When You're So Desperate for a Role Model

You latch onto any fraud loser who spouts anything close to your political views in an attempt to gain more youtbue followers and pateron subscribers.


Jordumb Frauserson. Loser Fraud Leaf Sham Professor with a legion of brain rekt fanbois who defend him like obese people defend Boogie.

All PhDs brag about washing dishes and pumping gas.
Shows he's a working man, not an entitled pretentious snot kid who goes to Uni paid for by his parents like 99% of /pol posters........

God you kids are fucked up.
>Everything is FINE and OKAY , if I like it.

Other urls found in this thread:


You latch onto any fraud loser who spouts anything close to your political views in an attempt to gain more youtbue followers and pateron subscribers.


Jordumb Frauserson. Loser Fraud Leaf Sham Professor with a legion of brain rekt fanbois who defend him like obese people defend Boogie.

unironically kll yourself faggot

Every time I get back home, sit down, and get on Sup Forums I just go

"Surely this leaf hasn't made yet another Jordan Peterson Hate thread. Sure he would have gotten bored of spamming the same threads for literally 24 hours straight"

Nope. Hail the new Obamaleaf.

Because (you) are so fucking cool, I care what you think.
Delusional faggot
Sort yourself loser.

I would if Jordumb Frauderson was my hero.
He's a flim flam man from Canada.
He's a leaf loser fraudster.





The fact that you referred to him as a role model says more about your own mentality than anyone else's... were you raised by a weak father?

Did you sort yourself out user??
Did you s-s-s-s-lay a d-d-d-d-ragon and ss-s-s-s-save your ff---f-ff--ff--fffather??

Listen to stuttering leaf faggot liar.

So sad.

are you that same fucker that stopped posting after your reasons for hating on peterson started to become apparent?

sort yourself out user

Oh another millennial psychologist prodigy of Jordumb Frauderson
Can you explain that statement further????

Mentioning 20 year old look up to this man, like many do to professors, is a sign of a weak father in my life??

Please, explain.

I gave many reason.
You Frauderson Fanbois do mental gymnastics all over the place.

You can't talk to brain washed retard like (you)

Your pic is HILARIOUS
>Let's attack this poster cause he does this type of work
>Frauderson is allowed because it shows he's red pilled.

Good screen cap retard.
I know (you) can't see what a moron hypocrite you are.

trying to put me down because you feel constantly put down helps no one user, instead of constantly bitching about peterson having done menial jobs perhaps you could start to better yourself to rise up above the herd.

it may not work and it may be hard but i believe in you user

sort yourself out

I'd think people just like hearing what he says, thought provoking stuff. I heard him on Rogan and found it a little boring and his raspy voice got on my nerves after awhile.

You refer to him as a role model and now say people look up to him, which shows that the lense from which you view the world is one where you're projecting the way you look at public figures onto others, as role models or "looking up to" them, this is showing that you view public figures you yourself likely view public figures in this way, and that's often caused by a weak or absent father figure in your life.

So I'm guessing you definitely did have a weak father. I'm sorry to hear that. Not everyone, however, shares that same foundation as you, and some just enjoy hearing other people speak because it gives them new ideas to think about and consider for themselves

well i was going after the fact you seem butthurt about it...

ya seem pretty butthurt about it right now, am i wrong?

Oh what's this?? Now you're trying to play the victim card??
You try to insult me with that screen cap.
Get blown out cause you're a hypocrite
Cry the victim

Doesn't matter what side you kids choose, you're commie kikes.

i'm not playing the victim this shit's funny as fuck mate, you're totally the same poster whos been making this same thread for a while now, you have some serious crabs in your arse and i think you need to help yourself, that's all

Love ya XX

Having an unstable emotional foundation is also a sign of being raised by a weak father or having an absent one. You're checking all the boxes on this one the more you post and it's becoming more and more clear where you're coming from mentally now

That was a serious fucking load of intellectual shit kid.
Frauderson would be proud
NONE of that jargon you just shit out is based on real psychology.
It's nothing but insults masked as an "intelligent" reply.

Try again retard

You're now continuing to reinforce what I said in

Not sorry, but you pretending to know psychology isn't a basis for anything.
Checking the boxes?
Which boxes?
The ones you just decided?

Blown out
Tries to act cool
Leaves thread announced like I will care you're gone

>ITT user has a hissyfit and it becomes more and more apparent everytime he posts this thread that he has some major issues that he's blatantly ignoring

now why would someone like that hate someone like peterson?


That post wasn't attacking Peterson or you for working Menial jobs.

It was pointing out how you're going to fuck with your mind if you judge people based on if they worked menial jobs, when you yourself worked menial jobs.

You just seem FAR more judgemental towards those that do menial labor than the average person on Sup Forums is.

not gone bucko, like i said, i love this
check my ID
sort yerself out tho

>You refer to him as a role model and now say people look up to him,
They do
>which shows that the lense from which you view the world is
It's called reality
>one where you're projecting the way you look at public figures onto others,
People look up to others all the time. You saying they don't, doesn't make it true
>as role models or "looking up to" them, this is showing that you view public figures you yourself likely view public figures in this way, and that's often caused by a weak or absent father figure in your life.

Total garbage.

I have nothing but love for you dude, never having the opportunity to learn how to be a man is a debilitating way to be raised with long-lasting, sometimes lifelong effects on a person. It also puts a strain on your relationships due to your innate fear of abandonment or your resentment towards your weak father for raising you badly

I wouldn't trust you "psychological" assessment.
Then again, you're a Fraudeson fanboi, so you probably think you're an expert and have a PhD

If you want to appear intelligent
Pro tip
Make sense
>It was pointing out how you're going to fuck with your mind if you judge people based on if they worked menial jobs, when you yourself worked menial jobs.
Proof read before you post.
My god, I'd cry if I was Frauderson, a "professor" and my students and followers where this fucking thick

Seemingly without even being able to realize it, you actually keep giving more and more credence to what I said about you!

Now you're assuming you know my life, my family and how I grew up.
TOP KEK kid.
Imagine away. I can see why you like a fraud from canada.

it wasn't a psychological assesment, i said you have obvious issues, this thread isnt your first thread of the day now is it, it seems your main purpose is to be angry at peterson, it doesn't take a psychologist to tell that you're at least a 9 on the butthurt scale

why you so mad user, calm down

Setting a bar the other person can see or know about isn't intelligent.
You just look like an unintelligent and arrogant dick
A lefty as you will.
Don't they have a smuggie about people like you??
Or close
>ha ha, can he meet these predetermined rules set by myself that only I know? No? Ha ha check mate.

You're not intelligent.

What I know is that you're exhibiting obvious signs of having an absent father or being raised by a weak and timid one, and that every time you post it becomes more and more clear that this is the case

Not sorry kid, you typing shit at me, means nothing.
Get over youself. Go look at something else loser.
Are you Peterson under proxy or something??

as a matter of fact i am

I noticed that you've made 6-7 posts since I started chatting with you and at no point have you actually denied being raised by a weak father or having an absent one, but you have tried everything else to discredit the actual theory about the signs you're showing having something to do with not being raised with a proper male role model. You're making it crystal clear you actually were raised by a weak father or a single mother

Well, regardless of if my post made sense or not, that's what Freud was trying to get at.

It is incredibly mentally unhealthy to go around talking for hours making fun of somebody for the menial jobs they worked, when you yourself worked menial jobs.

I hope you'll understand that Sup Forums doesn't think either you or peterson are inferior for working menial jobs. It's honest work. Better than living off the dole.

Not sorry, but that's not even close to how I grew up.
Or what my father is like.
(You) can keep imaging all you like. It makes "Professor" Frauderson look worse.
Some loser like you follows him and you're an arrogant unintelligent moron trying to look smart.
Birds of a feather they say

nah jk, just tryna spread the love man

Birds of a father. It seems that you're an angry man you were never invited to fly with them

what exactly is bad about him

y'know apart from the fact that he's worked jobs that most people have worked?

Not sorry, but I do not need to "confirm" or "deny" anything to you.
(You) are someone who will only accept the answer you want.
I don't give personal information to anonymous strangers online to prove a point they're wrong.

You're a loser fraud pseudo-lectual.

>t. Assmad aids victim




I don't mind the hostility because it's now made clear and you admitted that we know where it comes from.

This is one great thing about the internet, people of your ilk who were raised similarly have a place to exhaust some of their inner anger, and that's a healthy thing!

>t. Attack Helicopter

>you are someone who will only accept the answer you want

>continues to make thread after thread going after peterson that just consist of I AM MAD, FRAUDERSON R BAD BECAUSE HE WORKED JOBS A HERR DURR DURR
>never listens to any of the logical arguments on display
>lacks a positive father figure

you have plenty to sort user, are you sorting yet?

Well put!

Ah yes, I have reached the same conclusion about yourself.
You various attempts to "prove" I was raised by a weak or absent father is just further proof that you are actually the projection.
You see, your various replies of details about growing up with an absent father, would only be known to people who actually experienced it. Some one like you.
In a desperate attempt to shelter yourself from these feelings, you project them onto other because you see Frauderson as your own father and someone you must defend to a faceless stranger online.

>You wanna play talk like a smart person?
>Let's dance faggot

As time goes on I believe it has become less arguing, and more a support group for an OP who is clearly having some issues otherwise he wouldn't be doing all this.

People may seem curt with him, because it's Sup Forums, we tell suicidal people to do a backflip to make the suicidal person laugh. I really think most people in this thread are just genuinely concerned for OP.

More and more clear the original theory has been correct this whole time, each time a new response comes in!


i'm here for you OP it's ok

The hostility OP puts on display is completely understandable given his condition, and I personally hold no ill will against him. Perhaps he'll walk away from this realizing the real issues that are holding him back, and work towards overcoming them.

Ah yes my good man, when someone hold a differing opinion then yourself, they are clearly mentally ill and unstable.
Anyone who does not think "Professor" Frauderson is credible, must be mentally ill and suicidal.
I say my good man, what a wonderful and well thought out assessment.
Frauderson would be proud you're using you're psuedo-psychology to analize people with no real information on them
Well done indeed

I do agree, each time you project your sorrows onto me, it's painfully clear you were raised by an absent father. Or a weak man.
Or a single mother.
I feel sorry for you my friend. It's obvious you are just a lost child on the road of life, with no one to guide you.

No one gives logical arguments.
Millennials don't know what those are.
You idiots think reaction pics and youtube videos are an "argument"

No argument will change your mind.
He's a God among Men to you and that's final.

We have arrived at the next step, reverting back to childhood, using an I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I response. I actually think we might be having a breakthrough here!!!!

AH yes I do concure, please go on and tell me more about your childhood my friend.
Was it hard for you to make friends?
Did you mom ignore you or yell when she drank too much?
Please, I think we are on a break through here.

I am a PhD, you can trust me.

>Was it hard for you to make friends?
>Did you mom ignore you or yell when she drank too much?

Where did these come from? ;)

Seeing as OP likes to go on a lot about how others are projecting things onto him, and not the other way round just like to bring up this post>LEL
>Blown out
>tries to act cool

how is that not you right now OP?

Please get yourself some help, or if you are able, help yourself, you can better yourself it is always possible


Yeah man, you're not the only one on Sup Forums that doesn't like peterson, not even close, it's a valid opinion, I accept he's very flawed in some ways being a dilettante in a lot of the fields he talks about like economics giving a fairly brainlet view of them.

We're more concerned because, just look around, there's nobody else on Sup Forums that replies to their own thread as much as you, and nobody else that makes the exact same threads over and over and over after the old ones expire. Yeah people make the same threads, but I count you having started at least 5 threads and replied over 200 times in the last 26 hours.

It's just puts people at unease when they see somebody, seemingly obsessed with one topic, which is their dislike of Peterson and Petersons fanboys to the extent you are. It's not the subject getting people concerned about you, it's your persistence, you could be talking about anything and the reaction would be the same.

You realise how out of the ordinary what you're doing is right?

>When you're so desperate to discredit someone you repeatedly dilute the waters with spammed shit threads.
Day of Rake
>Day of Rake
Day of Rake
>Day of Rake
Day of Rake
>Day of Rake
Day of Rake
>Day of Rake



also saged and hidden

It was simple deduction based on your previous replies.
I'm a PhD.
Do you think those little clues would slip by my superior intellect?
I see you are also trying to change the subject,instead of answer my questions. Even further proof you are starting to crack under the strain of projection and are scared of dealing with your emotions of having an absent father.
It's obvious to any PhD with a Psychology degree
Have you thought about sorting yourself out??






I do agree my good fellow, you are terrible at arguing and should seek help.

Not sorry, but you're assessment of what is "normal" on a place like Sup Forums, is fucking hilarious.

Firstly there's a missing intellectual or academic counter-argument to the dreadfully stale status quo leftist social justice, its quite intellectually refreshing to find this in anyone.

Secondly, take and leave what you want. You are your own role model. You have a point, if you really are an individual you won't just simply latch onto the ideas of another or regurgitate their thought. From my personal perspective being at University, I have to say a lot of the things he says, it strikes a cord of truth, that drives you further in trying to prove it for yourself in someway, with your own thought and ideology.

If someone, who is distressed, needs a father role in his life, does it matter where it comes from or who it is?

It's better to have Jordan peterson as your father than Snoop dogg or the likes.

Atleast his message is positive and you can actually learn something from him

yeah alright fine i'm done fucking with the shill now

Sage every post guys

and even the shills need to sort themselves out eventually

And what is your argument exactly?

Not my fault he's a fraud and extremely easy to debunk.
The crazed reactions of his fans is dead give away.
Just study Jung and Frued.

t. butthurt commiefag

That he is a Canadian.

>t: loser kid who likes a fraud

There is no argument. That's the thing. (You) like him and everyone else HAS to like him as well.
Or (you) get angry and call names.

>You don't like what I like
>You're a shill

*slow clap*
Jordumb Frauserson would be proud.
No one is allowed to question all mighty Jordumb Frauderson. The God of Psychology. He said
>Slay the Dragon and save your father!!

This is such an obvious shill attempt

Jordumb Frauserson Quotes:

>Sort yourself out
He's a psychologist who tells others to solve their own problems.
That's HIS job, as a psychologist, but ya know....sort yourself out. Unless you pay him, then he's all ears, for 1 hour.

>Slay the dragon and save your father

What a fucking tool.

says the guy who follows a dead and buried meme ideology lol


He's a flake and a fraud.
I hate liars and frauds. Plain and simple.
He's a bum loser who just stutters and says words he knows people don't understand.
He's a PSYCHOLOGY prof, he could be mind fucking you 10 ways from Sunday, you don't know.
The rabbid reactions from fans, would suggest he's doing something................

I don't watch youtube videos kids post as an "argument"
I can see why you think this fraud professor is smart.
You can't even type replies, rebuttals or arguments. Just youtube links and memes someone else made
You think you're close to smart.

Shills have been relentless attacking JBP that past few days

I have been for these reasons
A) he's a leaf
B) He's a liar
C) He's a leaf
D) he's a fraud
E) He's a leaf
F) You losers like him
G) I dont like 99% of you kids
H) It's funny and passes the day. It's 5pm now. In a few more hours I'll go to sleep and another pointless day is Commie-ada is done.

Do (you) accept these answers?
Or are you crazy and think I'm shareblue or something?

youre so angry because you wasted your life so far on meaningless crap and youre too much of a coward to admit it, so you just double down in the pathetic hope that "fate" will play in your favor.

Have fun wasting the rest of it on something you KNOW is stupid

My only role model is hitler


I want to sort myself out but i'm terrible at writing. How can I teach myself to write better?

>My only role model is hitler

whoa! watch out for this guy!

Neither does a load of presumptive slander doesn't constitute an argument.

You didn't make this thread in good faith or with anything resembling a proper argument so why think your schlock warrants any sort of serious response?

94 posts/ 85 by this ID


Pardon Professor Frauderson??
I call you that, because you're making assumptions on what you *think*, not based on reality.
Just like Professor Frauderson, you're literally talking out your asshole to appear intelligent.

He would be proud to have such a mush brained sycophant as a blind follower.

>Most people become professors to feel important and have people hang on their every word.
Sad really.
If you people actually knew anything about human behavior and psychology you could spot this fraud from a mile away like I have.

He sure devotes a lot of time to "insignificant" people.

Didn't you start the exact same thread and sperg out ysterday? What's you problem? Jordan Peterson is has a PhD and has taught as Harvard. According to ResearchGate, he has over 5000 citations. Doesn't sound like a fraud to me.

He's talking out of his ass to be an edgy contrarian which is fucking hilarious.

You Frauderson worshipers are so blind to your hypocrisy, there's not point making real arguments.
The mental gymnastics are on par with leftards.

The man has he resume of a teenage drop out.
>Not an argument
If anyone else had that resume, they would not be considered PhD material.
(You) kids try and make him seem like working class hero.
Ignoring reality of tuition fees, time it takes to obtain a PhD and so on.
None of that matters to you Fraudersonites
Reality doesn't matter when discussion Frauderson. He rarely deals in it himself.
His lectures are supposition,
Supposition meaning "not clear"

He's a fraud.
What more proof do you need?

I feel bad for you good leafs. This guy gives you a bad name.

Call him a fraud a few more times and that will constitute "evidence".

And I don't even know the guy.

Kek will smite you Leaf faggot.

PhD from McGill he got in..........
Fails to mention it on his front page of his website, instead lists his high school drop out resume.
>Red Flag.

Lied his way into Harvard and they shoved him in a basement till his contract expired.
He was hired as Assistant Professor of Mythology.
He has a B.A in Political Science and Psycology. A PhD in Clinical Psycology.
Why is he being hired for Mythology??
Obviously a liar and lied to Harvard about his credentials.
His contract was not renewed and he never taught at any other American University.
>Red Flag

Again none of this matters because you have plenty of reasons you'll think up soon enough.
