Nobody likes Walonia.
Why it even exists?
Why the superior Flemish just don't drown them using their superior engineering minds?
Walonia hate thread
Dutch people and French people are both abhorrent savages
They let in a million immigrants.
>They let in a million immigrants.
Why Flemish don't want multiculturalism?
Are you rayssssisst?
I just want my country to be a safe place to live.
>I just want my country to be a safe place to live.
Who doesn't.
Even my country is turning into Multi culti shit.
Flanders should just join us and don't forget "Wallonian" Brabant.
Quick rundown if you wonder why there is a divide in the first place
>18/19th century: French rulers start to push French as language
>1814: Belgium falls under Dutch rule, Willem I gets rid of French influence, Belgium is prospering.
>FRENCH speaking bourgeosie with the support of catholic clerics start a revolution
>1831:Belgium independent
>Flanders gets oppressed, no right to vote, French becomes official language
>WW1-WW2: Germans invade and grant rights to Flanders
>First Dutch university in 1932
>1950-now: Flanders becomes more and more wealthy because less conservative, become more aware of Flemish culture, the divide between the 2 parts start.
This.Why the divide even happen?
>French,Waloons = Russian occupiers in 1940's
Bunch of rebels were paid by the English to stifle Dutch trade by keeping the low countries divided.
Why the fuck do you even care?
>Why the fuck do you even care?
Because I want to educate myself wheat nigger.
Greater netherlands when?
That and the French Bourgeoisie. They are like the Jews making the Flemish hate Willem without any actual reason. If the internet existed then, it would never have happened
Waloon genocide when.
Their french cuck thinking always follow.
look whos talking
More like phlegmish
>More like phlegmish
>I just want my country to be a safe place to live.
I also don't want mudslime here. Let The Great Purge commence!
I'm sorry, who was it who had the greatest empire the world will ever see? Oh, right, it wasn't France.
More like: thank us for making you civilized
>Let The Great Purge commence!
Can you own a gun?
A normal gun?
Fuck Walloons, nobody but a few people live there and they demand everything to be split equally between flanders and wallonia.
I think the military will be on our side. Also probably the train workers.
You can own shotguns and rifles without a license but for automatic and handguns you need a license (approval by government, training every few months). Carrying is forbidden unless you have good reasons approved by state/town/province.
it's possible after heavy vetting, and once a year police comes to visit you to check if you keep you guns and ammo in different safes.
Or you can go to your local Ivan or muhamed, and buy an AK47 for a couple hundred euros.
Trip fries.
here you can't own a automatic but you can carry a pistol with a bought licence.
Sucks man.
They take away your guns and ask you to act safe.
True, you gave a good summary desu.
Trip gods have spoken again. Yeah its pretty sad, Belgium gun ownership used to be pretty high. A lot of older people still have a rifle or gun stocked away on the attic or somewhere else but with no ammunition it is pretty useless.
>guns and ammo in different safes.
Are they retarded I understand safes but different for each?
>Honey Ibarhim is threatening me with knife
>Just wait honey till I unlock both of these 8 combo safes assemble my gun and load it.
lots of healthcare workers too, and ppl working on the docks.
And don't forget the cops, especially in highly "culturally enriched" neighbourhoods, which every other town seems to have.
What are we waiting for exactly?
> Be Anglo
> Create empire
> Make it multicultural cuckfest
Fuck off.
>What are we waiting for exactly?
Aren't Waloon sates more cucked?
Belgium is not a country.
I don't know shit about the local politics but wasn't leon degrelle (spelling?) a pretty cool guy? Maybe even /ourguy/?
I could be wrong because of lack of knowledge so inform me
If anything, Beligum is ours you cunts.
>talking about BELGIAN laws
still asking
>Are they retarded
Don't ask questions that you already know the answer of.
Farage is based I hope he kicks out all the Latvian diaыpora out of UK.
>that (((english))) nose
Also Walloon people arent that bad.
They are nice, relaxed people wjho arent stressed or intolerant.
The only problem i have is they keep on leeching off our money and block our country politically
>Aren't Waloon sates more cucked?
First we were talking about different professions, as in: ppl who work.
Now you're talking about walloons.
Pick one.
Walloons are pretty comfy imo. Ardennes is nice to go camp in the summer. Kinda tired of them leeching tho
Degrelle was pretty based but he was a faggot who fled to Spain after the war to evade his conviction.
Read about Joris van Severen and Staf de Clerq if you want based politicians.
I have never seen an immigrant garbage man either. I have seen some in construction though.
>What are we waiting for exactly?
I do not know. I guess we are too scared to lose our jobs.
filip pls
Belgium is a non country and a perfect place to have Europen agreements. German half and french half have to make compromises.
My keyboard switched to Russian fucking Putin hackers.
I'm descended from Walonians. what do I have to be proud of? also my family name is derived from a french name, I don't know if that changes things
Ardenne are the only good thing about Wallonia. People there aren't stuck up city dwellers either and I had plenty of nice chats with people there.
Kei gezellig in Achouffe, dikke aanraaier.
>I guess we are too scared to lose our jobs
and too comfortable sitting on our sofa, stuffing our face with cheap crisps form den aldi, wallowing down cans of beer while we watch "temptation island" to kill off that last braincell so we don't have to remind ourselves how shit this corrupt country is, and not actually get off of our fat ass and do something about it.
Latvia issues 101.
We are the same beer-niggers.
They are friendly enough, yes. Also they aren't violent or obnoxious. The problem is though that we aren't made for eachother. We belong with the Netherlands. It would just be better for everyone. Less administration, right wing Flemish join right wing Netherlands. Socialist Wallonia joins socialist France. Everyone happy.
you latvian fuck went too far there
your ass will be handed to Russia and all your women will be married to Chechens
Conquering a bunch of savages is not the greatest empire the world has ever seen.
Het is Philippe.
>Prins Filip wil, als hij op 21 juli koning der Belgen is geworden, officieel Philippe gaan heten. ‘Wie wetten ondertekent kan dat juridisch gezien slechts onder één naam’, laat een woordvoerder van het paleis weten.
It's pretty, and the people in there are smart and polite, and great eaters.
Were Flanders to join The Netherlands do you think it should be an antonymous region within the union? Do you think the provinces of Brabant and Limburg should be reunited? Or do you think the Flemish region should be divided into provinces of their own? (ex. Vlaanderen, Zuid-Brabant, West-Limburg)?
Don't forget everyone in real estate.
One time there was a Nigerian that wanted the landlord to pay him money cause his sink was broken. When the landlord entered the house, the sink was indeed lying on the floor.... with a shit in it. The Nigerians were using the sink a toilet instead the actual fucking toilet
i seriously care about this now. pls halp my nationalist pride
>you latvian fuck went too far there
So we go too far but at least somewhere.
It's not Nice to say something about driving because it still comes from French.
Are these people Dutch or Walloons?
>tfw born in brussels
>tfw native language is dutch
>only spoke with my parents and family
>have a light french accent when speaking
>have a flemish accent when speaking french
kill me familia
Fucking Hollanders
They are from the Netherlands, not Flanders.
Go to Netherlands get pussy for having accent.Learn normal Dutch/Flemish.
>descended from Walonians.
>what do I have to be proud of?
unironically, and literally: nothing.
True, bitches love the soft G. I can vouch for that as a Brabander.
Am Wallonian. AMA
thx bros
Why don't you speak Flemish like every normal person?
Why Wallonians are so shit with languages?
Quelle région?
What's up with the anti-Dutch/Flemish sentiment especially among young Walloons who refuse to being taught Dutch at school?
Do you wanna join France? You guys can have Brussels. I'll even sacrifice my own hometown (which is right between the both)
>Walloon people arent that bad.
>nice, relaxed people wjho arent stressed or intolerant
>recieve euros/year from flanders
>refuse to cooperate on any issue whatsoever
>gang up on flanders with their 4 governments against our 1 government on every issue, despite being the minority
>grab every chance to call flanders racist assholes when abroad
So tolerant, so relaxed...
Which region?
>PLS don't make this into a native clusterfuck
They have to choose between English and Dutch, hence why most dont speak Dutch
I would prefer to not leave one federation to land straight into a new one. Efficiency is key. We could fuse east and west-Flanders into one province. Limburg could be fused aswell. Flemish Brabant is not physically connected to Dutch Brabant though, so best to keep those separated.
>plenty of nice chats with people there
>implying dutch speak anything other than dutch
>implying walloons speak anything other than french
Individual Walloons are mostly ok, but of course as a group they just want to leech off us.
again, separation is the best way to ho
VB + NVa coalition is all we need
where a funny bunch :^)
Because unlike in Flanders, you don't learn dutch until you are 14-15 years old. The tests are easy and every year I felt like I was learning the same sentences. For 4 years I only learned really basic stuff like directions, introductions etc... And Wallonians being shit with languages, I'm not sure why. We're maybe better than the Frenchs, but most people hate speaking english because our accents are horrible.
At school you can choose between Spanish and Dutch. I chose Dutch personally but most people don't because it's "ugly" and "not cool or sexy". It's not really anti-Flemish, just a preference. It'd be better if it was only Dutch
we just need one single government with 75% flemish people 25% Walloons. Make Brussels one single city. solved?
Fair enough.
What's your opinion on the linguistic situation in Brussels?
I went to Charleroi, and I've never seen such ugly people. And I'm from Yorkshire.
I was under the impression it went back to the Eighty Years War, Spanish Netherlands.
I don't really wanna join France, we're cucked enough with diversity. I don't want Syrians on top of all the Africans and roaches. Brussels is a shit hole, but without it, we'd be fucked honestly I think so I guess I don't mind getting it if you Flemish don't want it anymore
Brussels here. Complicated, very
Because most of us don't start learning dutch until about 15, and because our politicians are as stupid and corrupted as yours so nothing ever changes
Get the fuck out of this thread. Saturday evenings are only for the employed.
Antwerp and Flemish Brabant all used to be part of the Duchy of Brabant, though. But you would keep those 3 separate I gather.
> Don't know who NVA is, about to drink at my mate's place but I'll look it up later.
Both are degenerate fucks. Not even Wallonia or Flanders should exist.
>not wanting France cause of diversity
>wants Brussels
Good luck with that. But yeah you'd need it for the money and it'd be good for your purple political mindset.
>part of the European Union
Mostly Flemish people with whom I could laugh about my utterly knackered self (due to drinking a shitton of beer)
Bietje gezellige zeveren, ge kent 't wel.
I live in Tongeren, always cracks me up to see people posting on Sup Forums who live so close to you
Are you Belgian, because everytime i visit liege, young people are overwhelmingly black/arab/ italian
>Walloon English
No, abolish welfare and kinderbijslag --> immigrant birth rate goes down
Close borders
then reclaim Brussel
>Because unlike in Flanders, you don't learn dutch until you are 14-15 years old. The tests are easy and every year I felt like I was learning the same sentences. For 4 years I only learned really basic stuff like directions, introductions etc... And Wallonians being shit with languages, I'm not sure why. We're maybe better than the Frenchs, but most people hate speaking english because our accents are horrible.
So basically you are Russians of Belgium?
Instead of learning by yourself you blame other.
Thinks that we like EU.
>Fix your teeth.