountable if they fuck up, because, guess what, they're not real journalists.
It's a brilliant business model, really, all your employees require low pay and minimal training, and you make a killing through ads and clicks, with content you stole through a legal loophole.
man you can't make this shit up
People actually buy Playboy?
Thought it was an old grandpa thing when people lacked Internet and computers.
Have you ever been really horny in a place with no/very little internet connection?
Might need a good stockpile when shtf.
Jesus Christ the pure cancer coming from this...
This is good and they should keep doing it. Its going to redpill the normies, they are going to see thesr meatbags next to these beautiful women and theyll want the beautiful woman more. Same way normie women are going to see this and they will want to be the thin girl.
Fat is unhealthy and will never be aesthetic, we might win this one boys
>tfw so fat you can't cross your legs
True, but that's what laptops with picture folders are for.