Fuck you

I used to be a social butterfly; partying and drinking like all the normal kids. Then I discovered Sup Forums, and now I can no longer indulge in these kinds of activities, as the normalization of such degenerate behaviour is ruining our society.

And since partying/drinking is the only way Danish youth like to socialize these days, I'm stuck here on my own.

I just want to be normal like everybody else. I had it for a while, but you ruined it.

I'm only 22, and you managed to turn me into a grumpy old man.

Fuck you.

Other urls found in this thread:


You're lonely?

Go be a fucking leftist.

How am I supposed to turn back from this?

Good luck with your feelings, union citizen!

Lol fuck you retard, yesterday i was partying and today im in a fucking hangover... Who says you cant read this crap forum and have fun like a normal human?

You are a fucking autistic retard. KYS NAO

don't feel bad user, who needs rl "friends"? most people suck anyway

>partying and drinking like all the normal kids
That's degenerate.
>turn me into a grumpy old man.
I'm 49 with wife and kids. All my money goes to them. Being grumpy comes with age.
Being optimistic and hopeful is important. There will come a time in your life when you feel that life is too much.
Hold the line. Weather the storm.
Life can be hard. But also beautiful.
Have a pic of my kitchen. Just because I've bought a new camera.
One's body slows down. Memory changes - remembering the distant past is easier than short term memory.

How come scandinavians are such conformist normies? It's embarrassing to behold.

Congratulations you got off pleasure Island before you turned into a baying jackass sold into slavery.
You've had your axiomatic presuppositions blown out from under you. That's the stress you're feeling. Cortisol is through the roof.
You need to sort yourself out.

>wife and kids, plural
>that kitchen
Are you smurfs?

go back to partying and drinking

socialize and get a gf

marry said gf

THEN stop partying and drinking

have twelve white children

Jesus. That sounds horrible.

by changing the world so it fits you

We're a very small minority, my man

He's got a point

Good thing I was always an oddity.

If you want to socialize with regular folk, just do it.
The only one stopping you, is your own inner conflicts and issues on the matter.

Also, there are many forms of social activities aside from degenerate nonsense.
You just need to put some effort, and find the right people to do those things with.

If you want a good advice-
This guy has good advice.

Sup Forums'd
you belong to 'us' now

Waste of youth. Be brave, Breiviks

>living at denmark
>being 22 years old
>not drinking and socializing every day

the fuck are you doing? you were lucky enough to be born in there, enjoy it faggot

>i used to be a degenerate
we saved your soul. you are among better people now

ffs, clean your place up. people like you give us a bad name