ITT: We post our compasses and guess each others personalities

ITT: We post our compasses and guess each others personalities.

Roast me reddit.

How true is this?

Careful not tread on snek

Very, very true.
Does quick exercises everyday, goes to church but doesn't really give a shit about it. Likes assblasting shitlibs, which is quite respectable.

Link test

>Africans never invented anyth-

Fuck reLiegion desu

Edgy teen.


lmao everyone is retarded except me


Top chart right?


Fuck off, I'm 19

>he's a radical centrist
I wish I was a smart as you psh

Secretly likes shitlibs.

Sup Forums btfo


Also edgy teen.

Nothing special or impressive.


chill, extrovertido e nacionalista, prob gosta de vaporwave

Surprised since I identify as right

Gets pissed if you do something he doesn't like around him, still a decent person though.

There's no government like no government


third position buddy

Hates communists but is one. I knew that feel,



i-i'm like you, guys! i swear!


> Strongly pro-gun. Background checks at the most.
> Universal healthcare is good.
> Take care of the poor with a generous social safety net/welfare.
> Let LGBT people marry, or at least get the government out of it. Churches can be allowed to deny a gay couple from marriage if they wish.
> Private businesses can discriminate for any reason they want (they don't have to bake the cake for a gay person if they don't want to).
> 3rd-wave feminism and PC culture is toxic to society.
> Federal Reserve should be ended.
> Anti-establishment.
> Drugs should be legalized and the War on Drugs should be ended.
> Non-interventionist foreign policy.
> Anti-TPP/NAFTA and pro-protectionism.
> Against NSA Spying/mass surveillance

Basically, my underlying principle is freedom for everyone, but true freedom cannot occur unless everyone's basic needs are taken care of.

Very true.



Plz neck yourself, you commie pos


I only come to Sup Forums to play risk tbqfhwyf



expected myself to be more libertarian

r8 me

Wow user, you make a lot of sense! Let me give you a ride home in my helicopter.

Sure, but only if it's free.

Op is a faggot, what a surprise.

1st post is fascist, what a surprise

brazil is a monkey, what a surprise

24 year old IT worker

19 year old retard who didnt even read a book

unironicly watches (((TV)))

17 year old who wants o be cool on pol

me a few month ago

"National Socialist"
you are about 18-20 years old and you havent broke the marxist chains on you yet, but you really want to. You should read "Private production of Defence" and/or "Thus spoke Zarathustra".

you have a shitty hairstyle and edgy clothes

whats wrong with the bars?

wanna be Hitlers

This test is better tbqh

I've been slowly becoming more libertarian everytime I do this test, started out top of authoritarian a couple years ago


Here's my old political compass chart. The yellow area is where I was the last time I took the test, I'm probably either up or down from there now. Probably down, I've gotten a bit more lolbertarian

Confuses emotions with economics.

What a surprise your shit country always makes posts like these

You are literally stefan molyneux
You are a couple of units away from being an ubermensch
You try really hard to fit in with the rest of Sup Forums
You really enjoy helicopter rides
You are literally me
You are overweight and have anger problems
You have trouble making and keeping friends





My niggas

Is this a political compass?

But seriously, meme aside. How do suggest enforcing your leftist policies without establishing an overreaching authoritarian government?

Asking as an ancap.

>Muh free market

What's it like shilling for coporations?

I'm going to guess istp.

go ahead, try your best

>my Gf's political leaning
>bonus points if you guess hair style

I'm actually a Normie Jew



Is a normie
Best guess would be short cut straight hair or long brown curly hair.
Has had interesting moments in his life,



She dreams of niggers
Her haircolor is one of the pic related

You dont like spagetti with ketchup



Single mom.

As in the result of a single mom.

oh hairstyle!
I missread
its dreads, undyed obviously


i absolutely despise spaghetti with ketchup


Spot on

pretty ironic. all infps i know dont understand econ


It'd require an income tax, preferably a fair flat one with no loopholes for the rich not to pay. The way I see it, my policies are very nationalistic. No wasting taxpayer money on Fed-initiated wars. Put that money to good use here in our country. Even fiscal conservatives would appreciate that our tax dollars be used to benefit the citizens of this country, not the Middle East and Israel.

Also, I advocate an extremely anti-government social and domestic policy. Even if we can't agree on economics, that'd be somewhere we can work together.

Nope. Mom and Dad are still together


no need to guess now

Forgot to mention getting rid of the Fed would be my #1 economic priority. No more banker-controlled inflation fucking up the economy.

Natural color, short cut
>tfw I am the "nigger" she dreams about


Dude, all people are borthers right? Common lets go to the Gay pride, refugee welcome, anti-fash demo tomorow.
We can listen to Bob-Marley on the way there

I don't pretend to care enough about economics since we live in a rigged, Fed-owned economy that's fake anyway. Maybe I'll care when evil international bankers don't make all the rules.

If I band together with fellow ancap with our mcd brand tanks and refuse to pay taxes, how will your government react?

Knowing that most soldiers and cop are right leaning.

Paulo Portas

It's because of people like you that our country is shit


Mosley would be proud of you, Oldest Ally

at least I was right about the nigger, this is acctually funny.
I hope I can shot a bullet through both of your heads one day :^)

dont be a a faggot and look at the bars. Its not my fault this ideology is called like this.

You'd have the option to choose what your taxes are used for. It's not like taxes would be higher than they already are today, just fairer. If you choose not to pay taxes, though, there wouldn't be a penalty. I have a feeling, though, that if people chose what their taxes could be used for, more people would be happier with the tax system.

It'd also put a sense of "voluntarism" into effect since people would have more of a sense of control. It wouldn't feel as forced as the current system.

oy, kraut
what test is that?



link to this test?