So why didn't he shake her hand again?
Sup Forums's reason?
He's being respectful by upholding the new German cultural customs and not touching a woman.
>agreeing with libtards for all the wrong reasons
Because she is a certified enemy.
because her wrinkled old mitts are dripping with blood
That hand has touched her vagina, and not just in the distant past of her youth.
boogers on her fingernail
When? I only caught the last few moments and before they left together he did shake her hand
They already shook hands. Trump doesn't suffer naive morons who threaten to drag not only their own country down the drain, but anyone else who shares her delusions of social-rainbow grandeur.
What I see is a guy who wants this irritating waste of time out of his space, and I can absolutely identify with that sentiment.
"Get your photos and hit the bricks so I can shake this cow off my carpet."
Because it is covered in the blood of her citizens
Same reason he didn't look at her. She's a mong.
He doesn't want to shake hands with a criminal who has blood all over her hands for letting in the muslim hordes.
because she is playing a very large part in the destruction of the white race
>He's being respectful by upholding the new German cultural customs and not touching a woman.
Actually she's not covering her head, the new German cultural custom for when a woman goes outside without her hijab is to rape and beat her.
Our new empower doesn't shake the hands of Stasi scrum.
Trump was too anxious to even notice she wanted a handshake.
He was sitting next to a world leader after all.
Because she wasn't wearing a burka.
he did, fuck off shill
But, Donald, having small hands is sine..
He ignored the press...
Little Drumphy was grumpy and needed his bottle, luckely mammy Merkel was there to control his toddler-rage
Would you shake the hand of a woman who has destroyed and sold her nation down the road?.
to even look at her i am disqusted i couldnt imagine what touching that clammy lizzard hand would be like.
Hes afraid of strong women
Because if his hands will be near Merkel's hands libtards will use that image to make fun of Trump's little hands.
He thinks its a powergamer. But he already lost.
Sad thing. He never realize
I hate to say it to my amerikan friends.
I have never seen a more sad and disgusting prezzy