How the fuck does Sup Forums deal with this cognitive dissonance? Seriously someone explain it to me. You guys hate jews and so do I. Now you have the most deceptive and biggest fucking kike in the white house that you could ever ask for and you cheer him on like blubbering morons. I dont get it. I tried giving trump so many chances but he has finally proved to be way too pro israel to the point of nausea. He is a fucking puppet and nothing will change, wake the fuck up. After the UN finally declares Israel an apartheid regime, Trump goes and fires one of his own ambassadors for merely criticizing Israel. You guys realize these people are behind all the wars in the middle east right? And that they literally get priority over american citizens right? That trump is a fucking ruse, a smoke screen to distract the american people because they got too knowledgeable under obama?
fucking hell stop putting your faith in a system that is corrupt and broken
Trump = Most Overtly Zionist Jewish Pig to ever be in white house
bump i want answers Sup Forums
why am i not surprised there is no one willing to reply to these threads?
>No FED audit
>Israel still gets lunch money
I have no argument. All we can do is wait and see if he gives us a sign he's gonna shut down the Jew.
Currently, I don't feel good about it. Still better than Hilldog, though.
>better than hilldog
it's true and its the only defense I have for him anymore.
fucking BUMP
Its not the jews, its satanists, many of whom pretend to be jews or are ethnic jews.
yeah, same shit different name though. either way trump is one of them.
what happened to those pizzagate arrests?
>They memed Jewnald Drumpf into office.
I wonder when the alt right will actually wise up and stand for their principles.
Hell, even Alex fucking jones is gonna have to eventually admit he's been duped. His word for Jews is just "globalists"
and Sup Forums calls itself red pilled...
Because I support some of his policies like building a border wall to curb immigration and lowering taxes. You're straw manning this entire board by implying that people voted for Trump because he's a full on Nazi that will gas every Jew. Guess what, retard? Nobody actually believes that.
here's my last post hoping for any sort of discussion or refutation, after that i'll take the non-responses as proof of this boards blind party loyalty. your guys' new slogan should be "i'm with him"
nah, but i thought he would have the balls to stand up to the establishment like he said. he isn't even going to do anything about clinton. he was full of shit and people got duped. thats the point. i dont think we should "gas all the jews," but over the course of his campaign he said that our neo con interventionist policies have been shit, and yet now he is following in the steps of obama and bush just as planned. explain to me why he just deployed 1000 troops into syria directly after meeting with puppet master netanyahu?
>here's my last post
Oh no. What will we do without the smug strawmanning leddit tard? wtf I h8 blumpf now
I knew I should have voted for Hitlery Clinton.
What did he deploy those 1000 troops to do exactly? I keep hearing this number but never actually a concrete conclusion to what he's actually doing. Are those 1000 troops steamrolling Assad or running guns to FSA? He never ran on a non interventionist platform, he ran on a non-ousting of dictators platform. So you're full of shit again.
>implying plebbit fags actually know or care about jews running our country
its always funny how you guys refer to everything you don't like as a straw man or a plebbit fag. it's not straw manning, it is completely fucking obvious what trump is doing and who he is working for and it's painful to pretend that he isn't part of their establishment, I would know because I tried doing it for a while.
>Trump controlled by Mossad
>Who controls Donald Trump?
There is no hope for America.
they are unwelcomed by assad and russian forces. the syrian army already defeated isis. we have no business being there and the only reason is to try and seize control of the area. now tillerson is fucking around with north korea and iran too, those other two countries that have been targets of neo con policies forever.
Your argument was that Sup Forums loves everything that Trump does as if we're all 1 person to get a reaction out of Trump supporters. That is a strawman you fucktard. You've concocted this idea that every Trump supporter is 100 percent onboard with every little plan he has to discount any actual positives that he may have in the eyes of the right wingers on this board. Go back to leftypol
Sup Shareblue shill?
Sup Forums is zionist board , you won't change this
lol keep telling yourself that
well there are god emperor threads every single day. the majority of pol loves him, but they shouldn't because he is the antithesis of everything the stand for. he couldn't be more apart of ((((((((((((((((((them)))))))))))))))))))
This is all speculation by you. ISIS is not dead yet. That is a blatant fucking lie. Nobody has actually even deployed 1k troops yet.
Sorry, we got caught up in the memes.
>TRUMP IS THE SWAMP: Trump's Jewish Elite MAFIA and The 5 Dancing Israelis (2017)
i like how shills false flag as jew haters now
>i like how jews false flag now
>The Five Dancing Israelis - 9/11/2001 - Our Purpose Was To Document The Event
>9/11 Missing Links [FULL Length]
Yes , goy , get them !!
finally someone who actually watches what is going on around them.
i can assure you i am not a shill, just someone who actually stands for some sort of principles. trump is a liar and a kike and he got into office by duping idiots like you and me.
russian and syrian forces regained control of aleppo. they don't want or need our help, yet we are sending in forces anyway. that is how you get to a big conflict. fucking drone strikes have gone up almost 500% under trump. he ran on lies
Aw, are you two going to fall in love and make little shillings?
Sup Forums is Zionist board
I am a shill for white people and western culture. Hillary was just as much a kike as Trump so for me the election didn't matter. (((They))) were going to do what they were going to do and Sup Forums had nothing to do with it.
Prepare your anus for more wars for Jizzrael.
Where do we post without being infiltrated by Mossad? and all trump shills
I'll probably head back over to 8ch. The amount of traffic there nowadays is depressingly low, but at least they don't stand for israeli wars and puppet presidents.
You can easily find yourself preaching to the choir there. I know it seems like an uphill battle at times, but you have a better chance of getting some normie to swallow a red-pill here.
I know trump is a zionist puppet now. At first I didn't know and cheered for him but now I know and I know hes a kike so fuck him and his kike usa politics.
Still better than hillary.
I just hope he doesn't attack iran or nk.
I know I will probably get called a muh strawman for this, but if I had to guess, I'd say there is a 95% chance that within the first 4 years of his presidency he will invade at least one of them, probably Iran. He is already talking quite tough on them and he has all the neocons behind him frothing at the mouth to go attack them.
>probably Iran
Certainly looks like that's where we're heading. The jews have distanced themselves from Trump only so that it doesn't seem obvious that he's working in their benefit.
This desu senpai. It's pretty transparent.
>everyone I don't like is a shill and I need to tell myself that so that I don't have to swallow the cold hard truth
>everyone who decides to stop lulling themselves into complacency from thinking they have a new (false) prophet is a shill
kys. shills wouldn't talk about zionists considering they work for them
>jew hating on Sup Forums is shilling
Um, yeah, that's not going to work here.
On the other hand, Trump at least isn't increasing any aid to Israel or going after Assad or anything retarded like that. Seems like he just wants to kill every insurgent in the Middle East and go home
Hell, I don't know that all the neocons in Congress would ever pass a budget that cut aid to Israel anyway. Trump has no real control over it. I guarantee you half of this shit is Trump getting undermined by shitheads like McCain. He's worth it for the domestic policy, at least. In that regard, he's better than everyone, but he's having to compromise to get it through.
At any rate, nearly everyone in Congress is an AIPAC puppet. There's not any options we have on that front
Trump pulling a hostile takeover of the tribe. Did you read his books?
Like no shit we know he's pro-Israel. He's stated it it many times in the past. Fuck off stormfag.
We should've voted Hillary she is anti semetic and hates jews and hates immigration unlike Drumpf
You blindly loyal Trumpcucks are the real Reddit. He is as Jewish as it gets and you useful idiots lap it up.
>Seriously someone explain it to me.
"I love Israel" "No one has more respect for women than me"
>Did you read his books?
What are you referencing?
>When shills deny they're shills
You got to fag harder and earn those Soros Shekels ShariaBlue
Also fuck off shill
Go back to /r/the_donald, kikelover.
divide and conquer
>its satanists, many of whom pretend to be jews or are ethnic jews.
Like Drumpf.
Fuck off jew
this. it's becoming really obvious too. his tweets used to be funny and now they are deliberate distractions, probably some sort of experiment to see how dumbed down the american population has become and how easily distracted/riled up they are.
here's the thing. i'm no stormfag or even a neo nazi. i just really hate that israel controls our foreign policy/media, and since now everyone thinks that trump is outside of the establishment they will never look to see that netanyahu and his zionist buddies are still pulling the strings. yes trump said he was pro israel, but he also said that the wars in the middle east have been horrible for america and that he would stop them. hillary offered no such sentiments, and now trump looks like he is following the exact same foreign policy that hillary would have if she won.
this. im not saying any of you had to vote for hillary, hell I voted for trump too, and his domestic policy is indeed better. but now it's time to get off the fake high of having someone "anti establishment" in office and go back to being red pilled about government.
8 years, shill.
Hello r/The_Donald. I don't know if you're aware but JIDF is provably a bigger thorn in Sup Forums's side than your imaginary enemies you circlejerk about.
Because all these alt.right cuks start hiding in the bathroom when someone actually comes with good arguments.
>nu-Sup Forums idolizes Alex Jones, Ben Shapiro, Milo, Stefan Molyneux, and Rebel Media
>all of these are kike-owned, kike-married or are kikes themselves
>muh Muslims are the real threat
>pay no attention to the Jews promoting low birth rates and miscegenation so you need immigrants to pay for welfare
you already blew your load, schlomo
>$0.02 has been deposited into your account