Fuck spics
>*bites into tasty taco*
Fuck spics
>*bites into tasty taco*
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Those aren't spics, look like muzzies to me
Goddamn, I can't wait until the smug Canadians are shouting racist things.
That thing is a female?
Those are some ugly guys. Did they think dressing in drag would get the Leafs to let them pass?
>MFW Canada starts Operation: Frostback
>contents of taco end up all over the place
We need Kellie Leitch now more than ever. Send these fucks back.
Found the spic.
They aren't going to be so smug when they deal with the same shit we have to
Racist Canadian border patrol
Trudeau is literally Hitler. Maybe the 9th circuit or that judge in Hawaii can block the ban. Although technically they don't have the power to do this in Canada, they didn't have the right to do it here, either.
Stop being so racist Canada and let them in
Those poor refuges are just fleeing from evil Trump after all
Calling all Leafs to stand up and let the PMO know that we're sick to death of this shit
>If you detain them, they win!
Canada, nooo!!
I remember years ago when europe was smug like this.Not so much anymore.
>Those poor refuges are just fleeing from evil Trump after all
I also thought they look very much like burgers.
canada is tired of winning kek
Are they fucking spics? They look miles times worse than your regu--
>sudden flashbacks from the capital
Just wait until the summer comes and somebody in one of these border towns gets raped/assaulted/murdered.
>implying the CBC would report anything other than how great refugees are
Canada needs to face real issues like other countries got, then PM Current Year won't have such a smile on his face.
What do you call this guy anyways? Retard Pepe?
>Retard Pepe
Hey.. rude!
I've read that one, it's pretty good.
Please no, we have our own unique problems. I just want to live a happy life.
Trudeau isn't Hitler. Hitler was competent.
the fuck? spics never spill their tacos. NEVER
I call him Zika virus pepe