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Remove kebab

How about you build a fucking wall so not so many migrants cross over from Turkey? I mean, you would think at this point the Greeks would overthrow their government. What is the best party now that Golden Dawn is banned?

desu i was pretty sure you were already fuckin gone

dust off your shield and go back to work

I can giv u moneyz if u zay plz

pay debts ?

We are paying

Immigration stimulates the economy, many Syrian refugees need a stable place to live.

>Greece take in 500,000 refugees
>Syrian refugees are happy
>Greece economy grows
>Everyone wins


Is the system and immigration at fault?
Yes and that the EU is multiplying the problem with all that pressure

The Greeks and Romans are anthropologically extinct, they were raped to death by shitskins and ancient Germanic tribes.

Let Greece receive the cremation she desperately deserves.

yea, they could sell the Akropolis to start paying debt their off

I would die before I gave my land to Germany


So it's slavery or death from Germany's hand

yeah and germans could dismantle EU so greece could benefit from lack of your stupid economical laws witch are a benefit only for germany

Take in 500,000 Syrian refugees! Your economy will grow and you can pay your debts! Also, you really should be doing your part in this crisis.

If it means we stop voting for communists, socialists and every cancer in between, I say let it die.

Press S to Spit on grave


Thanks.Also we could try to become more liberal when we are done killing the corrupt political dogs

The amount of lies you two have been fed from this board is astonishing.
Greek women commited suicide if they were raped by turks go look it up.
The real reason why a lot of greeks don't look greek today is because of the population transfer during the 1st and 2nd balkan war. Those "greeks" from asia minor weren't true greeks, they were shitskins with a greek name.
OP Hellas is dead bro. The people are useless, the most powerful countries influence our politics so that we can never grow. Look up kissinger's plan on Greece, thats all you'll need to know as to why we are failing.
Only way to fix Greece is to let the country collapse, and rebuild.

Fight for what is right brother

if you want to reply to post like we do just press the long number after "No." in top right corner of desired post
does not work well on portable tho

With that logic I'm a Cyprus immigrant.
I my granddad came here for a better future.
You are not born Greek,you become Greek.

I'm on my phone mate

Get them out of the euro, inflate their currency, pay of debts, work hard and restore the economy.

I'm on my phone mate
Also sorry,my mistake for the


Cyprus is as much Greek as is Feta. Sure, you guys are a bit different but your culture and way of life is not too distant from ours.

I refuse to accept that a person whose parents are Africans is Greek just because he was born and grew up in Greece.

Ist of no possible my deutsch friend, when the economy is based on agriculture and tourism.

I'm not deutsch, I'm dutch, but I think getting into the euro was one of the biggest mistakes your country ever made (along with most of the Mediterranean nations).

We are working hard. It's not us. We can't find work to tell you the truth. So the problem is not us not working hard but that our system was built badly to start with as we came very late on industrialization.
And now it's run by the corrupt.

>Look up kissinger's plan on Greece,
Can you please post a tl;dr

you have to get out of the Euro. For your own good.
We'll support you afterwards, don't be afraid.
Additionally it would be a healthy shock to the braindead Germans who still think this currency is here to stay.

Well if the African kid is grown up being a true patriot and orthodox who fight for a better Greece for example , is that African kid for you Greek enough or does he have to be born the right skin colour first?

No. If it weren't for the Euro, we would basically be Cuba at this point.

The only problem with the EU is that it doesn't account for different economies. It was just a win situation for Germany that gets to export their cars without border tax to the entire European continent, while countries like mine get fucked over because they can't possibly compete with the German economy given that it basically has a monopoly on heavy industry and instead of outsourcing jobs to poorer EU countries, they outsource them to fucking Turkey and Mexico.

Well I would love to have a united Europe as much as everyone of these stupid germans. The problem is that it's not possible yet.We are so different.And it may never be possible I am afraid.

well, he is more greek than a random african, but still. That is an ideal scenario. I doubt such people exist and if they do, they are a significant minority.

The only example I can name relevant to your proposition is a friend I had whose mother was from Ghana ( I think) who was actually bretty good person, and is doing something with his life.

The rest of the africans I've seen are either grinding on white girls on Monastiraki or waiting on the line at Katexaki for their residence permit.


Rev up those tank engines.

Actually we are one of the few that do pay the NATO our 2% gtp while Germany doesn't and other countries don't

Saying it to verify your opinion mate




Fuck i can't find the original quote on jewgle they must have censored it.
He said something along the lines of "The united states cannot reach its full potential if a strong country like Greece exists. Therefore we must severe their roots, and rip their culture from under them".
He had a point too, Greece was able to hold off the Italians and the Germans for a long time with shit from WWI, were it not for this the russians would have lost to the germans.

The only thing Tsipras deserves to be placed upon is the plank.

Remove kebab, leave EU, etc, etc
In short just go full on germany 1930's

May Koulis hang the fucker

You don't. Letting Greece, Spain and Italy fall and take the EU with them is the best thing you can do at the moment.

Let it all burn.

No he's right.
Anyone in the world can be greek, just adopt the culture speak the language, and follow the values of the greek people and your in.
I should say anyone can be hellenic, Greek is a race not a culture or ideal.
Yes a nip can become greek, this is why hellenism never died, and why the entire western hemisphere is built on hellenic values.

>Remove gibs
>Remove invaders
>Physically remove all left wing politicians and bureaucrats
>Exit Euro
>Open up markets

Is it because pure Greeks are the most powerful people on earth?

>No. If it weren't for the Euro, we would basically be Cuba at this point.
Mate, before the EU we had an industry and while it wasn't big, it was better than the nothing we have now. We used to sell trucks to Saudi Arabia, foreign car companies used to have factories here, if you go to any town there's at least a dozen abandoned factories that had to close because our politicians once we got into the EU and later adapted the euro started getting huge loans that half of the money kept for themselves and the other half to the Greek population so they can keep voting PASOK and ND. That whole shitshow had been going for years and it killed our industry. The best solution right now is to get out of the euro and yes it will ruin our country but at least if we plan ahead we can recover and we only will be responsible for our nation, not some german (((bankers))).

We are anarchists and thats the reason everyone is trying to kill us.We hate big brother.We don't comply to corrupt people's rules a d that's we are hated and everyone is out to kill us.

Mhm yep, Greeks were bred to be strong since ancient times.
The ottoman empire would take the greek boys, raise them in a turkish family and have them fight against their people (greeks).

The Turks took everything from us and named it theirs. And the worse is that it was then blended with their disposable religion. Their diplomatic skills came from us and now they are using them to kill us.

sell it to the roaches

The Turks took everything from us and named it theirs. Their diplomatic skills came from us and now they are using them to kill us. The worst is that our things were blended with their disposable religion.

Like you wouldn't like that.

retake Byzantium

Are Greeks even White at this point, are they not half Turkish? Do any white Greeks exist?

Need to know this, otherwise they are not worth saving.

Nice quints.
Yah you're right, and so did the italians.
But we are in a situation where we cannot do anything.
Heck the crescent moon was the symbol of Artemis.
I wouldn't worry about the Turks, with the balkan pact renewed, and no more turkish lineage, the orthodox church should have constantinople within two years.
This is according to fbi user.

If I could I would make the Turks and Macedonians pay for taking our culture and history and naming it theirs.

The Italians made something of their own from own culture. The Turk just stole it and named it their own.

Come to the US where they (italians) steal our shit and call it their own daily.

More likely you still their shit and call it yours.

I'm not a fan of the Euro.
However I was never asked if I wanted it.
I knew it was doomed since 1998, when Brits distanced themselves from the currency union last minute.

Me,not really. It took a big slap in the face to realise it was bound to fail.

Koulis may be the only choice we have, but don't fool yourself.

He is an establishment cuck who rooted for Clinton.

Sometimes you have to die to be reborn, sorry.
Same applies to Spain.

>If we plan ahead.

This is greece we are talking about. I haven't witnessed any "planning ahead" since that time we sent all the commies to Makronisos.

I would be fun if that worked

Don't give up without a fight.

Keep dreaming malaka.
Its mostly our food which gets relabled.
IE: Greek salad (not even greek) gets relabled to italian house salad.
The colliseum was built by Greeks, the pantheon was built by greeks.


Oh ya and turkish open "turkish restaurants with a 100% greek menu"
It gets to you after a while.

france has lepen.america has trump. what you guys need is a solid leader. that will try to fix shit

Relax dude.
Also I know these things but it's nothing compared to what the Turks and Macedonians are stealing from us.Also Greek salad is called Greek because of the details and oil witch distinguishes it.

No shit Sherlock. Why don't you find one.

Well because that not your job,I know.
We are doing our best.

>britcucks dutifully pay their tv license
>half of greece has a swimming pool yet most of them never pay the swimming pool tax

Greeks have the right idea. I hope they spent all the Germans money on drugs and donkey rides.

>The problem is that it's not possible yet.We are so different.And it may never be possible I am afraid.
We have to scale it down on some edges and allow other blocks inside Europe to form closer bonds.
We would lose somewhat in power at the global stage compared to the United States of Europe but it would be benefitial to us and actually work.

>believing the jewish lies
Nigger greeks have to work their fucking backs off for minimum wage, the only people in the world that work harder are South-Koreans, its statistically proven

Well that's the problem with corruption. Dick's get what they want and we pay for it.
They are the ducks of our society.
Also British people are a big reason the EU is dying too.

They dug their own grave. We don't have to help shit.

well i mean what else can i do but tell you that.
if you dont get a good leader you guys are fucked.
i recomend you guys try your hardest to find one
and i am sorry. i have greek blood in my family line so i will be damned if i see you guys go to shit. so i will tell you what. i will brainstorm. and if i think of any ideas i will post them in this thread or another thread. titled GREECE IS DYING FINAL SOLUTION. but i will be brainstorming until then.

Unite with Turkey to make glorious Turk-Hellenic empire.

Well I have a friend who is black is doing just fine.
The Muslims are the one Greeks are scared of.Also Albanians.

Hell no. I would prefer to nuke them. We'd do better even with the Jews for f*** sake.

But.. we don't have nukes.


Well I say to you goodnight gentlemen.
I didn't mean to offend anyone and wish to everyone the best of luck.

We'll get the Russians to do it for us.

>We would lose somewhat in power at the global stage compared to the United States of Europe but it would be benefitial to us and actually work.
Greater Germany can stand as an economical world power on its own. But a lot of people are afraid of that, especially Germans. That's why they like the EU disguise more.

wait nevermind. fuck the original idea. we dont need a new thread. forget what i said. here is my plan. first off we need to find the few redpilled allies we have on normie websites. and get them to spread awareness for Greece
from there we can see what happens

its been dead for a long time bro

Agreed. With our powers combined we make Greek Pepe.

we do not have kebab or niggers here burger.

Why is death in june stabbing himself?

ok so its settled then. im going to kikebook to post about this shit. hopefully from there the few redpilled normies on that site. can spread the message like wildfire. i recomend you do the same. lets make Greece great again

Can't you guys just Anschluss Austria?

>Greek women commited suicide if they were raped by turks go look it up.
Maybe you mean this
I am going on need sauce on those opinions mate

remove kebab