Anti-White Social Media Pages

Has anyone here noticed a rapid increase in anti-white rhetoric on social media? I feel that it's been rapidly increasing and every single day I see more self-hating white people who sympathize with Leftist causes while promoting the destruction of the white race. What can be done about these pages of hate? I've tried to have multiple discussions on some but stopped after none had arguments to talk about. They're very clearly brainwashed.

Pic related.

Arm yourself, friend. There is no reasoning with them anymore, they're too far gone.

>rapid increase
>eight years of it

It's all bullshit m8. If you do like in a diversity shithole, move if you can.

I've seen it too. Boiling the frog slowly.

Hitler didn't put the Jews in camps overnight. Germans just slowly turned up the rhetoric.

There are a ton of whites in the US and Western Europe, so I don't think it will come to genocide. I do see the fabric that bonds us as countrymen being irreparably destroyed. This will escalate to conflict.

If police in America are shooting peoples' hands, they need to go back to the range. They should be aiming for body shots.

There's usually no surrendering after you go on a murder spree. Why can't BLM accept that?

I guess it will come to this. I try everything I can to tell them of the mob mentality their echo chambers create and you know what they instantly go for? Ad hominem attacks. Like. Fucking. Clockwork. It's getting really tiresome and I'm growing more and more frustrated. I legitimately look at these pages now and unironically wish for every sympathizer to die horribly.


The more this shit is pushed the better. We need to escalate the anti white sentiment, if anything, to avoid the boiling frog. This only helps to wake peopke up and give whites a much needed sense of togetherness.

These people only get Trump reelected. The left is responsible for all of the racial hatred in society, they push this stuff.

Hell, it worked for me. The only reason I really became racist was from my own experiences and these types of "FUCK WHITEY" people.

transparent people get shot? how the fuck do police even know where to shoot?

This. It will just scare away the white normies from left wing causes. Jews did the same thing by infiltrating right wing groups

Everyone is becoming more ethnicentric - as whites do so do all others - andyhey will ally against whites at times

>just shoot them in the hand!

This meme again

you can find better examples than this. there's groups on social media and elsewhere that explicitly promote whites dying out, that there is no such thing as european cultures or that they stole everything from other people.

They smell their sins.

If all brownies get shot then why are there so many in prison

Post more anti-white cringe

Bullets don't work against ghosts.

Oh trust me, I'm fully aware pages like those exist. These pages are a bit worse to me simply because of the fact that they try to hide their hatred with a mask of tolerance and acceptance.

It wakes some people up, but you forget that most normies are weak and desperate for social approval. All the anti-white sentiment is incredibly demoralizing. We can't rely on the redpilled alone, all the other normie whites are going to kill themselves or go liberal to try and appease others.


the thing is, they dont even need conflict

they can just use the rhetoric to encourage more crime and miscegenation and immigration

dilute the target populations gene pool and keep the others pure, import foreigners as fast as breeding takes place and give them ample room to breed as well.

within a few generations an effective genocide will have been made upon the target population without having to ever round anyone up


They forgot to draw the weapon in the black hands

A black girl made this. I promise you a black girl made this.

It's extremely demoralizing. I look on comments all the time on Kikebook and other platforms and all it is looks something like "FUCK WHITEY" for nearly 85% of all comments. It feels like a losing battle at times. At this point I'm just about ready to stock up for the inevitable race war and wait it out until SHTF.

but black people have white palms

Das raycis.

or, perhaps, we can provide a structure to them

relying on converting a few to our views just wont work in the long run, you have to create a whole new social structure outside the one the left has set up

think of how in london the muslim enclaves operate under the code of sharia law and have their own courts - an system of courts meant to cover a few families and a few city blocks

how hard would it be to do that, but with our way of thought? how difficult would it be to target the normies and induct the ones who are sick of pandering and allowing their souls to be strangled?


It's because there are more blacks than whites on the planet and so the internet is riddled with niggers.

Expect it to increase

are you angry at memes, user?

Maybe we should put up a hashtag where it's a good thing that whites willingly commit suicide because of their inherited racism.

Cucks will literally kill themselves and normies will avoid left

I'm not angry about it i just don't like black girls very much.

fixed it

The leaf has it right. Just arm yourself and prepare.

I don't get it

>nignog's angry it was water and wasn't a jug of purple drink


>White dudes be like :"Hi dad"

If you stock up, at least you're prepared for trouble. Even if a race war never comes, it's wise to be stocked for environmental catastrophes or burglaries and riots. I'd suggest getting at least a few weeks worth of emergency food and water, and a few guns couldn't hurt.

As for the demoralization, yeah, it really does suck. The pendulum seems to be swinging right though. I live in fucking California of all places, and while all the people in my generation are Tinder using stoner degenerates and some of their younger siblings are full-on trans ticking time bombs ready to kill themselves in a few years, a lot of their younger siblings are actually pretty conservative or at least alt right. Considering I live in the most liberal state of all, I'd assume that most other states have better chances too, or maybe I'm wrong and the only thing that wakes them up is being surrounded by anti-white hate, making CA the perfect place to raise future conservatives right now (I really, REALLY doubt this but I honestly don't know enough about the other states to offer a better judgment). I'd get into a bigger conversation, but I have to get ready for retail wageslavery, good luck, user.

Sorry I can't respond to more, user, but I think it's different since the Muslims are socially protected and have their crimes dismissed by the government and police. I really hope it works out though man, and I know you're right about needing to get a new social structure, I just don't think it'll be as easy for us as it was for the Muslims.

The main issue, is always, that people constantly make themselves feel responsible for the broad issues of the world...

They look at their skin, look at history, and cry out "I'M ONE OF THE BAD GUYS!!!"...

You know, I've always wondered why people from abroad hated Jews so much that they went all the way to commit extreme atrocities to them...

But, living inside the Jewish nation, I also got to see the ugly side of having a ton of people with nothing in common [aka, jews from all over the globe] sitting next to each other, disagreeing upon everything.

The answer is simple:

It's very hard for normal people of any given race to get along with normal people of other races.
They just don't match well, their differences automatically forms a subliminal conflict...

And it's felt strongly.

Hence, instead of actually facing the real issue of how different facial structures don't seem to bond very well on the large scale, we end up with promotion of mass apology...

Look, I know exactly what would happen if any given race bows their heads down to another-

These heads will be chopped, because the other race simply does not give a crap... For while one was given the lessons of being good, of accepting the different, of being compassionate, the other side only learned to hate, to feel disjointed, to always be down... Oppressed, and poor... And that there's a constant war going on.

The relation between blacks and white in the U.S.A, ain't that different than how Arabs and Jews treat each other.

Many blacks are acting very similar to many Muslim-Arabs in Israel...

And indeed, blacks/arabs that get out of this mentality, actually are decent and good people.

The rest?

Sinking deeper and deeper into the hate-hole.

So, to solve this...
You need to teach people to stop feeling sorry for everything.

The SJW of america isn't different from the left of Israel.
Both are guilt-tripping themselves to some utopian fantasy where everyone hugs everyone.

Whites all move to middle america, arm ourselves just in case, then let them destroy their own communities. When they are done destroying themsleves we rebuild whats left once again.

>To solve this you need to teach people to stop feeling sorry for everything.
And how do we do that? I'm 100% certain people will call us racist if we tried this.

"Don't feel sorry for being white

it's almost like actions have consequences and blacks commit violent crimes disproportionately to their population, should police who are putting their lives on the line just ignore this fact to not hurt liberals feelings? Maybe if blacks stopped acting like savages they wouldn't have issues with cops. Fuck niggerlovers

We should also STOP the mass cherities toward niggers and Africa.

Their populations are exploding because of us

we need to kill the whites and blacks. this world is an asian world. the whites have expended their use to asians. thanks for the inventions, but you will soon be left behind by the one true superior race. you all are monkeys in our eyes.

Race mix the whites and good asians.

white dude be like Hi Dad and Thanks for the warning officer!

>Hitler didn't put the Jews in camps overnight.
Americans did the same thing to the Japanese.

Nigger doing most crime then having group "Black Life Matters'' to defend that crime and based it all on race and race alone, not that is privilege

>hand's up dont shoot meme

nope angry about elves.

cardboard lives matter

Whites are more likely to be shot than Niggers.


> selection bias
For this post, consider the percentile rank assigned to be a general summary of a person. Includes intelligence, conscientiousness, and general sociability.

Most SJWs interact on a daily basis with only the very best blacks and arabs, but interact with somewhat broader spectrum of whites. They see that a 25th percentile white is a worse person than a 90th percentile black or arab, then conclude that whites are as bad as or worse than darkies.

Meanwhile, police interact frequently with the bottom 10% of blacks and whites (arabs are so frequently new immigrants, preferentially admitted from the top 10% of foreign arabs, that we don't have a representative sample in the US yet). turns out that the bottom 10% of blacks are far more violent and impulsive than the bottom 10% of whites. So over time, police learn, correctly, that they can't relax around blacks.

But from looks alone, it's difficult to tell a bottom 10% black from a 25th percentile black (that latter being, if not net taxpayer, at least a functioning member of society). Whether or not a police officer working a black neighborhood goes home alive at the end of the night (which is, reasonably, their #1 goal) is dependent on how ready they are to decisively end a potential conflict, and that's going to unfortunately catch the 25th percentile black as often as it catches the bottom 1% black. On the other hand, a 25th percentile white is usually easily distinguished from a bottom 1, 2, or 5% white (the most criminal of them). So on average, a cop can relax more around whites.

But say you reject all that as hypothetical and gobbledygook. Fine. You have to accept the core premise - police want to go home at the end of the day, and experience universally teaches them that blacks are generally more dangerous than whites. SJW wants to save innocent blacks from police fire? Find a why to get the cop home alive that's better than the current way.

Not going to defend the US govt's Japanese internment camps, just going to say that you must be miserably stupid for bothering to post what look to be "your thoughts".

>have transparent body
>wonder why you get shot

Black people are afraid of water


To be fair, there is plenty of hellspawn that will wreck your shit in african waters.

ghosts are scary

A fucking lea-oh shit he's right.

Hahaha how dare that whitey drink water?! Das sum oppressive shit right there. Bix nood!

Why all the hate for large water bottles? I have to bring a 2L or water around with me because of throat problem. I wouldn't otherwise, but still. The guy could have some medical problem.

Hands up don't shoot was a lie

Michael Brown punched the police officer

And charged at him

It could not be any clearer as to who was in the wrong on that night



> chimps out
> gets shot
> blame white people

webm very related.

what the fuck did he think would happen? so fucking stupid.

Let's face it, the left are the new Nazis and whites are the new jews.


>the black incarceration rate is just evidence that whites are racist

admit it, no one cites the incarceration rate without the recidivism or the arrest rate.

we're pathetic

>Police aren't human, they have super robot vision that lets them perceive time at 1 1000th what we do! He knew it was only his fingers and not a gun! Police don't have families and can't react out of fear!

>white hands stay in the air until police cuff them
>black hands reach for the cop's gun while trying to punch the cops

>just as many whites are shot by police as blacks even though blacks are committing more violent crime

Topkek. NeoGAF is fucking cancer.


Fuck off Pelinal you cyborg motherfucker

What about these hands?

the fuck

A good way to change it is to change police training to focus on de-escalation as opposed to officer safety. It worked really well in Philadelphia