Rick Moranis is proof that not all jews are evil. Yes most of them are, but there are exceptions.
Rick Moranis is proof that not all jews are evil. Yes most of them are, but there are exceptions
have another non-evil tribesman
Vladimir Putin is proof that not all jews are evil.
>said the JIDF shill
Just fucking stop, this was going to be a funny thread before you got here
I miss him. It sucks that he quit acting, but I respect the decision.
He refused to see the new Ghostbusters because he knew what a disgrace it would be
He shrunk children and they almost got chomped by ants .
"The Jews" aren't evil. Leftists are. All my Jewish friends from USA I know voted for Trump and are redpilled, some served in the military.
You aren't a lefty because who you were born as, you chose to follow that ideology. You are either evil, immoral fuck or oblivious, naive, useful idiot buying their propaganda and fairy tales.
>Implying that Sup Forums's autism isn't funny.
The man is a menace.
Rick moranis is alive?
Signed. All of my Jewish friends voted for Trump
And then he blew them up.
He's quietly retired. Sometimes makes country music. I think he retired to raise his kids after his wife died.
I have a few hardcore redpilled Jewish friends too. They aren't even necessarily supporters of everything Israel does either. After all, they don't live there. One Jewish guy I know from NYC, he told me he'd kick my ass if I didn't vote Trump. He was dead serious. You should hear what he has to say about liberals. I swear he's a closet Sup Forumsack. The central problem is that most Jews are leftie, and Jews are like Scorpios to astrology fans: when they're bad, they're INCREDIBLY bad, and their ruthlessness and intelligence makes them more dangerous than your average lefties. (Their financial greed and influential sexual/societal perversity seem to be hardwired traits as well, and bad ones, though again, my rightwing Jew friends are noticeably lacking in both. A couple are actually poor, and none are materialistic.)
The whole thing about NatSocs and Jews is difficult for the right. The NatSocs are some of the most committed, knowledgeable, relentless and smart hard right-wing activists out there. There are more of them than people think and their influence is outsized because it's widespread but covert. In that they are mostly passionate nationalists, they are also very much in the vanguard of where white society is going, and all Western society needs to go there, really.
The problem is that their cognitive dissonance is huge. They hate Jews comprehensively and refuse to tolerate anyone who doesn't agree. They literally ban you from cripplechan for saying anything nice about a single Jew, but that place is too valuable to get banned from.
I dunno how they're gonna manage the reality of Stephen Miller. He has been an invaluable part of Trump's support, right up there with Bannon and Conway. And if you look into his background he's been the same person his whole life. He's not going to turn bad just 'cause he's a Jew. On top of that, NatSocs are socialists, and we pretty much agree on the right that no form of socialism is the way to go.
More, Mel Brooks, Gene Wilder, Gilda Radner, Madeleine Kahn, Jerry Seinfeld (who's reportedly quite conservative...)
I could never hate any of these people. The best hardwired trait of most Jews seems to be their sense of humor. It's the saving grace, really, for those who have it. Note hardcore lefty Jews--Barbra Streisand, for example--are rarely funny. Mind you, she could play a funny scene well as she's a decent actress, but watch an interview with her--no humor at all. Hmmm.
The red pill isn't choosing left or right; it's breaking free of the left-right matrix.
Rick Moranis was a pedophile
Fuck off. The man gave up his career to take care of his kids.
It's just the Jewish (((INTERNATIONAL CLIQUE))) that are demonic. The average Jew I have met is usually fine and quite based. It's important we don't forget (((upper echelons))) of their people, though.
As a half Ashkenazi half Scandinavian being redpilled is a nightmare....I believe the west must maintain a white super majority in its population by any means necessary even if it means national socialism.....but im worried i wont make the cut :(