Richard Spencer gets millions in subsidies for cotton farm

What timeline is this

>Of Course White Nationalist Richard Spencer Gets Millions in Federal Subsidies for His Family’s Cotton Farm in Louisiana

>Richard Spencer runs the National Policy Institute, an anodyne name for a white-supremacist think tank. He is also, according to a new report from Reveal, one of the absentee landlords on his family’s 5,200-acre cotton and corn farm in a poor, rural area of Louisiana. That farm is also heavily supported by the United States government; between 2008 and 2015, the operation received $2 million in federal farm subsidies.

>Spencer reportedly owns the farm — which was passed down from his maternal grandfather — with his mother and his sister, and it is likely worth millions. Spencer refused to comment on how much money he receives from the business, telling Reveal, “I’m not involved in any direct day-to-day running of the business. I’m going to navigate the world as it is, and I’m not going to be a pauper.”

the blandest looking white guy I have ever seen.


choose one

Fucking kulak


So that's how he's able to afford all those fancy 3 piece suits. Good for him.

>Spencer owns a cotton farm
That is too perfect

So what, he probably has lots of land. Farmers get subsidies everywhere.

What the fuck? Spencer is literally a plantation owner? Based.

Is there a point to this post? Cotton farming is a solid business. My father's friend became insanely rich from it (he used to farm and sell ~20% of Australia's cotton). Would make deals worth hundreds of thousands like it was nothing.

He's handsome as fuck and atleast he's white you arab dildo.

The implication from the Jewish author is that they want Spencer to lose his family business because of his political ideology; a phenomenon known as "witch hunting".

Imagine if Jews were thrown out of their place of work or business for being Zionists. Same thing.


There is nothing wrong with being alt-right.


I'm glad to find out he's wealthy. He can afford to keep fighting the good fight.

>Wanting political opponents alive

You misunderstand, I was being unironic.

Haha Spencer probably wants his antique farm equipment back

This desu.

He's pissed Lincoln let all his farm equipment go.


>part of an american white identity movement
>owns a cotton farm
Fucking perfect.

It's the free market goy! Can't let the government intervene or else you are a dirty socialist

It would be kind of a fun closing bracket to have the last president of the US be a farmer.

should be wojaks in the field

But the shills on Sup Forums told me he got his money from the feds. I mean Russia, whatever it is this week.

So instead of getting a job and being his own man he lives off of the handouts of his family's money while he runs around the country telling niggers and spics to gtfo because they're leeches? Kek, what a fag

>cotton farm



>leftists will get mad at state subsidization of farming.
I wonder how they will rationalize being against this, oh wait here we go

he is rich as fuck
can he get on with the college tour or can i have my money back trust fund boy

is dixieland coming back....?

Wait...if he's so rich, why hasn't he used his money to set up more white nationalist shit?

This makes me like him more though, because he could have been a good goy and lived off the interest, but instead he chose to speak out against what the elites are doing. He even talks about elite pedophilia, I wonder if he's aware of how depraved they are.

Taking a walk at Spencer's cotton farm.

>Tired: White Nationalists are poor, basement dwelling losers.
>Wired: White Nationalists are millionaires that own plantations

>He owns a plantation
>But you see all white nationalists are trailer trash rednecks

Oh boy.

>white nationalist
>owns a cotton farm
No fucking way

personally, I have major support for Text size: 18 Font: Veranda

>Spencer owns a cotton plantation

I love life

lmao nice

Not even big on the Spence, but this shit is too funny.

Dankest timeline in the multiverse.

Best timeline.

>literal plantation owner
this goes beyond comedy

This is the best thing I've read all day. I also really like Spencer. He's out there fighting the good fight.

I do that. Old money is old money it's why I spend so much time on here.

lovin this meme

How do I collect those juicy farm subsidies Sup Forums?

Spencer reportedly owns the farm — which was passed down from his maternal grandfather

So the '''''implication''''' is that his family owned slaves? Thats fucking hilarious