Is this a weapon Sup Forums?
Claiming something is cultural appropriation to get it removed by retards?
Is this a weapon Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
s-s-sorry senpai we remove it
Isn't that the song where she finds out her boyfriend cheated on her, so she kicks him out but then reveals that she's been cheating on him but since she's a woman she's above consequences?
There are many, MANY ways to fight lefty arguments just by turning them in towards each other.
You'd actually have to care what they think and say. Would've been an entirely different reply from me.
If any of that shit was justice, wouldn't it just be called justice?
it's getting hard to tell what is a real leftist gripe and what is simply tongue-in-cheek trolling, there is no difference anymore
The left engages in groupthink like this so its actually quite easy to get them to abide by their own stupid standards
I've thought about trying to start a fake movement to see how popular I could get it. But I honestly doubt these people would understand I was mocking them.
>hold them to their own rules
we need more undercover accounts to do this more.
Ive been thinking about this for the past few days but couldnt find a way to formulate it properly. Thank you.
I fucking loathe my country
jesus christ the ndp was supposed to be a workers party, not trans-leftists.
it looks like if maxime bernier somehow loses to leary i can't event vote reserve for ndp anymore.
just going to spoil my ballot
The NDP is a fucking joke.
oh shit that's smart!!
create left leaning fake twitters to infiltrate and remove all bluepilling posts but keep the ones that make them look stupid then go on your right leaning real twitters and report on why they remove real data
bait them to act badly then report on it
it can work!
>censoring the postno & filename
Did you screencap your own post and did that? What the fuck is up with you ?
>b-but they might be able to find out where i live and arrest me for posting on a racist website!
Its not mine.
Holy fuck lefttrads are so fucking pathetic
Yes masta I removed mah post the offend you
>leftism! progressive leftism! also, beyoncé.
>BLM: delet this
>s-sorry. is it better now? pls respond
My god, is this is how we end the left?! We act like them, then anything anti-right, we act like it offends a certain libtard group! We can jew the jew!
operation DELET THIS in underway
prevent bluepilling by making leftists aware they are not being religious enough to their liberal ideology.
we need people that are former left who are experts on left ideology so infiltrate and manipulate them into changing their statements.
we need a complete manual of liberal ideologies with appropriate responses and strategies that will make them defeat themselves
Who gives a fuck?
Unless YOU created it, you have no fucking right to tell people what they can and can't do with it.
Kek says yes. People should start fake lefty accounts pushing lefty rhetoric for the rights benifits.
I've already sown those seeds, user.
Keep them distracted off Trump and I can make it fester even more.
i call this strategy reverse jewry
>I honestly doubt these people would understand I was mocking them
Isnt that the point?
distraction from trump would buy trump more time to cut the marxist cancer.
YES user you must do this.
>muh precious sacred culture of twerking and trashy rap music
*sips tea*
Is it possible to pull a double reverse Jew? How many layers of kikery are possible?
Leftism is just cultural appropriation from Russians. They better take everything down.
This is likely a naturally occurring cluster fuck of cuckoldry. But yea, it actually is a rhetorical technique. It's called the double blue pill. It was frequently used in the meme war.
>"user, why should you as a man make 25% more than me in wages"
Now, normally you would respond how fucking stupid this is. It's the logical next move. No employer on this fucking earth says "Well, he has a pair of balls, so, lets pay him an extra dollar every day". Their is no gap in wages, but better employees or better negotiators tend to be paid more. However, you've seen the result of this argument. You know the patters. They don't care for logic, it's not counter intuitive enough for them. You've seen it a hundred times, and using your logic alone solves nothing in a debate with them. So with that said, you can effectively shoah the argument with the double blue pill technique, and respond to her bullshit with something like:
>"Did you just assume my gender?"
Anything asinine will do, it just has to fit into their ideology and be slightly more absurd than their original framing of the argument. The conversation will then turn to other things, and if you're not fully autistic, you can just sort of sit back and pick apart their cognitive dissonance with a small application of shit lord effort and more double blue pills. With practice, you can actually use it as a red pilling technique. But it takes practice.
As a German, you really need to start using this technique. It's really one of the few shit lord techniques you can't be arrested for. It's not fresh, but it's still effective. Great for leftist demoralization/10
think of it . in a medical procedure you often distract or make patient look away or you anesthetize the area to keep them away from bothering the doctor.
in this case trump must operate on the cancer
we need to assist trump and calmn down the patient
how do you do it? you pretend you are their friend you calm them down. you infiltrate blue . you post things as if you oppose trump.
OH SHIT fake bluepilling twitter accounts that post different more smeared informaiton hide what's really happening protect trump.
all right user need to pretend they are left and post things that look like right is not as scary anymore
We should meme liberals into 100% boycotting minorities because eating ethnic food, wearing foreign clothes/accessories and listing to black musicians etc is all cultural appropriation
Was Layton the only thing keeping the NDP from going maximum overcommie? Jesus fucking hell
>Sorry sorry sorry, it's gone!.....p-please tell me I did good
You cannot synthesize a good set of memes, lad. The kek cannot be forced.
But the double blue pill is effective. You don't have to hurt them, just confuse them bigly. Enough of it will demoralize most of them.
As I said, I've been doing this for over a year.
I've been lax since Trump was elected, but I have about a dozen leddit accounts with 15k+ karma operating across various points of the left spectrum.
My mother was a policy director and speech writer for a bunch of different Dems over the past 5 decades.
It's child's play.
anyone remeber the LF forum from SA circa 2004? They were the progenators of this leftist mentality, i.e., SJW before SJWs were a thing. the forum become so shitty as each more and more new oppressed groups were added and everyone was constantly being attacked for not being tolerant enough. it was insane.
eventually it got deleted for being complete shit and then the userbase immigrated to
and such SJW enclaves of reddit. if youve been around since the begining of the SJW movement youve seen this shit repeat a thousand times
Thing starts
Group members spend all their time attacking each other for not being progressive enough
Thing collapses
I meant 'meme' in the more generic sense, like pushing an idea on them. And I agree, confusing them with their own broken and contradictory ideas would be an effective way to demoralize them, maybe even red pill some of them.
No, "hold them to their own standards" is incorrect. They have no standards and will quickly abandon their principles and engage in mental gymnastics.
What you need to do is two fold: First, hold them to the principles of OTHER members of their groups. As an example, take . You will NEVER be able to catch any of them in a lie. They'll just make up some garbage and weasel out of it. What you have to do is to make THEM hold EACH OTHER to their OWN standards. Feminism is racist, BLM is transphobic, LGBTBQQA is Islamaphobic, and so on. We know it's garbage, they can slither out of anything we throw at them, BUT they CAN'T slither out of what other groups think of them.
Secondly, make them look like fools to OTHER PEOPLE. Don't catch them mid mental-somersaults to try and change their minds, do so to show other people what bullshit looks like. You will never convince them. You can never convince anyone. People have to make up their own minds. But you can be the catalyst that activates their almonds, and the more you show them the more likely the spark is to catch.
An argument with no audience is worthless.
Correct, you can force them to devolve into infighting about "who is the biggest victim snowflake", because their train of thought is untenable.
what do you mean just make it up like they do.
i unironically wish a canadian party would cater to my political leanings similar to the tootsie roll chorus
They had a pretty good chance last election before the niqqab thing, and they got fucked by Quebec who hates mudslimes
>My mother was a policy director and speech writer for a bunch of different Dems over the past 5 decades.
It's already a thing bro. Some call it the double blue pill, effective for demoralization.
Why would you ever vote for fucking communism? Kys
That's a useful image, thanks user
Cultural appropriation:
Listen to this:
Then listen to this:
then tell me is it bad
Fuck the NDP and Fuck commies
Slum around the fempire subs on plebbit sometime. They love to be corrected for their problematic speech and thank the person scolding them for helping them check their privlies.
Internet is a white man's tool. Fuck off.
Holy shit how fucking repilled
Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, architect of the pozz:
>The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals. [...]
>Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its own will, refined and educated this people into a future leader-nation through this artificial selection process. No wonder that this people, that escaped Ghetto-Prison, developed into a spiritual nobility of Europe. Therefore a gracious Providence provided Europe with a new race of nobility by the Grace of Spirit. This happened at the moment when Europe's feudal aristocracy became dilapidated, and thanks to Jewish emancipation.
This is the ideological foundation of the opposition. Look at how weak they are, in OP's post. There is no more Soviet Union, the only major parties advocating for this cuckoldry are international bankers, the deep state and the submissive normal faggots. You must double blue pill and demoralize these cucks.
It's not real, but the account is full of major keks and ironic truths. That user has been amazing in the meme war.
>I meant 'meme' in the more generic sense
Most people don't know what the word "meme" actually means. They just think it means pictures with funny captions.
About three years ago I gave up actually arguing with them, and switched to the Socratic Method. They're in to deep to convince traditionally, so you might as well have some fun inducing meltdowns.
when will Sup Forums learn that the harder you fight against us the stronger we get
I thought that's what user was saying by "meme this". I assume the worst of people. Sry user
>tfw 1/8th Japanese
am I white? I have blonde hair and blue eyes.
Many will say that you should gas yourself, mostly ironically, but I think you're fine user.
Plus, nips are honorary Aryans desu.
>inb4 weeb
Not even once.
>Buzzword is buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword.
I thought that song was sung by some male nigger
They made us line dance to it in highschool
or tried to atleast
Is that why you lost control of all 3 branches of government? And now the extent of your policy influence is public temper tantrums?
>Black people complaining about cultural appropriation
>Using a computer, speaking English on Twitter
makes you think
you see, objectively speaking, there's nothing wrong with the transmission or sharing of culture, it could even encourage unity among the masses, but since it's an expression pigeonholed in leftist thought, there's not much chance of unity of the masses. I can see the light now, how being politically incorrect is actually going to save us.
Id hardly call that jibberish english, but i get your point.
No, he cheated on her, and she found a new man within the day to prove he's not irreplaceable. So she fucked some stranger to prove a point to her ex, I guess.
We need more infographs in this font and format.
This is a great development. If leftism goes from being a high status white social club to consisting only of dykes and niggers, then they are doomed.
>being this cucked