PhD Here: AMA

PhD here.
I have been a
>dish washer
>gas pump jockey
>french fry cook
>bee keeper
>cashier at Dollar General
>Janitor at gay porno theater
>Plywood Mill Laborer
>Cafeteria Lady
>Greeter at WalMart
>road worker
>Drive way sealer

You can clearly see, my PhD degree and claim is not at all suspect.

I went to University in Canada. I have a PhD.
I can list you manly things I've done as proof if you like

>fought a bear
>panned for gold
>went to a hole in the ground
>mowed my lawn
> Jumped a shark on water skis
>Flew a plane into the ground and killed all my friends
>Kayaked off a water fall

Please do not dispute my PhD any longer.
It's obvious it's real and I'm not a liar.

Please stop being so butt hurt at my amazing intellect, PhD and work experience.

You have been deleting my threads when I am trying to red pill /pol with suppositions.

oh hai, sunshine!

>forced memes

I am from Canada.
Questioning my PhD is a sign of mental illness, mental instability and sign of a nervous break down.
I am a psychologist with a PhD so I can make this claim.

Do not dispute or ask questions about my PhD.
That means you're mentally ill.

Do not question me, child. I am a PhD from Canada.
I have listed menial jobs to prove it.

Debate me.

Jordan, are you posting about yourself again to get attention and publicity while pretending to be verbally attacking yourself?

He did that?
Got proofs?
I heard he came to /pol and worked with a bunch of meme people to get this name out.
I guess 20 years of obscurity was too much for old Frauderson here.



This clown is discredited to fuck now.
What a loser.

Dish washer gas pump professor

You reallize that a lot of that is a paean to Down and Out in Paris and London?

Faggot sharia blue go suck a cock because sage goes in all fields.

Want some fries with that??
I got a PhD, I just cook fries for fun

Questioning my PhD means you're mentally ill.

Questioning someones credibly is baaaaaaad, right user??
Older people know best :)

What's paean mean? You need to say real words if you want to make a point.
Down and Out in London and Paris?

Sort yourself out user
You're mentally ill to ask questions. Take advice from the commie fanbois of a psychologist fraud.

WTF I hate Jordan B. Peterson now!

Everytime that guy appears in photos it looks like 2004

Canada is soooooooo ghetto.

>No One ever got hired for a job because they knew the right people or anything like that

Come on, just ban this f*cker


I love how quickly /pol turns into commie jew kikes who want to silence everyone when you speak out about their fraudster heroes.


Commie Kike Faggot.

God you kids are loser hypocrites.
No wonder you worshiper a liar LEAF faggot who just rambles to sound intelligent.


Fucking Losers.

This clown is discredited to fuck.
All this fans are commie jackass faggots.

u are spamming and not saying ANYTHING valuable, sunshine. ;)
Try to sort yourself out

>Prof Jordumb Peterson is for FREE SPEECH!!!
>BAN this fucker!! He's talking bad about Dr. Jordumb Frauderson!!

Hypocrite commie kike faggot losers

You're a hypocrite.
Sort yourself out sun shine.
It's very Jung for you to ignore your own stupidity and attack me for it.
Sort yourself bucko