>be american
>send mean tweet
>go to jail for 10 years
Be american
Is this really punishable by assault laws?
See you in jail
I would say yes because you're trying to cause potential death
>Cause a man's brain to uncontrollably cause permanent brain damage because you don't agree with him.
i dont understand why even Sup Forums has an issue with this. It's like sending a pastry containing traces of peanuts to someone who is a known peanut allergy advocate; it's not only a verbal threat, it's carrying out the actual threat
This is very bad
found reddit
>havnig all sorts of warnings of what the image is
>it even has to have him click on it, says click to play
>still do it
seems like he was brain damaged before the tweet
Now look up contributory negligence.
Fuck off, Kikenwald.
but that doesnt apply in this case because the intention of the action (sending of the .gif) was to exploit the medical condition. in the example given on wikipedia,
In an example, a person who has Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI; also known as "Brittle Bone Syndrome") is more likely to be injured in a motor vehicle accident. If the person with OI is hit from behind in a motor vehicle collision and suffers medical damages (such as clavicle fracture), it would not be a prudent defense to state that the Osteogenesis Imperfecta was the cause of the fracture.
I would agree the eggshell skull rule would apply if his seizure was brought on as a result of something non-malicious, but the intention of the action was the cause a seizure.
im so surprised this is even a conservative or liberal issue
play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
internet allows us to do a whole bunch of stupid shit with no consequences. sometimes, however there are consequences. this is one of those times. I think it's kind of funny because Sup Forums would be ecstatic if the roles were reversed and some conservacuck like hannity decided to get all litigious on some plebbit faggot that caused him to have a seizure.
Oh god my brain
>tfw the government cracks down on weaponized memes
Free John.
shit, twitter keeps banning my accounts
I got sick of making them
other non american anons should start spamming to the kike, they can't arrest you since you don't live in america
The intent of the action is irrelevant in the cyberstalking statute, you 'tard.
Here's some more.
he can sue you in your country though
Anyone remember that Pokemon episode that hospitalized hundreds of little Japanese kids because of epileptic seizures???
He had to click on it for it to play. It's akin to someone pointing a gun at you, you walking up to the gunman, putting your finger on the trigger, and firing, essentially shooting yourself.
Murderous drumpfkin showing his true colors getting what he deserves
Fuck off, Kikenwald.
Actually twitter autoplays that shit unless you tell it not to. It's still his responsibility to tell it not to though.
fucking Drümpfkin
Give him 1-2 years. 10 is a bit overkill.
This is anons wife and my son. We have your info and will be contacting the authorities.
>dat oversimplification
Lol got what he deserved.
Very coherent counter argument.
Shills, shitposters or just plain redditors?
>no other proof
He probably won't get jail time. The law he's charged under is vague enough that a good lawyer could get him out of it. The law allows up to a ten year sentence, but it depends alot on how many points he has on the sentencing guidelines.
>Intent to exploit a medical condition
So why aren't all politicians in jail for exploiting the low IQ, half-retarded, autists? They're exploiting them through persuasive politics. This solidifies their position in power. The world should be suing their governments, if this were true.
>I have severe depression and this politician made me feel better about having severe depression, thus exploiting my fragile mental state, in order to fortify their position in power
well if that were the case, why is he getting 10 years then?
would you really want to be that person holding the gun? you're not going to walk away from that situation completely inculpable of any guilt (from a legal standpoint) as well
I really dont understand your arguments. but it doesnt matter, because the legal system supports mine, as this man is going to jail for 10 years. hope that guy got his lulz out of the situation
Well shit, I doubt he has a Jewish lawyer, user's getting 10 years for sure.
Isn't the legal defense "I didn't know it would cause harm and didn't intend it to, prove me wrong?"
Was there when it happened, pressured them not to send this tweet. Because Eichenwald is a huge kike and would go "OOOYYYYY AAAAAACH IVE BEEN WOUNDED OOOH WHAT A WOOOOORLD POLIIIIICE HEEEEELP". It gives them leverage.
To this day I don't believe he actually had the seizure.
It should be illegal but the guy who triggered Kikenwald shouldn't be charged. If you dedicate your life to supporting Marxism and fighting against the best interests of a Nation, members of that Nation are wholly within their rights to kill you. He would have America end up like South Africa if he could, there's no reason to give him any protection under the law.
FBI pls help
there are too many things to prove in that situation, but more frivolous lawsuits than that have been brought up before, it's not the craziest argument heard. Also i dont know if those would be considered "medical conditions" in the same sense that having brittle bone structure would be
He's not "getting ten years." The MAX he can get if he's convicted is ten years. This article breaks it down very good. The font is tiny, so you have to stare at it for a second.
How much of a pussy faggot do you have to be to get a seizure from this.
Definitely not... There is no way he's convicted
>causing a (((seizure)))
>doesn't even bother going to get medical attention after said (((seizure)))
>or filing a police report
>or anything than bitch
A case of literally just close your eyes nigga
Nothing will happen, any decent lawyer in CURRENT YEAR will argue that somebody with inferior genes like that should just disable .gifs on his browser all together, and that it is his responsibility to do so.
why are epileptics such pussies? its just a bit flashy
but he threw that out when he sent a .gif mentioning a seizure, it would be impossible to prove that he didnt have intent to cause that. ie it's very easy to prove wrong "i didnt intend it to" because that was the whole motivation behind sending him the .gif, to give him a seizure
he has autoplay turned off.
I'm going to donate to his legal fund
no because most laws use stupid weasel words like "reasonably expect to cause harm" or stupid shit like that letting retards imagine what they think is reasonable
Additionally, Kikenwald never even had a seziure. He immediately tweeted out 'this is his wife, he had a seziure'
I guarantee you there are no medical records to be found.
ok, then why was he convicted and found guilty? semantics arnt helping you really. keep in mind im not really invested myself into this case, more just playing devil's advocate for your behalf
Never mess with a Jewish person, the government crackdown and the media meltdown will be enormous because of how Jews run all the media.
fuck off
NO ONE forced him to open that email
NO ONE is forcing him to stare at it, until seizures happen
give me a fucking break here.
This is fucking absurd.
m00ooodwssss3rtyu890 xx xmdmjdn sss qwtyujkpi7986756435
He was drunk, sleep deprived, and off his meds as a known epileptic.
I'd say he wanted a seizure to help sort himself out, like you'd go in for electroshock therapy.
What's to stop a SJW from being "triggered" by a dissenting text post? What if the words "Trump is correct" is deemed intentionally harmful/antiwoman/racist/antiIslamic/etc? What if just a picture of Smiling Trump sends a womyn into spasms of blubbering rage and breakdown?
You know the SJWs will try this.
>Mental health involves brain
>Can't be considered "actual medical condition"
Brittle brain structure.
>why was he convicted and found guilty
Why are you arguing about something when you don't even know the fundamental facts?
theyd really lose their shit over Sup Forumss "magic crystals" image.
This was a post that could directly cause physical harm.
Compare that to pic-related you tea-drinking bitch
>be Britbong
>make funny youtube video
>get arrested
He didn't write message either.
the police have private messages where that guy said that he hoped the gif kills him. he's probably fucked
>"mean tweet"
>could trigger seizure
>could lead to death
>did it on purpose to trigger a negative health reaction
Stop downplaying it faggot
Its illegal to release the police report because the victim is Jewish dumbass.
>and all the other shitfucks itt
when you go this far out of your way to purposely be a faggot to someone, you deserve prison.
He actually did file a police report, but he waited until weeks later, right after everyone kept hounding him for a copy of it.
ban assault gifs
Jew_Goldstein, like most other bitter white boys in this thread, will regret his racist bullshit in fifty years.
I hope someone slips the Mexican and Muslim nurses wiping his old white ass a few of choice Twitter comments he barfed out in his prime.
Then they "skip" giving him water at mealtime.
Then they "forget" to change his dirty diaper.
Then night manager Mohammad sneaks into his room late one night, looks him dead in the eye, and holds the fucking pillow over his face till he stop moving.
Then the legal system look the other way when his family cry, just like South Africa's with its white minority.
Fuck you, nazi cunts. Half of you reading this right now will DIE with brown hands snuffing your evil asses out when you too isolated and feeble to fight back.
What you do about it? Jack shit.
White men will be prey in their own countries very, very soon. No, Donald Dumbfuck won't stop it. Demographics is destiny.
Not a person, a marxist jew.
That didint do shit to me try again!
stupid leaf opens it anyway
>be british
>go outside
>get raped by feral somalian
If the intent was to indeed induce a seizure, then this ruling is completely justified.
You can sperg all you want to be "counter culture", but you intentionally tried to harm another person. It's the same idea as assault. You can't just start wildly swinging and hitting people in public without repercussions.
Sentence is another question, but being ruled guilty is right.
He hasn't been found guilty you dummy. -IF- he is found guilty, he could face a maximum of 10 years. However the law does not support that he would be found guilty.
>Is this really punishable by assault laws?
Only if the victim, judge, and lawyer are Jewish.
So yes.
Now my dick is bleeding and my cat won't stop howling at me.
we should start a kickstarter or gofundme or whatever the fuck seeing as the guy was a Sup Forumsack
Guess i'm safe
>commie jews are people
Nice meme
First the Jews mutilate the penises of male children born to goy's and now they lock up their children for resisting jewish propaganda, why don't you Amerilards just replace the 51 stars in the top left corner of your flag with the star of David???
There's a WeSearcher up for it
>seems like he was brain damaged before the tweet
Well, he IS a liberal, so yeah...
>If the intent was to indeed induce a seizure, then this ruling is completely justified.
Except he willingly played the video. It's kind of a suicide by cop situation.