What the fuck, Sup Forums ? Did USSR insurrection do this to us?
What the fuck happened to American society in the 1960s
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jews settled in
The great society -LBJ
JFK got killed. Crypto-kike Lyndon Johnson came to power. He ruled the 60s, and set America on the path to ruin.
60s was the decade Jews got together with feminists and blacks to overthrow the WASP aristocracy of the USA. It's been downhill ever since.
We had a candidate finally give niggers what they want:
the welfare state
Is there a good book on cataloguing how society has gone to shit and which seriously attempts to explain why?
I remember reading about American prisoners of war that were in Vietnam for years. While those changes were happening, they were locked away.
>Coker got out on March 4, 1973, in one of four waves of prisoner releases that year. So much had changed in his absence - seven years of unprecedented social upheaval. Sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll.
>"All those things happened in that very tumultuous period, and we weren't here at all. We were strangers in our own country, and we didn't like a lot of what we saw."
But aren't hippies more of a symptom rather than a cause? Also this would only touch on the illegitimate birth chart not the crime chart.
What exactly did LBJ do to fuck us so badly? Was it just Vietnam?
>JFK got killed.
jews killed him and gained control.
Rather than responding "it was teh joos" some facts would be nice, thx.
Yup. It was Russia
You know, there are two solutions:
1. the one which will cost tens of trillions of dollars
2. gas the kikes
which one would you prefer?
pretty fucking obvious what happened if you ask me. pic very fucking related.
Immigration Act of 1965.
Civil rights act
Hart-Celler Act 1965
JFK was assassinated.
can't tell whether the racist antisemitic responses is cointelpro
>What the fuck happened to American society in the 1960s
You fought the Germans, died for the Jews, then you let them infiltrate your academia and media
Both spikes began before 1965.
yeah. 1960 was about when jews had recovered from ww2 and really started on the breaking down of society
(((Civil Rights))) also
I suppose both are symptoms of Jewish subversion though
watch from 23:23, explains what you need to know
This is about the time when the (((communists))) really let the chimp off the chain using weaponized negroes to undermine civilization.
Look for the Jew, if you don't spot one, look for Freemasonry. Where you'll find communists it's one or the other and often both. EVERY FUCKING TIME.
- Desegregation
- Disintegration of family values
- Lessened economic prospects
- Welfare state
the great migration
>These old liberals did not disappear—in fact, they are today’s neoconservatives. Irving Kristol, Michael Novak, David Horowitz, Richard Perle, and Norman Podhoretz
>4/5 Jews
Wow, I wonder if old liberalism was a Jewish thing?
Too much nuclear testing. The radiation started getting to them.
The Moynihan Report was all about this.
1965 immigration act
jewish ww2 refugees invading usa
broken homes of ww2 vets raising baby boomers poorly
increase in distracting technology (TV)
Feminism and the baby boomers is what happened.
That is why we are in this current fucked up situation because the boomers thought being degenerates was more important then having enough children to keep civilization going.
anyone have the same two charts segmented by ethnicity? and/or socioeconomic status?
This is what happened.
Crime and murder rates plummeted since 1991
I thought it had something to do with lead being in everything (including gasoline) and fucking with peoples heads.
>Around that same exact time Civil Rights Matter dindus get freedumbs.
>(((Sexual Revolution)))
>Fucking hippies.
You tell me why.
Read it and weep.
Black liberation. Civil rigjts movement.
So for all you guys citing the civil rights movement, with perfect hindsight what should the US have done instead?
LBJ has some quotes about intentionally destabilizing developing black communities, and addicting them to government welfare to ensure they'd vote democrat for the foreseeable future.
sent them all back to Africa
Crypto communists and the plan to subjugate America under global hegemony
Now draw a vertical line in 1965.
Also, where is this screenshot from? From the sources, it looks like a compilation, so the actual paper or report this is from is preferable.
from The Bell Curve
The only acceptable answer.
I know, I know hang em all from trees etc etc al. but we wouldn't be able to do that. Genicide, even at that time, would have been difficult at best. Better to let the negro population be happy to go home and willingly board the ships and not trash the place on their way out
Add johnson wellfare to the list and its full
The sexual revolution.
It pretty much means 10 dudes get to sleep with 1000 women and then they settle with us