Just a reminder that America is the successor to Rome. Russia is probably the successor to Byzantium.
Just a reminder that America is the successor to Rome. Russia is probably the successor to Byzantium
uhhhh... Rome is still around???
This is what I've been saying! We are the new Roman Empire!
So Russia will exists a thousand years more than America?
That's actually really badass
Russia was created in 1991 you drumb brown spic
fuck off muslim poland
Right now I think we have more in common with the late Roman Republic, but I definitely think we are an empire.
>he doesn't know
nah, America now and forever.
So what? Rome has had different names and political systems but it was still Rome
>muh superficial roman similarities!
you should go full larptard and crucify yourself.
fuck off muslim poland
Im Danish and I love Denmark, I think your above the dirty swedes and were an amazing nation that was an important figure for the west, but if you step up to AMERICA with that bullshit I will smite thee down with GREAT VENGEANCE.
Americana Invicta
America is the Rome to Britain's Greece.
Its a disgrace that americans mutts would even suggest that kind of thing.
Here you are, OP, corrected for you.
In addition to not being in control of your own country and being the kikes' little bitch, can you mention some advancement your contry has brought to the "liberated" lands?
> drug trafficking
> human trafficking
> narco mafias
> ravaging capitalism
> cultural and societal degeneration
Its not a great record, user.
Therefore we can conclude that America will fall due to internal struggles, civil war, bureaucratic inefficiency, political unrest and large numbers of migrants fleeing war.
How many of these boxes does America tick right now?
hey, you get to be the successor to the mongols :DDDDD
kys snow monkey
1500ad after christian crusaders destroyd their land. Such a shame we let this ancient country wither away.
muh aircraft carriers tho
>docking 80% of your military relevance on a single dock so they can be bombed with a single bomb
american officer education ladies and gentlemen
Well, I think we have a ways to go. Right now I think we would be in the late republic era, or the hadrian era. (WALL)
Finnish have 5% Chinese blood and 95% aryan swedish blood. You are subhuman like all other countries below Nordic countries.
lmao you realize we have 19 aircraft carriers, right? Even if all those got destroyed, we would have tenfold the amount of carriers needed to take over your weak ass country. Also cant wait until the new eastern rome take your eyes out, dirty bulgar.
>russia is probably the successor to Byzantium.
More likely the Mongol Empire, they are brutish savages from the steppes of asia who can barely be called European
Why do you think that America is Rome user?
*stock market crashes*
>5% chinese.
>% swedish
based on your countries alcoholism, id say 50% gook, 45% Russian slav, 5% swede fag
>80% of our fleet
Its not about ships or money its about race and finns and swedes are extremely close genetically. Thats why you have brown hair and eyes and im White.
*american stock market crashes*
*bulgarian economic depression starts because of american stock market crashing*
you might aswell be a vassal of america, oh wait your part of NATO, so I guess you are.
Yep. Honestly it makes sense.
Our power is maximum but now it's become a system collapsing under it's own weight. It's directly correlated.
Every single ship excluding the carriers is irrelevant and incapable of projecting power overseas
Oh, by the way, the carriers aren't relevant either lmao and are nothing but patriotic propaganda en.wikipedia.org
>*bulgarian economic depression starts because of american stock market crashing*
A depression is better than being consumed in a consequent civil war lol
you realize that germanic tribes in southern areas like bavaria had brown eyes and hair aswell as blond, and jutes the same, your an idiot.
Please learn basic military strategy im sad you even mention this floating targets.
They are subhuman like you and northern germans are only half blood aryan unlike Nordics.
Step it up, USA.
>ex communist satellite state
must be embarrassing to be ruled by a bunch of drunk russians, eh?
Its like you muricans have never opened a history book.
>Every single ship excluding the carriers is irrelevant and incapable of projecting power overseas
Hay they are the only civilized people in south east Asia
Frumentarii = CIA
are you autistic? Aryan dosent even mean blond hair blue eyes, it means non jewish european, I dont have southern european in me and im certainly not jewish, and ive met ethnically jewish people with blond hair and blue eyes before.
Also is it fun having to type in english? Your welcome.
America is the 'reincarnation' (so to speak) of Atlantis. That's what Edgar Cayce said. He even said that Atlanteans have reincarnated as modern Americans.
Digits confirm!
>pick one
most of you speak a romance language, too
>Your welcome.
Americans knowingly copied Roman symbols, you retard.
Compared to their neighbors
Someones mad cauz he doesn't have a SENATE.
I dont think the bulgarians are speaking english because of Britain, sorry,
And you're*, I spelled that wrongo
Well you speak english because of Britain.
France is the successor to the french empire, thats badass enough.
EU=holy roman empire
Usa =babylon
Trump probably captured babylon for the nazis and hre is in the hand of babylonian satanistic kikes
Look up charlemagne for the hre-eu connection
Because we were started by them, I dont think in history America or Britain started a colony that became Bulgaria.
English is the International Language of the World. So, yes, they are.
The English taught in our schools is specifically noted to be "British English" and the textbooks have big bens and red double-decker buses as their cover. What the fuck are you even talking about
nah EU is persian invaders, Europe is balkan city states, USA is Rome.
You shitskins are not pure race like Northern Germanics. Only a fraction of what you used to be.
I'd like to believe. But then you look at Brussels...
The British Empire was (still is?) the successor to the Roman Empire, Russia is the successor to Byzantium and America is Atlantis reborn.
>Just a reminder that America is the successor to Rome
>Implying the Nazi's weren't
Russia is turning more and more inward while America is perpetually doing the opposite.
our founding fathers pretty much made our country based on the roman republic since enlightenment thinkers all thought rome was the best shit, so much so, they renamed the medieval era the dark ages as a way of saying the light of rome had flickered out
this only makes us a spiritual successor to rome
Fuck off France was the only one successor of the Roman Empire. You never had the style and the class to pretend this title.
We were about to recreate it again with Napoleon but (((anglo))) ruined it.
Alright, So Bulgaria is part of NATO, started by america, you look outside? what do you see? American brands and businesses, you log onto a website very day, started by whom? An american. You pray to god every night that Russia wont invade you, then realize you have who to protect your tiny nation? America. Congrats on your textbook with big ben on it tho.
> A bunch of pirates and slave traders controlled by kikes.
> compares to the greatness of Rome.
user, just
And the US is started by the UK
and we left cause we realized they were a bunch of tea fags and created an empire many times better, what does your country have to show for itself? Yogurt?
The building looking like the tower of babel? Well when was that build? Im sure it was once the babylonians took over and erected their monument.
Also the eu will fall like babylon did when it erected the tower. Look up the statue prophecy of daniel. The last empire will be one of iron and clay, strong but not holding together. A rock comes and smashes the statue, the empires, and the rock becomes a mountain that covers all of the earth. Is the rock the muslim rapefugees thats currently pulling the eu apart and after that will become worse all over the world? When the eu falls we get seperated into many languages again, countries, like the babylonians prophesized themself with the building
Jewish star made of of stars, literally
is dis b8?
>claims US is successor of Rome.
>no signs of any cultural development.
>Rome left behind civilization, culture, pace and prosperity, not the same of where has been the U.S recently.
Wash your mouth with some soap before talking about Rome.
Why do you speak English?
House of Lords is close enough.
How are Spain's ex-colonies getting on, Paco?
you're such niggers
"das rite bois, we wuz emporers and emporesses"
Figure 1.0: countries where English is an official language
Figure 2.0: The British Empire in the 1920s
This. America will never compare to the eternal greatness of Rome.
Latins are mad. kek
Britain has influenced humanity in many profound ways, such as the Industrial Revolution, the creation of the television, the creation of the computer, the creation of the World Wide Web, the scientific method, the creation of the telephone, Newtonian physics, free-market economics, parliamentary democracy, Cadbury chocolate, the spreading of English as a global language, the creation of the United States of America (the world's sole superpower) by rebellious British colonists, all clock-time on Earth being based on Greenwich Mean Time, the Enlightenment and the creation of many modern sports. Also:
"* The Declaration of Independence is a creation of British Americans.
* The Constitution of the United States is a creation of British Americans.
* The American Bill of Rights is a creation of British Americans.
* The American system of government: a Constitutional Republic with a separation of executive, legislative, and judicial powers is a creation of British Americans.
* Most American Presidents, Senators, and Congressmen, Governors and Ivy League University Presidents have been British Americans."
The CIA made shitholes of them before they went full commie.
"Using the self reported 2010 census figures British Americans are the largest European ancestry group of all. However, this figure is likely a serious undercount, as a large proportion of Americans of British descent have a tendency (since the introduction of a new 'American' category in the 2000 census) to identify as simply Americans or if of mixed European ancestry, identify with a more recent and differentiated ethnic group. Eight out of the ten most common surnames in the United States are of British origin."
*Because of England, theres a reason it's not called the British language.
the roman empire destroyed civilizations and cultures, as its people suffered in war and poverty.
from the moment it abandoned the republic in favor of empire it set its eventual fall in stone, no nation can prosper when it implants within it the institutions of stagnation
English is obviously the best language. English is the first global lingua franca. English is the language of the future. English is the only language in the world that is an official language in countries on all six permanently inhabited continents. The English language has the most books, the most films, the most songs, the most science publications, the most web-sites, arguably the most speakers (ahead of even Mandarin if people who know only a few words of English are counted), it is the official language of both the sea (i.e. Seaspeak) and the sky (i.e. Airspeak) and it will someday become humanity's universal language of space (de jure or otherwise). English was also the first language spoken by humans on another world besides Earth (i.e. the Moon). Arabic, French, Russian, Spanish and Mandarin cannot compete with the linguistic leadership of English.
english isnt the official language if th eUS on a federal level
The Roman empire was also full of mutts, ethnic purism is just a coping mechanism for people who live in shitty villages
the literal golden age of the romans happened during the imperial era, you know, pax romana?
fucking republicucks
Same difference.
Then Mexica is the successor to Visigoths.
Great Britain is the successor to Rome.
Biggest Empire ever. Fastest growing economy in Europe, everyone speaks English - you for example, even though you can't spell 'colour' and drive on the wrong side of the road.
Most powerful military in Europe.
You're typing shit on the world wide web - a British invention. In English.
Your country depends on our forces when you fat cunts want to go to war.
American women go crazy for a Brit accent.
You all are Mexicans.