Why do most people focus on trivialities like immigration when the main issue facing America is the power of corporations and by extension the rise of corporate finance based money making and the incredible wealth gap.
Why do most people focus on trivialities like immigration when the main issue facing America is the power of...
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Hmm, what if we deal with a problem before it gets out of hand?
Norway had 1000 muslims in 1970, now it has 150 000 and its increasing drastically. At one point, norway will collapse because of it. Unless it's stopped.
A big corporation isn't living next to you, a refugee is.
Well, probably isn't because they're stuck in some camp far away.
i'm not american and if my country doesnt get its shit together we all get to get shariad and get our dicks chopped off and burnt in the street
>the power of corporations
Who is stopping you from buying shares in these corporations?
Typical fucking loser, instead of trying to figure out a way to better yourself your are consumed with envy and your only thought is how to cut the legs out from under those who have succeeded in life.
best pic ever lel
>no replys that arent racism
There's my answer. The only way to curb the power of corporate interests is through mass organization. The two party system automatically makes you deeply apposed to half of the country and while we fight ourselves we only fail to see the big picture. We and the people we rage against are largely in the same economic situation. Even a immigrant with a low paying under the table job is in the same situation as someone making 60k a year if you compare it to the scale of wealth that the ultra-rich have. The ultra rich are infinity more responsible for your situation then the immigrant or Muslim yet you devote your energy to raging against a largely vulnerable group. meanwhile the wealth gap is spiraling to such incredible levels that many experts literally believe its impossible to stop unless there are incredible changes in societies attitudes.
Because most people arent commie cucks
americas biggest problem is how to handle both being vehemently anti government and anti any form of socialism, and at the same time facing outsourcing and, down the road, automated production. how to redistribute wealth, how to even have an economy when there simply is not enough work to go around: that is americas biggest problem
That's right, goy. buy shares and you too will be very wealthy one day! Would I ever lie to you?
One enemy at a time.
Every kikish, pro immigration company will be dismantled and sold off when the time comes.
Proper Governments require people to have an attitude of altruism to a certain degree.
The only reason we have governments in the first place is because we've decided that its worth giving up a certain amount of autonomy and banding together because we expect greater returns. There's no point to a government if it doesn't benefit us.
Your attitude is destructive and surprisingly widespread. When everyone is only looking out for them selves then we cannot have things like an education system, which relies on people happily paying taxes because even if you dont have kids in school you want the children of your native land to receive good education. Your attitude is why we're seeing public schools under attack. But cant you see why that might be a corrosive attitude? Education is just the example, this is happening to just about every service a government is expected to provide.
Not to mention that when you have your attitude it only opens you up to abuse through low wages, the only way to curb that is through labor unions which im sure many of you oppose but if anyone else has any ideas on keeping companies from fucking them, id like to hear it.
If immigration continues there will be no political means by which to fight corporations. The intended purpose of the immigrants is as a voting block and as a way to drive down wages.
Lefties are being duped.
They're simply scapegoats, Even if they weren't a voting-block(which is disagree with, but thats irrelevant) there's still the major problem that your vote means nothing, that ever major politician has to be in corporate pockets to some degree or another if they want to have a job. Having a choice to vote for which puppet you want isnt very much of a choice at all.
Because its easier to hate someone different than to actually understand how they are raping you economically
The ultra-wealthy dont have to be jewish. By calling them such you only alienate a decent part of the US population that might otherwise be on your side. One of the few people who even cares about this shit, Noam Chomsky, is a jew for example.
Jidf, you have to go back
>Implying corporations arent interested in cheap third world labor at all
think you fucking tard
OP is a communist, and has no fucking idea how the real world works.
Your tricks won't work here, Chaim.
Because they are brainwashed by the media
What the fuck does that even mean? It doesnt change the fact that your getting fucked in every hole while directing your anger at some other people getting fucked in every hole rather then the people doing the fucking.
"Guys, why are we damming up the river when we should be attacking the castle?"
The rise of globalist corporations and globalist finance is directly facilitated by open borders and open immigration and cheap/slave labor and without them, globalist corporations cannot increase the wealth gap.
No, your a mouth piece for oppression and you dont even know it. If people had your attitude we'd still be in monarchy's because "thats how to world works". There is no "way the world works" that cant be changed, thats why history isn't static and why you can say whatever you want today and not be killed by secret police as in other points in history. But change cant happen again if people stay apathetic or direct their anger on each other.
Honestly it's just a few urban areas that are problematic for you guys. It could be worse (i.e. Germany or Sweden). Pic related.
Why do we need change to happen again? Under this current system, humanity's condition has improved exponentially more in the past 150 years than it had in the 150,000 years prior. Why should we change it when we've found a system that actually works and improves things for everybody? Because YOU'RE not in charge?
>what if we deal with a problem before it gets out of hand?
Money based power seems likes the bigger deal
It's actually mostly the same issue. Corporations want the government to bring in more and more immigrants so they can have workers, and banks want immigrants so they can give them debt. They don't all do it because they hate white people or Western culture, they do it because they're greedy.
Okay, Schlomo.
Because of propaganda disseminated and manipulated by those very elites, who don't realise how badly they're fucking themselves over in the long term by doing so.
>28 posts and no BRAAAAAAAAP
Issues of immigration and corporatism aren't completely different you fucking retard. Corporations lobby for more immigration because it provides them cheap labor who in turn votes for the way they want them to vote and enslave them via debt. You can't democratically challenge these guys when they're propped up by masses of ugly brown leeches. There's not a whole lot you can do that doesn't involve a lot of violence and anarchy.
He is a crypto-zionist.
Chomsky never publicly questioned the Zionist version of the holocaust (‘Six Million Died’). he doesn’t believe that the US foreign policy is controlled by the Jewish groups especially the AIPAC.
Your not totally correct
Its true that major Corporations used to rely on making a product and selling it, and labor was needed. Then your argument might make sense. But today most corporations rely on doing tricks with money using the financial sector. You can see the shift since the 50's where production has gone down and finances has gone up dramatically. When you make money this way you simply dont need labor, you only need money which most corporations already have a huge base of. The importance of cheap labor has gone down dramatically and thats why today its not much cheaper to get workers in china then america. THis means corperations can make money and there's no true incentive to take care of the worker or the consumer, when we were production based, companies had to take care of their workers and their consumers because they would make no profit otherwise, today that's simply not true, they dont need them nearly as much.
shut the fuck up goy, just because soviet union had food stamps doesn't mean the US is communist for handing them out to low income workers
I came here to do this
I can pinpoint luton on that map.
Because it doesnt work for the majority of people. Its why we've had a financial crash every few years since the beginning of the 70's, and we get they more often as time goes on. The quality of life hasn't improved since the 70's even through production and wealth in our country has improved dramatically. What your arguing for is stagnation and an end to progress, why would you want this?
95% of the Americans on this board have lived sheltered lives, free from actual problems.
They don't know anything but what they see on the internet and in the media.
>The quality of life hasn't improved since the 70's
t. Someone who wasn't even alive in the 70s.
the main issue facing America is ww3; soon
corporations will go down with that ship too, you're barking up the wrong tree
There's no need to be angry im not trying to ague to piss anyone off and i honestly dont think anyone here is dumb or anything like that. I simply think a lot of anger and energy in our country is misdirected.
but I like corporate music
Again, it think its unwise to focus on scapegoats. but for the record calling Chompsky a zionist in anyway is simply untrue and illustrates that your prejudices are deep. He's railed incredibly hard against Israel his entire life and many extremists have called him antisemitic or a holocaust denier for that.
Fortunately i dont have to be, the federal bureau of labor statistics own numbers back me up, purchasing power hasn't gone up at all since then. we cant afford any more then we could back then, somehow, even thgouh our country is grown much more since then, only now we have harsher swings in the economy because or banks and corporations having free reign to go nuts because they know they'll be bailed out, regardless of who the president is or what political party is in control and the tax payer will literally pay for the bailout so they can continue to do it again, with glee, while we argue about brown people.
Because by the time your concerns are addressed there will be no white people left due to immigration mixing and low birth rates.
The preservation of the world worth living on depends on the white races survival.
Anyone with netflix should watch requiem for the american dream its a concise summing up on Chompskys views and many of the things Ive mentioned.
Salon is left leaning but both sides from every political spectrum raise these problems with merely different solutions, this guy sums up some of the problems pretty well.
Because while globalist capitalism threatens to make us poor, immigration threatens to wipe us out.
Triviality? Damn the shill is real here, pol's infested
Haha, yea, im a "shill" . On who's possible employ?
Nicely said
Why do you think? Who would be interested in this?
Genocide of your people, destruction of your country, rape of your women, degeneration of your culture, erasure of your history and dooming of your future are TRIVIALITIES?! WHAT THE FUCK is worng with you?
It's whose you fucking nigger. Learn to speak human before you try to mingle among them.
wiping out everyone with a different amount of melanin in their skin will not change the situation for a non rich American at all. If your worried about what you see as destructive cultures infecting your non existent idea of white culture then work to keep the government secular, but again, that wont address any of the real problems of day to day life in America.
Because we are easily distracted by idiots like Alex Jones and Michael Savage. We are then persuaded to vote against our own best interests.
Wealth gap isn't a thing, either you get off your ass and work or be a lazy fuck and complain about how the society makes you poor.
Pretty well said. And curbing immigration will actually benefit one of those issues. I say curb because we should absolutely be importing business owners who will increase the job pool.
History is chalk full of this exact line of thought, where society is frustrated with their lot in life but instead of addressing it they blame a scape goat that's often just as, if not more oppressed then they are.
Easy, you can always overcome a crappy socio-economic status or a crappy political regime. But you can never overcome ethnic displacement/cleansing. This is why Ann Coulter is right when she said that the most important issue America is facing is immigration.
Your mind has been compromised. You're unconsciously a shill now.
businesses cultivate a perpetual job anxiety, where we have so little power that we must grovel for underpaid jobs and be grateful and act like that's all life is while they reap the benefits of our labor. A job is one thing, a fair wage is the real problem.
Because we told you to.
>chalk full
>society is frustrated with their
>scape goat
You're a literal nigger, aren't you? English is my third language and I speak it better than you do.
You have a degree of clarity here but you jump through a few logical hoops without proper explanation toward the end. In addition to that you never explain at what point that necessary altruism died in America. In my opinion id say it either happened after the destruction of the family unit or it naturally fades as the population of a nation reaches a certain threshold and/or diversity.
i speak 4 languages, why attack my admittedly poor grammar rather then my views? who cares if im a bad speller or whatever. Is it because im making too much sense?
The Jews are responsible for both, yet only one side admits they need to be stopped.
Correct but there's merit to the argument that fair wages follow in a job saturated market. If there is large demand for labor the wages/benefits would naturally increase to stay competitive. That's why you see a lot of people shilling the "get a job in a niche market" meme
You dismissed my worries about the destruction of everything that matters with "history is full of this line of thought", which is retarded, since no society with that line of thought has lost the things I talk about. Therefore I'm dismissing your existence with "you're a nigger", which makes perfect sense as niggers are a scourge on every society that has ever existed or that ever will. Also I speak more languages than you do.
If you fear diversity your swimming against the tide. We live in a global world where communication and travel is open enough that diversity is inevitable. Closing ourselves off is both impossible and undesirable. Corperations and businesses know this well, which is why they are all global now, we need to understand that reality as well and stop thinking in a "us and them" mentality with regards to others in the same economic situation. only then can we develop empathy and focus on mutual benefit.
>diversity is inevitable.
>others in the same economic situation
You'd be happier on plebbit. Marxism is retarded, communism is retarded and you're retarded. The road to hell is paved with marxist ideologies.
This is a shocking point of view on Sup Forums but i believe racism or whatever you call yourself when your perpetually terrified by the made up image of those "others" coming to take over, is an illusion.
Sure yea but where we differ is on why the job market is stagnant. I argue that there's a trend for companies to move away from actual production, that requires labor, and go into the financial sector where there is a progressively lower need for labor. You dont need to produce anything when you can simply do tricks with money and investing. Not to mention that technology threatens to make even more forms of labor obsolete. We have to confront this with new types of jobs and ideas on what useful work and labor is. To blame immigrants for destroying the job market is still ignoring the fact that its shrinking regardless and what jobs are left are kept with artificial low wages, which would be there regardless if the worker is legal or not.
Money based power won't permanently fuck the country if it sticks around for another few decades
>racism or whatever you call yourself
Realism, we call ourselves realists. Which is what we are. You we would call a naïve women's studies communist on a mission to destroy west thinking he's saving the world.
>"others" coming to take over
You just said it was inevitable. Which one is it?
because that influx of people is how they keep fueling their machine. It's like putting out a fire, gotta get rid of the fuel before you douse the flames.
Never have i argued for marxism. The radical idea that the government should benefit the people under it, is not marxism, in fact it's more democracy.
And yes, unless me choose to destroy all forms of mass communication and travel, diversity IS inevitable.
The wealth gap is driven by immigration. The state with the highest wealth gap is the state with the highest percentage of illegal immigrants.
Wrong you commie fuck,the biggest problem facing the west is islamification via the mass migration of africans and middle eastern rapefugee savages.
>Never have i argued for marxism
You don't have to call it Marxism to be a Marxist. You're advocating for class warfare, which is a pretty well peer reviewed means of mass destruction.
Wrong, im arguing for a deep meditation on the toxic relationship between government and corporations/businesses. and to start moving towards changing that relationship. Im against violence.
Every form of change comes through people taking action, its why democracies even exist. you shouldn't be against it, or dismiss it as class-warfare. That's literally taking a stance against all forms of progress.
Democracy also requires a certain degree of social cohesion. Otherwise is just one tribe vs the other, which is exactly what diversity brings.
Individualism (What allows the west to be so great, along with rule of law and private protection of private property) is also in the genes.
Voting patterns will also change for the worse. With minorities voting for big government. And when whites become a minority it will be one tribe vs the other.
*protection of private property, not private protection of private property lol
OP dosen't even want to acknowledge that mass immigration is the driving factor behind wealth inequality in Califrornia.
i can only say i fundamentally disagree that race inherently effects attitudes. I can only go by my own experience that any time I've gotten to know someone, regardless of their race or culture, they have been fundamentally decent people at heart. As a Mexican i would assume you'd surely be against the open hostility that some people have to your people.
Muslims in Norway in 1970, wtf?
Here's the secret blackpill, buddy
>Spoilers: Economists both on the right and the left have given up on the the problem of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. It's just kind of 'going to happen'. The future is going to be a Mumbai style slum for every other skyscraper in America. Even Stratfor has discussed this near certain outcome as far as challenges from all the pissed off slum dwellers linking up with terrorist causes.
If you think the Democrats are going to save you from this future you are functionally mentally disabled. They are all on the 'go to college, pay off student denbits and succeed' bandwagon. Which is the left's version of the 'bootstraps myth'. But they have you chasing nonsense social issues and identity politics while the ECONOMIC issues are pretty much left as is.
OP says he's anti-corporation. But he wants to ignore the fact that business interests have pushed and always push for mass immigration. He says it's just a "triviality" when in fact cheap labor is part of the underpinnings of the corporate system.
So yeah.
Unless you are incredibly fortunate you will be lumped in with the forsaken ones. Pretty much ignored as civilization, the fortunate part of it at least builds itself around and over you so it doesn't have to look at you. You will be out of sight and out of mind. Only noticed when you make trouble and then they just send in the jackboots to brutally neutralize any threat you pose.
Because autistic right wing cuckold views are motivated by fear, rather than rationality, it's their defining trait in every view they hold
This is a bipartisan issue. Both sides are acting in the interest of the ultra rich. I understand you wont read everything in this long thread so i understand, but i did argue that point.
I'd never fault someone for having conservative views, even if i disagree with them. Both sides demonize each other while the arch-arching issue is left unchecked. This is the problem with our two party point of view, no matter what you think you end up being against half of the country. No change can occur if we demonize each other. Both sides have honest people who have pointed out this problem. I merely wish people would be careful on where they direct this anger, hence this thread.
This is why the most recent election has been painful to watch, both sides have been vicious against each other while the next financial crash followed by bailout is looming and inevitable regardless of who won the election. This is so inevitable that all businesses and financial institutions already figure a crash into their numbers, while we debate issues of relatively minor importance in comparison.