How are you Americans gonna fix this?
How are you Americans gonna fix this?
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Nuclear backed debt jubilee attempt, then starvation followed by nuclear war
it can be paid off during the next economic boom. america's credit rating is still excellent
Their credit rating is excellent because the rating agencies are theirs to begin with.
QE1 2017 economic growth was first estimated by FED to be a month before 3.5% and now it has been downgraded to 0.9%.
And for US to outgrow the debt the economic growth should be a solid 4% in every single fiscal quarter of the Trump presidency. And that is not happening right from the start.
Not just our problem, it's the entire world's problem - everyone is drowning in debt (except for maybe Africa but that's because they're a basket case and full of niggers).
As to how it gets resolved? Crisis after crisis happens and they'll print more money after each one. Eventually it'll be like Zimbabwe here.
First country that decides to back their currency with something real, becomes the new reserve currency of the 21st c.
Global debt to GDP is like 350%.
Economic collapse and WW3.
redpill: debt is made up
> How does national debt work
The US owns most of its own debt anyway and dictates most of the rules, it also makes and controls its own money supply unlike countries like Greece.
that graph is bullshit because it pretends like we didn't have a massive debt during and immediately following WW2. it also conveniently stops in 2009(?)
Foreign countries own almost half your debt
americans pls pay debt
We aren't.
Between this, the approach of peak oil which has only been slightly delayed, the population of the earth hitting mouse Utopia day 600 levels, and the number of powderkegs like the South China Sea, the Korea's, and the middle East, there will definitely come a reckoning.
The Zero Hour is coming. Let's hope at least a few of us live through it.
We don't, we just default and say
>have a problem? come and take it
And all the little socialist countries that blow their budget on socialized programs and forgot to build a military get cucked
>First country that decides to back their currency with something real, gets bombed back to the stoneage
Libya tried to introduce a gold backed Dinar for Africa to use.
>it also makes and controls its own money supply
You have no fucking idea how money is created do you?
Uh huh....Made up so it is to tax world citizens into slavery.
you don't need to?
anyway, learn japanese
japan will either become multi-culti or go natsoc soon
Do you?
The money supply in the US is controlled intranationally entirely.
Japan is a global leader in robotics and automation. They're gonna be fine.
Unfortunately anime culture is causing the Japanese population to decline
Japan is over-populated as it is and automation helps with the labor shortage and creating enough surplus to care for the elderly. Unskilled immigration hurts economies, not help them. Skilled immigration helps.
I guess we aren't both parties can't bear to present to the electorate the real necessity or either massively raising taxes or massively decreasing spending, or what is mostly likely necessary, both.
Had we more a sensible popular like in the UK, who recognized how utterly hopeless is their own Bernie Sanders, despite how often he publicly laments the heartless cuts the government continually makes, and recognized that austerity is inevitable for the time being, we could perhaps extricate ourselves from this mess. But we don't.
To whoever is saying our situation is better than it is, we are still projected to perpetually add more to our debt every single year than is added to our tax base, and even our economy, which is absolutely, positively unsustainable.
I can't blame a single president or a single party more than the other, they'll all to blame, and just about every single year for the last fifty years has not been financially sound, with the exception of several of Bill Clinton's. Going back to the most recent ones, the amount of deficit spending that happened under Obama was disgraceful, and much better was the response of the Tory government of the UK of austerity. Still, in some ways, Bush was even worse, it spent massive amounts of money in decent times, (when interest rates, while artificially low, were much higher, thus making borrowing expensive), and which even resulted in greater increases to the interest payments because of how high interest payments were, despite the borrowing being done at a much smaller rate. In any case, just about any Congress or President that has added more in a year or term or presidency to the debt than was added, not to the economy, but the tax base, has failed in my book financially, because that's a policy that is not only unsustainable, but the increased debt actually makes it more difficult for future governments to spend in a sustainable way.
>Skilled immigration helps.
You aware are that the corollary of this is that immigration should be minimized in counties when there's high unemployment, correct?
I understand this. That's why I'm arguing for Japan to go nationalist.
I also want to make the point that if so countries, (even those who engage in austerity during recessions), are going to still raise massive deficits during recessions, they have to begin to develop a sustainable course of doing so, which I only see is made possible through raising surpluses during boom years. Keyes, despite being wrong about everything, seems to have imbibed anything good around him through osmosis, and adopted the mentality that spending has to be sustainable in the long run, (even if he thought recessions could be solved quickly through deficit spending). Had he lived in this age, he probably would have dispensed with such necessities of bothering to raise surpluses in good years. Still, I think this mentality that he couldn't escape is quite right, and that regardless of whether somewhat strict austerity should be pursued with some deficit spending, spending should go on as usual, or spending should actually be increased during recessions, (which is what the U.S. did during its recession, disastrously in my opinion), large deficits will be raised, and if you contract deficits during boom years, (like the U.S. did under Bush), or even just about balance the budget, (like most other countries), you are pursuing an unsustainable financial course.
Alas, what politician or what party could even force the U.S. to face the necessity of actually a balancing the budgets, something that happened nearly twenty years ago almost entirely due to the tech boom.
trump is going to make Canada pay for it. He has a Sekrit Plan.
We're not doing that great but looking at this it seems like Canada is worse off in every way but raw numbers. In fact surprisingly our Debt:GDP ratio is improving.
At least be honest leaf, it's much worse. Its $20 Trillion.
$10 Trillion under Obama alone. It's almost like the dude was trying to fuck us up.
>In fact surprisingly our Debt:GDP ratio is improving.
You sure about that?
Believe it or not, you are shitposting, and the same would be equivalent if you posted something equivalently anti-Obama.
Congress has the power to mint $20 trillion and pay it all off.
Just going off of that clock, yes. The debt's growing but GDP's growing faster. It's improving but not by much, you can easily find charts showing that it began to decline in the second half of 2016.
The entire financial system is ours to begin with
Well... (((ours)))
Its now at 108%
Trump better start cutting corner fast