Islam will rule the west
Islam will rule the east
Islam will rule the world
stop farting
>mfw just read this after farting
w-what is happening
We're working on it :)
Islam will rule the entire world
I just love being an American and knowing the resentment all these non-countries with no militaries and no freedoms feel through their pathetic and buttmad shitposting. To Americans the rest of the world is just a cultural wilderness filled with varying degrees of niggers and cucks. Stay mad non-countries.
People need vs. Deus Vult
10/10 would bleach and execute
Yeah but you'll never be white.
How do we know that Muhammad is a true prophet?
Ahh I feel the s ame... islam will make a huge dent in europe, USA will laugh
You muzzie faggot boyfuckers wont do shit. You'll keep blowing up your shit holes and cuck sheds while America is comfy AF.
Feels good man.
Mohammed the prophet is a gay.
Unironically thinking about converting what should I read?
This. Even jews agree islam is the truth
Yes brother Islam will rise and kuffars will kneel
>Islam will rule the west
Ha! We will make our own master race "Islam" and then let it take over all your shitholes.
Islam is nigger tier religion.
Come, pagans.
We've already renamed kebab to gyros.
Seems that kuffar are those who are being killed nowadays
No, you wont rule shit, you will follow as you always have, you will follow some other retard like you until the line reaches the front and in it, you will find another retard with a longer beard selling you his lies about eternal life.
you are just part of an archaic society, you need to be purged of this earth.
>Islam will rule the west
>Islam will rule the east
>Islam will rule the world
>Humans will go extinct
Seems plausible
inshallah ottoman soon akhi,,,
thinking about converting to islam. what's it like being a muslim?
Like being a dog.
>thinking about converting to islam
So you can fuck kids?
Superior than filthy degeneracy-lovers
>clue : because you are indeed superior
Remember all your pathetic rules and you frequently ignoring them because
>muh Allah doesn't see it
Germanislam will make sure you strictly follow them 24/7 by the letter.
We know how to make Ordnung. Expect getting fucked by 10,000 pages of Korandurchführungsverordnung.
You will regret bringing those ideas to Germany.
No God but God is a great jump off book
peace of mind
nothing wrong with being obedient to your creator. save yourself before you taste the fire you rebellious kuffar
how? muslims arent even human
>People need order
>People need paternalist society
>People need a chief
>People need references
Christianity did it before.
Let's set Islam, as an entire compatible way of life in stronger society.
ya'll be posting in lame b8 thread
Nuclear winter happens first.
>no feminism
>have multiple wives
>wives stay at home men work
>no being called a racist
>no prevalence of degeneracy in muslim culture
>strong emphasis upon violence and force (masculine traits) to get what you want
>the ummah - a worldwide community of brothers that share the same interests as you so you can make friends
>no gay rights
>democracy is less important than preserving culture and faith
islam is the answer i have been looking for
>>no prevalence of degeneracy in muslim culture
>says the
>see French flag
>always is a muslim
Euros 0 x 1 Muslims
drop by /islam/ on 8ch if ya got some Q's
Muslims are supposed to emulate mohammad, which means, yes, they're supposed to fuck kids. This is what you want to do with your life?
Fucking little boys is not degenerate. Muhhamad himself liked to french kids them!
Ąlso remember that fucking goats is permitted by most imams. No degeneracy here!
sick burnz
Think again roach
This is such a meme
That's a cute piggu.
implying you wouldn't fuck lolis? kys faggot. when the west becomes islamic i can throw you off buildings and face no charges
>slavshit saying fake shit and thinking that touching dogs is haram in Islam
kys :(
>yes, they're supposed to fuck kids.
You aren't forced to do it, you can choose to not do it if it bothers you, most muslims don't rape children and rape is forbidden in islam.
>implying humans dictate religion of australia
Emu spirit worship 4eva.
When it becomes muslim I'm going to become a black market pork dealer selling bacon by the gram like scarface.
>implying you wouldn't fuck lolis
they have no t+a you freak
I love Australian Shitposting
>rape is forbidden in Islam
True, that's why they marry 10 year olds. Isn't rape if she's your wife in Islam.
You can't even rule yourself, let alone anyone else.
>most muslims don't rape children
but it's true
>tmw pedophilia occurs the most in western countries
>brits condemning anyone about pedophilia
>Killing yourself for allah
Kys man don't suicide.
Rape is permitted in many circumstances. For example, if you're non-muslim in a non-muslim country islamic law does not apply then so muslims can literally do what they like to you.
Now I know you're larping, the Qur'an specifically mentions rape
Or maybe the answer is not betraying your people with the most vile, subhuman death cult around. Maybe the answer is getting all those things (anti feminism, not being called a racist etc.) >and< also not becoming a mudslime who´s children eventually will be purged anyway when the big war breaks out. Try white paganism!
Because we actually consider it a crime. Muslim countries don't consider it a crime so we don't have figures from them you dunce.
oh salami cum bun, is no allah snack bär?
Rape is punishable by Sharia and forbidden because major sin (az-zina)
Stop trying
>tmw pedophilia isn't a thing in the Islamic world because it's considered normal behaviour.
>Muslim countries don't consider it a crime
they do tho
I specifically said in circumstances where there is no sharia. Nice strawman.
So why do so many Muslims rape. Go to rarescandals dot xyz. Tons of videos uploaded of Muslims raping women.
Indians and Pakistanis seem to like rape a lot too.
The crime of child sexual abuse is reported more
in western countries(when it's not somebody in the club).
In Pakistan raping yer child cousin isn't a crime, it's called marriage.
>9001 hours in paint
>So why do so many Muslims rape
Same reason non-muslims rape
In some parts of the middle-east, raping a child is socially acceptable, but it has nothing to do with islam,it's the same situation in some non-muslims countries like Nepal, Mozambique, and south american countries.
>muhhh Aisha marriage
>He had sex when she was pubescent, scholars don't agree about her age
We know, mexicans blacks and muslims are rapists
I don't even know why you use "Muslim" to refer to brown people raping women, as if religion was a criminal criteria, just say arabs au pire
And Indians are majority Hindus.
>In Pakistan raping yer child cousin isn't a crime it's called marriage
Provide source? Pakistan = 1.7 billions of people?
Christian priests are supposed to be representatives of God but they're raping children worldwide, wyd?
Nice cheerly picked arguments you have
If you loved Islam so much then why do you live in France, is it because
>Western Society is better?
Also, Islam is for degenerates.
>Implying France never (tried) made Muslim colonies
>Implying France never called for immigrants during crisis
>Implying French Muslims never go back to "their countries" during vacations
Because Muslims rape, doesn't matter what race they are.
>Europe has no defender against Isla-
*cough* Priests *cough* little boys *cough*
>implying we consider it legal like in Islam
>Islam will rule the west
>Islam will rule the east
>Islam will rule the world
Islam rules goat ass.
Prais Allah and Mohhamad
Piss be upon the satanic worshipper
>Prais Allah and Mohhamad
Allah and Mohammad praise goat ass.
As something bad.
b-b-ut i enjoy responsible drinking and bacon
>t. NEET Algerian