Feminism - what is it really about feminism that pissed off Sup Forums so much?
>muh feminism
>muh objectification
>muh sexism
>takes dozens of photos to check on her tits and ass
Being annoying and sticking their shitty propaganda in places where they don't belong.
The blame game/battle of the sexes.
Pic related
Sup Forums is autistic and thinks that white women are any fucking worse than any other type of women in western society. Sup Forums is full of losers that forget that western society is degenerate to the core and western men are almost ALL effeminate and useless. But the easy target is to take out their e-anger on white women since Sup Forums can circlejerk about it and then they don't have to take responsibility for their own flaws.
So your issue is that people don't take it seriously enough?
Spotted the feminist.
Is today the day where you shills try to promote feminism here?
If people took feminism seriously it would already be considered successful. But it's not actually feminism that feminists are pushing anymore.
Give me five(5) reasons why Feminism is a bad thing.
Eh, they sure do look well fed.
It's that they aren't honest with themselves. They act like they're just trying to even the playing field but it's obvious to everyone who isn't a brainwashed retard that what they're actually trying to do is put themselves in positions of power. They're not for equality, they're for revenge, and the worst part of it all is that they're taking revenge for fucking nothing at all, for perceived injustices that in reality either never happened or had nothing to do with their gender.
I can start.
#1 The biggest proponents of feminism are rooted in Marxism.
Marxism is a cancerous disease. It'll fuck up anything it infects.
Give us one that it's good.
Spotted the loser Sup Forums weirdo that can't get white women.
Sup Forums needs to be cleansed. It's full of losers that are responsible for the white race declining yet they are so effeminate and stupid that they can't understand that.
>a fucking leaf
The hypocrisy, hatred, and frankly insulting entitlement and ignorance.
Feminists are hypocrites and they just want to make life easier for themselves.
Collapsing marriage and birth rate because of feminist social policies.
Feminism is the cancer of society that will destroy western civilization.
Chaos and anarchy brought on by hyperinflation await when pension systems fail because of population structure crisis.
It's a special mental disorder that makes hypocrisy and social exploitation invisible when you see it.
Guess you'd call it liberalism.
They claim equality, but demand privileges without pulling their weight
for me its the denial of normal biological impulses that seperate males and females, and the gender roles that spring from these, within the home, community, and society at large.
simply saying women can be just as happy acting like men isnt true. or vice versa.
there are and will be many more cat ladies in the coming decades
Because women have already achieved full equal rights in the west, and now are just complaining about any random thing that bothers them and call it 'feminism'.
Literally ANY problem that a woman can think of becomes a major 'feminist' issue.
Tampons cost too much?
Have to pay for birth control?
Guys look at you?
Guys don't look at you?
Not enough vacation time?
Someone wrote something you don't like?
Shoes uncomfortable?
Toilet paper too rough?
Toilet paper too soft?
Too much rain?
Someone criticize you?
Don't like the president?
There have all become feminist issues, according to feminists. Plus much more -- that's just what I thought of in ten seconds.
Feminism is an excuse for rich western women to attach a label to all the shit they've always bitched about anyway. It makes their stereotypical whining and mood swings superficially legitimate.
A Leaf.
Modern women have to know that sticking your tongue out like that is inherently sexual.
It's not really about anything anymore, that's why it pisses me off. Feminism in the first world is basically an attempt by women to make themselves feel more important, better about themselves or their (poor) life decisions, and gain respect they haven't earned.
>have stock in cat food business
Nothing against it
They know. They're literally trolling.
did you see the bathtub vid from a few days ago. her tits may be small but they are really nice i would like to suck on them
Hypocrisy and the lack of care for men. You mention anything about men's rights and issues and they'll say your just a virgin that needs to get laid. Literally no different than what people said too suffragettes.
Pic related are protestors in Switzerland
>hoes before embryos
>complaining about the "patriarchy" in fucking Switzerland
Your last president.
I suppose I don't mind it entirely, but it seems a lot of it is contradictory.
>fight for women to be less "objectified" in media/ television
>dresses up half naked, and say women are allowed to use their body freely
>complain when men go back to focusing on their half naked body
This isn't a strawman either, it's so very common
Just admit it you fags, you hate white women because they don't want you.
What are you going to do now? Go in another thread and make some effeminate posts about how "ALPHA" you are because you have a latina slut gf, and then in the same post bitch about whites declining? Go ahead, do it. You are not real "men", 95 percent of this board is full of failed men.
>only women define what being a man is!
Another reason I hate feminism, tbqh.
It's the overbearing mother mentality applied to all of society.
Watching half naked whores covered in jizz looking like a krispy kreme doughnut lead the charge on female empowerment and respect is the joke to end all jokes.
>95 percent of this board is full of failed men
spotted the roastie feminist
Feminists are fake women who replace the lack of love from their families and desire of men with big government and forced equality.
That I never seen any kind of opression, even more. There are actually more benefits to being female. But that wouldn't bother me, it's the thing that they are crying about it so much. Fucking infuriating
it seems some normies are catching on an at a much more enormous magnitude than ever before. My theory: seeing their mindless, irl friends on the left genuinely believe what they view as clear narrative by media/liberals has left them almost jaw dropped and this has caused them to snap out of their life paralysis and ignited skepticism in their hearts. good friend(always has been a conservative but pretty susceptible to propaganda kinda a naive kid) of mine after a game of tennis earlier mentioned how the media controls everything earlier today, very joyous moment sent this. pic related. thoughts?
lmao i think this whole post and picture is almost too to be true, ill post his reply shortly, i was typed in the car but screenshotetd on my mac
Unarguably true. Why should I have to defend tenets of communism?
What pisses me off the most is how they use buzzwords like privilege and shit like that to justify their arguments rather then facts or statistical data.
When I try to have a rational debate they bring up my "privilege" as a straight white cis male. This drives me insane. I'm Bisexual, I was bullied in school for being white (surrounded by dumb niggers cause my family was poor), cisgendered sure but that doesn't stop people from calling me a girl because of my long hair.
The only privilege anyone has in this world is whether they were born with a silver spoon in their mouth. I'm willing to admit my bias, but my bias is what proves them wrong.
Why isn't there a conservative feminism branch?
Im genuinely surprised one hasn't popped up yet.
lmao meant to start this as an oringal thread im baked
Communist conservatives? Nigger are you high
1. Feminism is Jewish.
2. Feminism harms women.
3. Feminism harms the male/female relationship.
Without forced equality you literally just have to protect women with laws to empower them.
...wait, that's how it worked before feminism.
constantly being accused of a bunch of bullshit I don't even know anything about
being expected to make a bunch of changes in my life because some broad chose to be a nurse, and thats somehow 1. bad, and 2. my fault
The problem stems from third wave feminism. It's a serious form of cancer that was inevitable from the very moment feminism as a movement began. All good things eventually become shitty and cancerous if you give it enough time.
>mostly the narcissism and degeneracy
That's like saying: stage 1 cancer is good but stage 3 cancer is bad.
It's cancer either way.
>Implying it was ever good
no there was merit in the initial feminist movements. women being able to own property and getting to vote/run for office were good things because they actually brought women fairly equal to men in the eyes of the law. third wave feminism is all of this stupid trigger-3809 gender fuckery. It's definitely the only cancer.
>The constant bickering and winning from these cunts that has no end.
>The lack of understanding for reason and logic.
T>he never-ending noise that comes out of their fucking vocal cords screeching mu feels without any base to sustain their arguments.
>The sheep like mindset that takes over them due to the unavoidable hormone filled brain.
Go make a sandwich you stupid fucking cunts
etc etc et
obviously you are of the ways of the jew
Inside every feminist is a woman who hasn't yet been broken by a real man putting her in her rightful position as submissive nest mate.
They could do those things before feminism.
things like women's suffrage or fighting for the right to own property are actual feminist things. Simply because they focus on advancing the positions of females in society. Just because the the term "feminism" didn't exist at the time doesn't mean that they weren't making feminist advances.
Maybe because this isn't 1960 anymore you fucking idiot.
>christina hoff summers
her brand of feminism isn't even shitty. if anything she would be okay with Sup Forums
Blatant sexism.
There's no reason for 3rd wave feminism. Women can do anything a man can. They just don't want to. They want to be treated like special little princesses because they're females. While at the same time they push the stereotypical gender role on men while saying they shouldn't be held to the same standard.
Feminism rustled Sup Forums because it's a backwards ass ideology that favors women in society while touting itself as "equality based". Obvious double standards and fake equality never sit right with Sup Forums.
Yes it's always mens fault, women are incapable of doing anything wrong ever.
it promotes segregation within the "whiteys"
>That tongue
Brush your tongue and drink some fucking water, jesus christ that's disgusting.
>feminism is jewish
>which is why it's only a problem in western countries
This logic lmao
10/10 would impregnate
>Why isn't there a conservative feminism branch?
Because conservatism prizes traditional values like classic gender roles. Feminism, especially as it is today is a counterculture that directly opposes almost every conservative value and viewpoint.
Famous people like Emma Watson call themselves feminists without really understanding what that means. It's hip, and it goes hand in hand with the greater movement towards 'social justice'. The reality is quite different, and you shouldn't be fooled by attractive, well adjusted outliers like Watson. Nor should you let the popularity of feminism among college children mislead you, because many of these people are simply toeing the line and trying to jive with academic culture. The movement is (and has been), on the whole, composed of women who fall very low in the social and reproductive hierarchy. It's unfortunate and unkind to point out, but as Nietzsche told us very clearly over 100 years ago, the healthier a woman is, the more fruitful she is, the less interest she has for so called 'equal rights'. Why? Because her current position is unquestionably one of special, superior rights: equality would be tantamount to a demotion for this sort of woman. It would mean being dragged down to the level of ordinary women, and even that of repugnant, sterile women. The correct account of feminism is nothing like what it purports to be. Feminism has been nothing but a long conspiracy against women, a bitter struggle of the lowest orders of the female sex against all higher orders. The feminists have been engaged in trying to topple this social hierarchy for generations. Feminists do not despise men. They only despise other women, namely the successful, desirable, fertile types which hitherto have always 'had it easy' in life. By upsetting the structure of society, they have sought to make this type of woman question herself, her comfortable life, her carefree dependence on whatever man was providing for her. They affect to hate men, but in reality they only hate other women. The feminists understand that in reality, men empower women to do many things; they provide, they make children for them which ensure a decent living and some inheritance.
>Give me five(5) reasons why Feminism is a bad thing.
What we have today is not about equality because we already have equality. It's about creating more inequality but this time in the other direction.
First wave feminism was legit but that was a long time ago. How about you feminists go protest in countries like Saudi Arabia where there is actual. systematic, government-backed oppression of women?
Nicely put Nigel.
Following on this, the motivation for altering women's feelings towards their role in society, and that of men as well, could not be more clear. The feminists want privileged women to renounce their advantages in the world, to throw away youth, health, beauty, chastity, charm, fertility and all the domestic talents. This is precisely what you see among feminists, who encourage and personally demonstrate:
>Unhealthy habits (drinking, smoking, bad diet, partying, recreational drug use, etc)
>Poor hygiene (lack of cleanliness, refusing to shave, unusual piercings, tattoos, lack of gynecological hygiene)
>Distasteful appearance (slovenly or lewd attire, unnatural hair colors, etc)
>Profligacy (causal sex, indiscriminate sexual favors, fetishism, etc)
>Uncouth behavior (vulgar language, screaming and yelling, physical violence, nasty dispositions, hostility, combativeness)
>Contraception (rendering sterile, birth control, forced miscarriage, abortion, delayed entry into motherhood)
>Contempt for domestic life (the housewife is a slave, the stay at home mother is unfulfilled, etc)
The aim of all this is what I have already stated, namely to destroy the innate female social hierarchy, the natural order of rank among women. It is just another miserable chandala revolt, an uprising of the female underclass against their betters. No one should think favorably of feminism on any level. It is conspiracy and hatred through and through. It has wrought untold dysgenic harm on our entire species, and it must be purged before any more generations are poisoned by it.
As a girl you are taught feminism means things like
>women were once not considered equals to men, which has changed!
>women can be strong and intelligent!
>women can pursue the same careers as men!
>women are sometimes the victims of crimes and objectification by men
>girls should be nice to eachother
Which is all easy enough to get behind. So you think feminism is common sense.
Then as an adult it's:
>haha only virgins in mom's basement criticize women
>men are the root of all evil
>kids can be transgender
>hijabs are liberating
>women can prove how smart and equal they are to men by joining gender studies instead of stem fields and complain about things
>more complaining
>cooking, cleaning, shaving, makeup, fitness, femininity are all things invented by satan
>only degenerate whores are good women, don't dare slutshame them but any conservative girl is disgusting and stupid and deserves death
So then anyone with any common sense at all realized "feminist" is code for batshit crazy
I'm 24 though. I imagine little girls now are even being told some of the latter.
>Software Engineer
>Love my job
>On good terms with everyone.
>The women who have been there 2 years+ they pull their own weight and actually aren't awful to be around
>All the sudden my company decides we need to start hiring more
>For whatever stupid ass reason we start hiring code school graduates
>I'm involved in the interviewing process for 3 of the candidates
>2 women 1 man
>First woman is barely qualified to compute, much less code, poorly describes use of promises, is unfamiliar with majority of OOP concepts.
>Second woman is better than the first, but in my opinion by no means hire-able, struggles with syntax, not very knowledgeable of computer science
>Man walks in, pretty qualified, knows concepts, decent in the technical interview, and seems like the person with good potential to grow.
>Tell talent acquisition manager my opinion of the candidates, with firm belief that the 2 women should not be hired and are unqualified. He agrees with me
>2 weeks later, both the women walk in, and not the man, and tell me that one of them is a QA engineer and the other got our Jr. Front End dev position.
>Talk to the talent acquisition manager asking him what happened, he tells me he didn't have a choice, the head of the department decided he wanted the women.
>Come to find out guy didn't even get an offer
>QA engineer gets placed on my team, which is entirely .NET shit that she has no fucking idea about.
>She can't even implement a simple fucking testing suite
>We basically have a product that is 90% finished that is 20% tested.
>They only got hired because they are women in technology.
>No one says anything
That is what pisses me off about feminism. There was nothing easy about getting into development before hand for either gender. What feminism has done, is made it so unqualified trash has a loop hole for them to sneak into high paying, high experience jobs, without the hard work you would normally have to do before hand. Fuck feminism.
The feminists have never aimed to promote healthy women in the world, on the contrary. They saw these women as too well provided for and sought to depose them from their place at the top of the female hierarchy. To this end they have poisoned the healthy woman with false ideas about her identity and slandered her enthusiasm so as to make her adopt their own. The crowning piece of malice was the invention and widespread distribution of hormonal contraception. This is the tool with which the feminists have tried to destroy all healthy, fertile women. They perverted social perceptions of a woman's role in society, created the lie of patriarch oppression, and turned the healthy women away from precisely that lifestyle which for thousands of years has guaranteed her security and prosperity in the world. And while this has been taking place, the feminist have gone to great lengths to find ways of correcting their own sterility, even while defaming the institution of motherhood.
There are two things that a feminist will defend to the death. Can you guess what they are? The full weight of this conspiracy becomes apparent when you understand this.
Firstly: A woman's 'right' to abortion
Secondly: A woman's 'right' to infertility
Most of the "good" things you were taught are either not true, half truths or not good at all, though.
The only one you can even argue as being untrue is the careers one. And you will notice I said "can" pursue and not "should" or "do" pursue.
>women are legally equals in the US, but a long time ago and in other cultures they were not
>there are some physically strong girls
true unless you are nitpicking by saying men are physically stronger overall, which is true and not the point of saying girls can be strong
>there are some intelligent girls
>sometimes women are victims of crimes
>sometimes men objectify women
>girls should be nice to each-other
>went to art school
>taking art theory and criticism
>assigned to present a PowerPoint on feminist Simone De Beauvoir
>go to wiki
>find out she was lifetime partner with Sartre
>make presentation about how she a how for the OG existentialist
>mfw I got kicked out of class and failed because I undermined feminism
I never took the class again and switched my major to marketing,
>women are physically strong
"men are physically stronger overall"
That's exactly what I said
When you're a little kid things like that just mean you can play sports too (which are separated by gender so who cares) and you shouldn't act like a weak little princess.
Because it's a distraction
Because it encourages women to not have children/to prioritize their career
Because it's worse being born a male in the west
It doesn't really piss me off though.
I am a man though. Women, at least in this thread, are not defining anything for you. But it's true that Sup Forums isn't man enough for white women.
Spotted the effeminate autistic Sup Forums weirdo basement dweller.
It's the job of men to lead women into something better.
But that's correct mostly. Women can do wrong things, but they look up to men to guide them and protect them. So when men become effeminate race-mixing queers, or basement dwellers, or promiscuous narcissists that don't want to commit, women go insane and also start being degenerate since there are no men around to lead them and protect them as it should be.
Feminism has been very successful in every country in dramatically dropping the birthrate. Generally you'll find in studies online that "the better the conditions and the more rights for women the lower their birthrate" and by better conditions I'm interpreting as feminism
I think you can combine the two. Women should be judged as individuals with the same rights, just that the media/education system should encourage having children.
But encouraging families is oppressive and excluding to those who are "individuals choosing not to have families".
You're right, but the fact that there isn't a huge push to have more children is indicative of feminism's malicious intent.
Bang-fucking-on. I'm hiring for an oracle dba position, and interviewed several people. A couple of promising candidates - all men - were sent to HR to negotiate hiring, etc.
I get an email - new program implemented and monitored by the female CEO of the compay means that a woman who was out of work for five years and wants to get back into the workforce is being placed into this job. A woman I haven't interviewed. A woman who has no fucking idea how oracle works, nor is up to date on current technologies.
But the female CEO wants bonus points for "mature women returning to STEM" and is forcing this useless fucking cunt onto my team.
Yeah, fuck feminism.
jesus this place is fucked. The one real upstanding western man is attacked, by the people responsible for eroding the patriarchy, for being a feminist.
Personally I hate stupid people.
>62 pence an hour
if only they hired men they could've made 1 US dollar an hour
It is a product of Marxism, and destructive to society.
You need women to have children and provide future generations.
You do not need women voting with their emotions and shitting up the planet.
hans... ive got bad news for you...
Destroys families which leads to personality disorders in kids.