Did Sup Forums steal his soul?
What's he thinking right now?
He has a new project--he and two other guys post their coordinates and fans are allowed to pick them up and take them wherever.
This is not a joke.
My dear lord. This is going to be good. Please tell me it'll be on camera.
>"fans are allowed to pick them up"
>drop them off in Syria
I'm going to take them to Sealand.
o shit , do it , do it please
if not , put them in bolivia
"He will not divide us" is a meme now
I think that was his goal to create the meme.
he's probably drunk and thinks about killing himself, you broke him you monsters!
>publicly humiliated and cucked by internet neo-nazzies
Despite his obvious social miscalculation I like Shia leboof.
I heard he was hard to work with when an actor (maybe true) . Seems to me though he tried to go another way other than just self. In my eyes he gets a thumbs up for that.
>Until June 2016
You retard
I believe in him to create best IRL game ever.
I hope HWNDU Season 4 takes place in Aussie. Heard he's got some kinda art collection or something there.
can't wait for the next round
I think he has some legitimate mental condition. Something has broken in his mind.
I bet he is going to implement hundred different flag poles while the livestream skips to another one every second.
I can't wait
that would cost a lot in bandwidth
yeah & that transformers money isn't going to go far
If LaBouffe est at least a bit clever he will do a Zyklon B
>Sup Forums will literally kidnap shia and guard him as a HWNDU trophy
Someone should take him to Compton or some other black ghetto and leave him behind.
bring shia to me and i'll show him why you need that wall.
its over you dumfuck
Yes, most probable solution, albeit boring and unoriginal. Bunch of flags everywhere and every retard encouraged to send their stream to him, probably taking only from those that in the inner circlejerk to prevent hijacking. And stream switching every N-time to another flag. Not like we couldn't find many of them, but there's a little to no point.
If he's in LA I could probably drop him off in Tijuana over a weekend and you can take it from there.
What's a bolivia?
I really wish it happened in Brazil do I could be the one to break him
Feels bad living in an irrelevamt country, senpai
Nobody ever used my edit. It was so good.
>implying that would stop us
Never underestimate the power of autism. We would probably band together and take screenshot at every skip until we have a confirmation of their position. Hell even if he do it inside a building some guy would probably hack the stream just to find the IP and its location.
They simply can't win.
You wouldn't want to know.
saved it m8, I'll make use of it
here's mine
Transformers star > pedophilic music videos > assaulting minors in front of a livestream >guarding flagpoles in the middle of bumfuck nowhere with a baseball bat
What a ride
I'd have said they were more incestuous pedophilic music videos. I think he's supposed to be the father.
Dis gun be gud.
>Sup Forums picks up Shia
>dumps him out of the country
>tip top lel