Will Indianbros help us in the case of a total war against Islam?
Will Indianbros help us in the case of a total war against Islam?
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idk you tell me. Does this lean Western or Radical
India is 30% muslim itself.
>Sikhs chimping out
Mother of Kek, this was so so hilarious. It was all over the news. The whole nation had a laugh at these looneybins
Btw what does Sup Forums think of Black Sikhs (pic related). Are they Bro-tier too?
N-No. Not y-yet. Is it?
Are they black sikhs or blacks converted to sikhism?
i thought it was more like 15%
i guess it depends if you count kashmir etc
>chimping mass chimping bwc
my three favorite phrases
idk go step on their feet and see if they pull out a blade or m9
although it seems that the number of muslims is growing faster than the number of hindus
also it seems that the muslim population is the least educated and most unemployed percentage of the population. wherever they are, muslims gonna muzz
>Those blue eyes
I thought Sikhs are bro tier.. fuck you pol for lying to me!!!
What else you fucks lied to me? I bet Sweden isn't even cucked.
stfu mirko crocop
>my country is your country
>my culture is your culture
their genocide is our genocide
Never, kuffar. We'll unite with those retarded atheists first (not sure why they support Islam but whatever), take on the Christians together, and finally achieve domination of the West
nothing we can do.. strong civilizations produce weak people.
isnt your country in total war, OP?
hey good luck with that guy
>how many nukes does it take to whipe this little bitch and all of his bloodline off the face of the Earth sir?
>about .25
>how many nukes do we got sir?
>you dont worry about that kid, daddys got you
T. VICE """news"""
yeah, you gonna nuke germany? most of the muslims will be there 40 years from now..
they are going to infiltrate western countries and simple outbreed the native populations. There wont be any wars.
El Salvador the murder capital of the world
we have God on our side
>cant wait to be a minority
You jews unleashed the mogul hordes into the west
You have no one to blame but yourself
However sikhs might still help you
You need to enlist the Monkey Man for this fight
source; am indian
>Shitskin gangmembers killing other shitskin gangmembers is something bad
>India stop the tide of muslim invasion?
Only if the entire culture replace their old caste-system with a new one.
One that only makes a distinction betweem muslim and non-muslim.
Current cultural caste system is what allows Islam to spread.
But your flag is Paki
i love watching.
the west is the best
>nuke everything
>Current cultural caste system is what allows Islam to spread.
Please explain
I thought India cast system was developed to keep social order
what are ye Borat
>Monkey man
Wtf a Brazilian guy on the loose?!
Discrimination by upper and middle caste Hindus against the outcaste Dalits drives a few of them into the folds of Islam and Cuckstianity
We are taking care of dirty muzzies ourselves.
Christians are weak. monotheistic bastards.
Christians will have to bow to Hindus if they want our support.
is that picture for opposite day show and tell?
>dirty shitskin vs. God-tier race
Funny how I was literally just watching Borat clips.
We were the same countries a mere 60 years ago.
>God tier race
theyll be our ww1 africans
>>Current cultural caste system is what allows Islam to spread.
>Please explain
>I thought India cast system was developed to keep social order
Any human culture that wants to expand beyond a small tribe needs to develop some form of groups and hierarchy in order to do that.
Both ideological and religious/cultural rules helps in order to have humans form "bigger tribes" and eventually entire nations.
So yes, caste system is one of those cultural rules that allowed for more humans to interact without starting a civil war.
But any rules are subject to criticism and anything criticized can be used to gather followers.
A king/dictator can be attacked by people waving a banner of democracy.
A theocracy of the wrong religion can be attacked by people from the "correct one".
Islam doesn't have a caste system and those who doesn't like the idea of being born inferior, the sentiment that Muslims are all equal (which they are not) sounds really good!
Just like communism sounds good to someone who isn't really making it that great in a capitalistic world.
navy seal here ask me anything
Indians have a bad rap here but they have managed to keep Muslims and Jews away from their country despite their many attempts. Can't see why any sane white country wouldn't want them on their side.
go marry another goat and kill it for the marriage presents
It's pretty clear that they are a significant portion of them are actually because of the illegal immigration from bangladesh and pakistan,which also contribute to the least educated and unemployed lot,along with the fact that these two nations are inbred as hell (70% pakis are inbred).
>go marry another goat and kill it for the marriage presents
>American education
Pic related
it's nice to see that burgers are embracing multiculturalism so well.
How many times have you fainted from lack of oxygene while under water?
How many confirmed kills do you have ?
Yes with their shatapults and buttlistas lobbing great flaming shits
Haven't Hindus been fighting islamic terrorism longer than anyone?
burgers, you should speak less. You have a moron for a leader now.
>help us in the case of a total war
where dafuq is even el salamander located at ?
In Eastern parts, YES
This is how I look in the summer.
The Eastern parts are a lost cause and need to be tactically nuked.
Btw is it safe for you atheists in Bangladesh now?
I ain't that faggot atheist ricenigga...I'm just your regular old level-33 wizard ricenigga
after an extended trip to pattaya, I'm sure ?
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me you little piece of shit, i’ll have you know i graduated top of my politics class and i’ve been involved in privilege checking with over 150 confirmed political demonstrations i’m trained in conflict resolution and i was the most oppressed person in my entire upper middle class high school you are nothing to me but another cultural appropriator i will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which have never been seen on this side of the 49th parallel mark my words you think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the internet think again fucker, as we speak i’m checking with my anarcho-communist analyst brigade for your location so you better be prepared to deal with some molotov cocktails and angry feminists flying through your window yOU’RE FUCKING DEAD CHERRY! i can be anywhere at any time and i can kill you in over seven hundred ways and that’s just with me boring you to death while i talk about privilege not only am i extensively trained in hotline management but i have access to an entire arsenal of sociological articles to prove my point and i will use them to wipe your fucking face off the earth you little shit if only you had known what oppressed retribution your cultural appropriation would unleash then maybe you would have held your fucking tongue but you couldn’t you’re fucking dead kiddo
>Scooter pooper
Sorry OP you must know how to use pic related before you can help us.
How can someone living in the most powerful country in the world end so bad?
India is fucking itching to nuke the shit out of pakistan so yeah probably
I'm your biggest ally in the world how could you fail to recognize my flag
kek pussing out when his swrod goes flying
>I'm your biggest ally
No Shit !
I've never seen a dude so dark have such blue eyes. Impressive