What's it gonna look like?
What's it gonna look like?
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Terrific. High energy.
Just put up two regular fences, and place mines in between, with warning signs on both sides in both Spanish and English.
>rediscovering the wheel
pork-barrel project
Wouldn't a zig-zag pattern on top make it quite difficult to use a ladder?
I'll take pictures of the wall being build
Like a waste of my fucking tax dollars. Fiscal conservatives my ass.
Fucking lazy ass npr and pbs take our tax dollars and still beg for money on air.
It doesnt matter what you build as long as you do not have guards that shot invaders.
I'm pretty sure that Trump knows that this wall won't do too much to stop immigration. But he wants to build it anyways as a giant monument to himself.
Also how the fuck are they going to build it over pic related? The survey and planning alone is going to take longerr than his 4 year term. Either that or they will have a giant hole in the wall.
The mountain basically is a wall.
Have faith you dumb bacon strip.
>high energy
pence approves
kek approves
I know this is not known in america but you can actually walk over mountains. It's called "hiking" and it's quite popular over here.
against the law sadly.
I don't know - but it'll be built under budget and on time.
In the same way you can climb over the wall. You're slowed down and vulnerable.
They can just populate the mountain with the horrible bio-weapon stalker monsters that /x/ keeps talking about in their creepy pastas.
The stream of mexicans will keep them fed.
Pretty cool.
I would like to see something more traditional looking. Murder holes, boiling tar, all that good stuff
my fucking sides
Hi..king? Huh?
>what is a grappling hook
But it will be very healthy for the art world. More independent thought --- less postmodernism -- guaranteed.
A very large Ha-ha wall with extended with a typical wall in some cases
t. knower
>Also how the fuck are they going to build it over pic related?
The same way all great American things are built: outsource to China.
What if the in between bit is still on US soil? Also is it illegal for the government to put landmines on its own soil
>Lazy South and Central Americans
>Going uphill
We're not dealing with mountaineers here, Hanz. These people can climb fences and their bloated wives, not much else.
He said there would be fences in the places that putting a wall wouldn't be viable and even then it will have either successfully curbed immigration from places without mountains or funneled it into a narrow pass that's easily monitored
>only 30ft high
I was hoping for at least 100ft
>wanting state funded media
Crossing my fingers for a monorail and a ton of solar panels.
Those two things alone will stop a liberal president from tearing it down the moment Trump leaves office.
It's against an international treaty to put real landmines.
It's not against the law to put fake landmine signs...
I would prefer something like this. it would be a lot cheaper than a 30 foot+ concrete wall.
When the budget is billions of dollars thats a ton.
Handful of observation towers,drones and armed patrols. Oh and lots of concertina wire. Lots of it.
Mexicans are only 5 feet tall anyway
8th world wonder
what about making the land between the fences some sort of wildlife sanctuary? for rare big cats and the like
>What's it gonna look like?
We need the germans to design the wall.
Fucking serbs
They ruined ethnic cleansing AND landmines too
>1500 miles of underground movement sensors is cheaper than prefab concrete slabs.
>no border with kuwait or Jordan
Have they not heard of the maginot line?
Wild animals are less vicious than rapefugees.
a two barrier system with a no man's land is between is clearly the best option.
>spend 20 billion dollars to save 81 billion annually
>gouge Mexico so that even the 20 billion is repaid to taxpayers
>germans designing the Berlin wall
is it not trillions yet?
>Those two things alone will stop a liberal president from tearing it down the moment Trump leaves office.
but it is, and it's not like you need to add underground sensors along the entire border either.
who even cares, at this point, how much a government program costs?
the one off cost of the wall will soon be surpassed by foreign aid, dance therapy, marxist university grants etc..
Should have diverted that BP Gulf oil spill to a giant mote and lit it on fire across the southwest like on the Beastmaster when he fought the Jun horde.
can they design a microscope so we can read your image first you fucking imbecile?
A fence.
ICE doesn't even want it. They would have preferred Trump direct more resources towards effective border control like increasing manpower and drone surveillance. The people trying their hardest to defend the U.S.'s borders think this is a waste of time and money.
Good point. Obama wouldn't hesitate. The more I think about it the more war seems inevitable.
Actually the entire problem can be solved with drone swarms that have claymore mines strapped to them. Why haven't they deployed the drone swarms yet pol?
illegal prob
>mexican trailblazers
>liberal president as soon as Trump leaves office
the truth, it hurts
>not having microscope glasses.
Anyone has the pic with the radioactive wizard?
solar-powered robotic machine gun turrets
How many times have you read the headline
>US drone strike in Syria kills civilians
>art funding programs
Oh no!
No more enema paints? Pictures of vaginas? How will we get more phallic shaped sculptures?
Generally illegal to have anti personnel mines. That's terrorist tactics.
It's completely legal to enforce your border with legal force. They enforce the area 51 fence with legal force, people would just have a collective shit fit if we started shooting border jumpers.
This is actually smart. Plus the trains might hit beaners trying to cross.
>trusts a retard welfare nigger ICE agent over trump
whats it like being a cuckold? Does your wife still let you watch at least?
Lethal force I meant
Passengers are encouraged to shoot Mexicans from their windows
What's a hiking?
Likely either jew or slimes. Nothing of value lost either way.
The question is not how the wall should be designed, but what will happen to people trying to cross it illegally.
Most of NPR and PBS funding comes from donations anyways. Fuck outta here. Federal funding is a small portion of their cashflow, and is subsidizing blatantly partisan programs.
Use dynamite and reinforced concrete to turn the US side of the mountain in a wall.
>lib wins in 2032 after the dems go full socialist
>wall has been up for 5 years, illegal immigration at a whopping zero level
>runs on Reagan-esque platform of TEAR DOWN THAT WALL
>starts dismantling
>illegals come pouring in by the thousands
>Barron Trump runs in 2040, promises to rebuild his father's legacy, wins by a landslide over Chelsea Clinton
>builds dome
Good job, ladies! Now actually try climbing over without falling on your face and breaking something. Also avoid being caught by border control.
The train needs a cattle guard on it to mow down what few Mexicans are on top of the wall.
>tax dollars
Tax dollars to spew propaganda. This is a question of principle, not savings.
source on that claim?
Meh, the japanese will have the last one covered, along with boobs.
Does anyone have that leaked blue print that was supposed to be the wall picture? I think it had a train on top of the structure.
Need some bioengineered monsters that feed exclusively on mexicans.
immigration is already down 40%
Sorry 'international law' only counts for countries that dont run the world.
If it doesn't have some kind of automated weaponry I'll be bummed out.
Like a fucking FENCE because it won't be a wall it will be a beta cuck fence.
thats literally dwarf fortress
It is.
I'd prefer manned weaponry. Job creation n' sheeit
But only white people hike.
Checkmate mexicans