Ignore it if you will, but from now on you know your worldview is fundamentally flawed.
Sup Forums absolutely BTFO
>costa rica
>Fuck I love smartphones, videogames and fastfood
>dies out
Wtf? Fuck drumpf and fuck white people
Then explain how did NatSoc Germany did so fucking well when U.S was have the worst econamic depression in its history when it had free trade?.
Also NatSoc Germany did had Free Trade
Free trade
>how much for that slave?
>Every trade benefits the country and its people
The concept of autarky does seem pretty neat, though.
> Doesn't show the retard country flooding the other country with its people
> Implying trade or economy is the only aspect of nationalism
> Implying you can't be primarily nationalist and also in favor of mostly free trade but not open borders
Libertarians' autistic inability to recognize that some things matter other than the economy like culture and also their refusal to reconcile that humans are different is why they are
a. retarded
b. an irrelevant laughing stock
>trying to convince people who never leave the basement that interaction with others is great
yeah, you're fighting an uphill battle son
free trade =/= free movement of people.
you can trade and still be nationalist. The nation is not consumer goods wtf?
Psh. Sup Forums is so insecure they disagree with everything if you write "Sup Forums btfo"
holys hit
trade is fine, we just don't need to import the people and their values, especially if they don't comply with ours.
In libertarian world view wars dont exist thus depending on everyone else for everything is ok
Reality doesnt work like this
Why don't libs ever address the effect that offshoring manufacturing to countries with lower environmental regulations has on pollution/climate change/etc.?
They act like just charging ourselves more taxes is going to save the planet while the process of offshoring shit to China continues unabated. What's up with that?
>protectionism = isolationism
That's why you offer your boipucci for $2 every night
but the USA actually is the best at making everything. we invented all modern technology and there is absolutely nothing any other country can do better. the USA has nothing to gain from trading with other countries except cheap slave labor because some shitty politicians made slavery illegal here and made a ridiculously hire minimum wage law. but now with robots replacing minimum wage workers, we will soon have literally nothing to gain from trading with other countries.
the rest of the world can go ahead and have free trade, but you're not getting anymore free handouts from America.
>posted from my ASUS
So many NatSoc here and many don't know what a nation is...
>If we embrace nationalism then we'll lose out on all that great Mexican and Somalian talent
really gets my almonds going famalam
But who are going to flip our burgers?!?!?!!!!!!11
Perhaps when your country can't make anything worth a shit this is true, but for us Americans we can actually make the best of everything. The only thing we can't compete with is third world slave labor costs.
Really though. I buy a pair of like 20 dollar clippers made from china they fucking warp and break. I buy a pair made in the USA for alot more, they work fine even after 10 years. Chinks have shitty metalurgy.
"Free trade" is Jew-speak for international finance and trans-national banking.
>The only thing we can't compete with is third world slave labor costs.
yes you can, with less regulations and taxes. You have better technology. Stop the wellfare state burgerbro!
>[[[(((Free)))]]] "Trade"
>What is protectionism.pdf?
>What is self-determinism.txt?
>What is distributism.exe?
Start reading good goy fgt.
>What is a leppo?
>nationalism is the polar opposite of free trade
You didn't even invent the car.
Protip: you can have both nationalism and free trade.
US did NOT have free trade at that time; our tariffs were very high, especially after the Smoot-Hawley Tariff.
And Nazi Germany was up to its eyeballs in debt. It attacked Poland at the time it did so that it would not have to pay back its creditors for the debt it would otherwise have to roll over. Hjalmar Schacht, the architect of Germany's recovery, knew it was unsustainable.
Get rekt faget
>So you see because we have our own nations and we have laws to protect them it means we can never ever in the history of ever with each other
>It has never happened
>Even though we have plenty of historical records that show even the ebil boogyeman that was Nazi Germany trading with other nations