How do we fix the Finnish autism problem? Pic related, from a Finnish bus stop.
Finnish autism
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By making a larger picture for us to investigate
showing boypussy
sunlight. so maybe it's not possible.
Looks kinda comfy and it sure as hell beats bus stops in China.
Yuo put benis in bagina
this is now a finnish bus stop imageboard
why do you guys do this?
That is not autism that is master race personal space
What is wrong with that ? Its comfy as fuck not to have to worry about people hearing when Im telling my GF how Im gonna cum on her face at home.
>why you do this
>literally states why we do it
Or you mean drink beer or eat sausage part? I dont know, beer is fucking good and sausages are tasty?
>his gf is some fat tinder slut because finns can't into natural conversations
Stop invading my personal space by reading my comments REEEEEEEEEE
There is literally nothing wrong with respecting others personal space. Only an uncivilized monkey would think otherwise.
scandinavians in general are hellishly picky about personal space.
Sounds like a good time to be honest
It was hot or not actually but she aint fat, she's into fitness, else I wouldnt fitness this dick in to her peepee place.
>cant into natural conversations
What is friday and bar night? What is tori ? These are natural Fingolian environments for conversations. Not fucking bus stop. One of you autists started sperging me about their game collections once at bus stop and started showing dvd collection pictures and telling me about their phone. Dont do that.
what did they mean by this?
Let us enrich them
Its pretty good. The from hot to cold to hot is really refreshing. Come to our forsaken frozen land and we'll do that.
It's the Finnish space program
Basically the only Finnish police academy
No don't come here, it sucks.
Eiksme saatana Pekka sovittu ettei tänne päästetä ketään.
Maybe I will Finn, I'm looking to hit Japan before the 2020 Olympics and/or they get nuked by NK, but that can wait another year or so. When's a good time to visit? How much Finnish do I need to know? I've got perkele down.
Tainnu kansanedustajat unohtaa ettei päästetä ketää. Yks jenkki tänne ni saahaa puol suomee aseita siltä ja voidaa vihdoinki tehä jotai noille mutakuonoille.
The top line says "police school" in finnish,
the second line says the same in swedish
Probably because there are Moors around him.
How do they start?
I assume the first person stands way in front, then the second way in the back, and third in the middle.
But when the fourth arrives does number 3 need to move to make space?
I am going in to a sauna in 5 minutes.
It personally helps with circulation, I usually take a extremely cold shower after the session. I also feel it "cleanses" my body from all the shit. Numerous health benefits from what I understand. I take sauna everyday 45min session.
Non I think, most young generation people speak english when needed but most are ashamed of their speaking skills, but if you head to a bar they'll be more than happy to share their whole life in english if needed.
This pic is bullshit, Italians are worse than French.
Finns are asocial, not autistic. If you're an actual autist you'd have really hard time here since our social culture is almost completely based on discreet indications and speechless communication.
Is this true?
They're just one step away from ripping off their skin.
True, pretty sad desu. Usually people try to sit 1 person per table, if it's crowded then pic related
Doesn't everyone carry a knife though?
A friend of mine went to Finland when he was studying abroad in Estonia. Said the Finnish people were the most kind and awkward people he ever met. They'd like hand him an iPad to do a survey then walk away then come back and take it like he wouldn't steal it. All while being very friendly and awkward. Sounds like a fun time
So to sum up the average Finn
>P E R S O N A L S P A C E
>Keep your Pukko handy
>Drinky the vodkies
>Intense appetite for fish
>Meme machines
>Tar based soda pop
That about right?
thats strait up illegal in most places
>>Intense appetite for fish
More of a norwegian thing, cold-smoked salmon is a food of the gods though.
Yeah, and? It's only illegal if you get caught with it.
I live in Cook County and because of all the blacks killing each other it's illegal to have a knife over 2.5 inches in length on your person unless you have a valid reason (carpentry, fishing, etc.)
Tar based shampoo is also extremely popular
Domestic violence
Backstabbing (Never say anything straight to face, instead talk behind back) is also extremely finnish way to deal with things
That pic, oh jeeebus
> Typical
It's a bunch of words, we just spell them together. Like if you would spell police car, it becomes poliisiauto so that it's like one word
All this thread does is make me want to move to finland, it would be so nice to live somewhere where extroversion wasn't the cultural norm
Oh I get it, by combining words you limit the time you spend interacting with somebody
everyone, who goes to sauna, does this.
It's similar here too, in small cities usually.
in the united states, you are expected to socialize, and you're going to ENJOY it
if you don't, you might as well give up any hopes of going anywhere in life
it's disgusting
Isn't there a Finnish word for staying at home alone and getting drunk in underwear?
>Tar based soda pop
Never heard of that but tar based shampoo makes your hair smell nice
You´re delusional. If some autist Finnish people who use fucking Sup Forums want you to believe that this is the autism: country - you´re wrong.
People chitchat all the time, extremely social people at places like work, social skills praised highly.
You´re gonna get your shit handed to you if you think this country is some autism-land where you are welcomed as some "ONE OF US! ONE OF US" simply because you lack basic social skills.
It is true that there may be less babbling like things "How are you mate" "Hey what´s up" might be forgotten and people get straight to the point but if you cannot hold basic conversation people are gonna laugh at you for being a fucking asocial burger failure like in any other country in the world
Import more niggers
Same here
It's a nation of risk-averse social vampires
Kalsarikännit, literally meaning getting drunk in your underwear at home
It's sounds like a magical place
Never tried it myself, but it's made in Finland
Thanks, m8
You don't know what you are missing.. This is amazing and absolutely a must when you go into sauna.
sounds pretty comfy, as long as you aren't dick shy
What about sauna
Where is it at? At your house?
How much of this personal space thing is just a meme? I imagine the autism in Finland is strong enough that now that it is a stereotype individuals are deliberately conforming to the personal space thing as a kind of Finnish pride.
Why should we fix it?
that drink tastes like heaven
It is like this in Norway as well. I love it.
That sounds like a nice experience.
I wish i could go to a sauna or hot springs, it'd be good for my shitty joints.
Sounds healthy
so sweden is to finland like mexico is the america
Better than an american bus stop where you get shot or possibly savagely beaten by nigs
Isn't that so if a car slides off the road its easier to avoid it?
So the Fins know about Islamic driveby attacks in France and Germany?
We are very considerate people and thus we keep personal space, as not to offend other people. We are not such spergs that we will keep personal space if it causes too much trouble, but some people wont sit at bus if there is only empty seats next to a person. Personally I just ask if I can sit and sit there. Funny thing is, I've seen foreigners do the same, probably because they've seen it and thought it to be a norm.
how do you say boipucci in binnish?
Seriously tho, how do other countries wait for a bus?
poikapimpsa but I dont think its common expression.
As a Fin, do you dislike this stuff, pictures of which I see frequently. Climatically old climate, emotionally cold people?
Also: Do you people suffer from sunlight deprivation/depression?
*Climatically COLD
Yes at my house. Public saunas are for the gay
here in America, we skip all that BS and just carry handguns and knives both
>autism and women pander to yellow fever
Is Finnland the real utopia for weebs?
We all had one who looked like that in our class
>cold climate
Yeah it sucks but i take pleasure in suffering
>emotionally cold people
We are cold it apathetic way and its great cause im not a fucking woman.
>do you people suffer from sunlight deprivation/depression
Yeah, there is word for a depression that occurs when days become darker but I take vitamin D supplements all year long so its not so biggy for me. Moreso the fact that I cant do shit or hang out outside fucks me.
my dream is to have a depressed GF who only spends max 30 min a day in the same room and only talks to me twice a day