Why are South Americans communist?

Why are South Americans communist?

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cause fuck the us

Dunno, but almost all of them adore Che Guevara and think Marx was god. Every. Single. One.

because they are poor, or was it the other way around?

mongrelized spics tend to be very left leaning
just look at usa's mexican population and how every central/south american country is shithole

The soviet union paid off the weak and the opportunists to spread their ideology

yes it is not really due to the fact that we have been forced to be under your sphere since ever

Because people who actually lived there remember what it was like living under right wing juntas that Sup Forums fetishizes

>pope with communists
>communism is staunchly anti-religion
what? then again, this pope is a huge commie fucktard who supports islam
really makes you think

>what is liberation theology


Lies. bascislly every country surrounding Venezuela is extremely repilled to the dangers of communism and Marxism. Go to Colombia the people there are ultra capitalist.

Like mud monkeys know how to make a decent country on their own

>ultra capitalist
that is it if you are rich

>mfw you realize americans unironically gave up their global hegemony due to the fact of being scared of brown people
and now you claim that we are pathetic

Because people are dumb as shit.

there will soon be more white people in some South American countries than in the USA. and the white people in South America are smart enough not to race mix. Unlike the cucks in America.


>Jesus crucified on the sickle and hammer
>Communism literally killing faith

Forces you to contemplate, eh?

Lmao all you have to do in South America to be rich is be white.

Sounds like you're legitimately a hue monkey

Lol stop posting on the chan you're giving us South American the reputation of being fucking monkeys

He came out after that and denounced it and said Morales was retarded for doing that.
What? Not really, it's a corrupt, drug-fuelled shithole without a defining political ideology. By US standards they'd be very left wing.
Still a part of Catholicism even if it's retarded commie bullshit, basically an extension of the Jesuits.
I doubt most of Sup Forums even knows much about the Right Wing juntas in South America but things aren't terribly better now in the countries where they were a thing.

Because the Soviets infiltrated South American Seminaries because the church since it was such an integral part of South American society
No lie that's what happened

Is that the Viareggio Carnival? Nice.

>scared of brown people
>not seeing it as forced civilization through assimilation
keep telling yourself that anyone fears you, mudman

> Lmao all you have to do in South America to be rich is be white.
What? Are you retarded or just ignorant? Spics and niggers in America are on average richer than white people in most South American countries.

As it was in Europe in the beginning of the 20th century, there was a crescent socialist feeling of the workforce in most south American countries
> ww2 happens
> right-wingish nationalist dictatorial regimes take over countries like Brazil, Argentina and Chile
> commie cucks are tortured and persecuted
> the regimes end
> a part of the population starts to praise the commies( mostly the youth, like mr Bergoglio)
> so does the media
> shithole.exe

>Because the Soviets infiltrated South American Seminaries

It's a cycle. We got poor because of communism and became more communistic because of poverty

yeah you guys are forcing so much civilization that you are building a wall from preventing them coming

Yeah because the peso in South American countries is shit. But to live well in South America the only thing you need is to be white and intelligent. it's like you're completely forgetting about the cost of living of the countries.

Marxism peddles to the poor and disenfranchised, feeding them false promises and the morons gobble it up because they don't know any better.

They've seen the shitty side of capitalism that nobody here talks about.

Muh Che, muh dictatorship.
Also a lot of the people in power used to be part of communist terrorist organizations.


Maybe if the US hadn't overthrown democratically elected left-leaning governments to install murderous right-wing dictatorships that would save us from "muh evil commies" americans and capitalism would be viewed much better around here. Also, centuries of imperialism and foreign capitalist powers meddling in our affairs.

I'm not even a commie, btw. These are just facts.


Not me.

We are not communists, you should understand, you uneducated pastaboy, that every country that have reached any degree of development started with a very strong socialism state policy, that is including the US.

Latin America is fighting for its plenty development in our way we had been diverted by the communism ideas, that were bad ideas.

But a strong state, that supports honest private enterprises is still needed for infrastructure development, and to create opportunities for the needed people, thus, the new generations will become more likely to contribute actively for the progress of the nations.

We aren't africa, something that many of you would like to see, a region in which anarchy reigns, without society cooperation, and blinded from the reality by some opportunists and exploiters lies.

>Lmao all you have to do in South America to be rich is be white.

Man , i wish that was true.

Peru has adopted free trade



If Chile hasnt declared his state as the last remain of nazi Germany its because they arent Aryan, but take that off and they will march and pledge loyalty to the fuhrer

because fuck capitalism and fuck Monroe doctrine

They didn't overthrow Venezuela's left wing government an look how they turned out

Better dead than red

Funny thing about SA is the jews don't run it...the others jews do...the fuggin ITALIANS! Most of the politicians down there have italian surnames for a reason.

My president is Jewish. He is from a wealthy polish family persecuted in ww2; he has US and Israeli passports too.

no wonder he is so against Brazil and pro-US

>being this retarded

He said that to live well in SOUTH AMERICA you basically just need to be white. He didn't say whites in third world countries were richer than shitskins in first world coutries (on average)

Peru is against no one. We are pacifist, we are persecuting Brazilian companies related to Odebrecht for doing criminal activities and stealing from the national treasury. Nothing personal huehuehue

>tfw you have Italian surname

If you're white and not a retard you can do well in south america, I will be down there in about 6 months if all goes well.

Is this mocking the Pope or supporting him? I can't tell


excuse me?

Excuse me?

>cause fuck the us
I don't see how that helps them, all that embracing communism does is screw over the South American countries. It's not like the countries are going to war with the USA or anything, so they aren't hurting us.

Poor people tend to make bad choices.

Thats why you need a white minority govt or a right wing dictator to make good choices

Years of CIA/soviet bullshit
There's commies and anti commies here

he understands the context of the particular work of art
>he did not find it offensive
Cucktholics need to find a real church or start another protestant movement.


I don't know, but it is a good reason not to let them in in big groups, they all think the Goverment should take care of you from birth to grave and think the Goverment should should you jobs.
This is why I always laughed at the media meme of 'Latinos are a untapped republican voter' hahahahhaa, no. Maybe a very small north Mexican group is like that, but most Latinos are VERY leftist.
That's why they are okay with taking food stamps, welfare, whatever.

Thanks for the back up chile. You're a cool guy.
