Is this really what all girls would look like if Hitler won?

is this really what all girls would look like if Hitler won?

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Flat as fuck and no ass

thank god he lost.

t h i c k q u e

> No ass


Are you a Negro and need big ass? Elegance is what counts

Like a Mongrel American? No, people in Germany would look like Germans, people in Sweden would look like Swedes, people in Britain would look like Irish, Scotts and English.

It's obviously photoshop

No, this

Flat is best

No, there has to be Juice. Noelle easton is perfect for example.

>when you say LMAO too much

An ass that flat is the height of degeneracy desu.

This is what all boys would look like.

meh, id still eat her ass

im not white btw

she's skinny fat

If you were taytay for a day, what would you do?

Choose between OP and this or your mother dyes in her sleep tonight.

They would look like boys, mainly because faggots ran the youth organizations.

God she's beautiful.

And I usually go for Jewish girls.

take naked pics of myself from every angle and sell them for millions when i return to my normal body the next day

>twinklets with no arse, thighs, booms or any form of curves

No. And it would be depressing if all women looked like that.

Also most Germans have brown hair. Not to mention Italy, Spain (sort of), and even a non Caucasian country like Japan was on their side.

The only difference you'd see, is no niggers in Europe.


Fucking nigger

Taylor Swift is not even attractive, shes flat as fuck, dont why shes so popular on Sup Forums.

Regression to the mean. They'll always be the same number of uglies. Maybe not as fat though

those contours are art

I hope he goes Black just to spite Sup Forums for worshiping a blonde whore.

What? And the choice is easy, desu. That woman isn't very attractive


>pop star performing ghetto-lite songs

Top laff.

what a fucking mess

>isn't very attractive

>no niggers

I'll take it

Thanks God he didn't...


Now that's a nice body.

Then thank fuck that stupid commie bit down on cyanide.

>dont why shes so popular on Sup Forums


I remember when being slim was considered sexy, not obese nigger bodies.

Are you virgin or just a fag?

No, they would look like Angela Merkel
pic related






I rather have a woman with a pretty face that is "flat" with no "ass" instead of apes with their inflated ass how the negro likes it

>flat as fuck

You say that like it's bad.

Low test beta, i bet ur into traps too

>Fake ass tiddays

>dont why shes so popular on Sup Forums.

Not everyone is nigger lover mr 56%

Both fatties and flatties are no good

Exactly this.


this. feels good to have taste.

And would men look like pic instead of all these cucky and flabby men?

I don't like blondes.

I don't like tall girls.

But Swifty is a fucking goddess. It's not just her look. I've never even masturbate to her. She's just a goddamn amazing waifu.

She makes me understand royalty.

>Cherrypicks the one attractive photo of Swift in existence
Wew well done


big boobs look disgusting as a woman gets older
anything larger than a B cup is unacceptable
only nonwhites like fat asses anyways, any "white" man that does needs to check their lineage

id rather be into a nigger with big tits and a nice ass than something that could pass as a trap

taylor is the exception though

t. eternal cuck

meant for

Way hotter actually.

The Kraut gets it.


It's better to have best of both worlds. If you lived in L.A you would change your mind :)

What a retardeed argument.

Why no middle ground? No a lot of men like a reasonable arse, and some nice curves on a woman to breed with. That doesn't mean they want Nicki Manaj's arse either/.

Face is important, but then the body shape.


dont embarrass yourself

>Flat as fuck and no ass
Mehmet detected

She's kinda perfect in this photo.

just my type desu
small and tight ass

I don't understand why people consider you testosterone levels based off what you find attractive. I'm 6'2" 215 lbs and can deadlift 325 yet I like b cup girls with tight butts. Wanting to fuck jiggly silicone doesn't make you high testosterone; it just makes you a nigger or honorary nigger.

How's Denmark o'shaughnessy

Pale whites like Taylor age like shit cheese, just look at Madonna.

Brunettes age the best.

What, are you a faggot?

It doesn't make sense. Her music is kiked and she's friends with niggers and other subhumans. She's also a whore who's fucked tons of men and written songs about how she's a creepy stalker and vindictive ice-queen. She belongs in a noose. At least pop stars like madonna and Britney were openly degenerate and honest sluts. T swift is just a liar and hypocrite, even though she's probably fucked more guys than both of those bitches.

There are a lot

How can liberals even compete?

Yeah how about a women with a pretty face that is not flat with a nice ass you gigantic faggot? False dichotomy is such a gay fallacy jesus
Her body is still embarrassing, and her face is ok. She's not ugly but she is the definition of over hyped. A classic 7.

Poor mans Karlie

t. Mahmoud from Angola


I'm TS irl btw

madona is jewish

Madonna messed up because she did nothing but work out her arms instead of legs like a lot of women do
taytay is a cardio bunny


Here's another pic related

>implying it's impressive

That is a shitty total, 2x body weight or you are betacucked, deadlift is the easiest lift

>Can deadlift 325lbs

Wow - so strong.


in the background
>feminism intensifies

>posting coalburners

777's confirm

I agree with you but that is a shitty weight. I'm the same height and weight doing double that

engaging beast mode in 3, 2, 1..

My queen

Madonna is a kike and drug addict.