What did Adolf Hitler do wrong?
1 post by this ID
He let them get away with this.
Not actually killing Jews
Be a delusional drug addict who ruined his country and lost the war.
he committed mass genocide.
Not even hating on the nationalism aspect of his rule, but if he would have seriously just not have committed mass genocide, he would never have become to scapegoat for the rest of civilization.
lurk more
>broke the Treaty of Munich, making him look like a crazy dictator
>Invaded Poland despite guarentee from Allies to declare war if Germany attacked
>Made treaty with dirty commies giving them free reign over Eastern Europe
>Invaded Denmark and Norway too due to intelligence clusterfuck
>Invaded Holland, which dindu nuffin
>Invaded Yugoslavia, which dindu nuffin
>Invaded USSR, but due to autist MUH UBERMENSCH ideology alienated Slavs and Ukrainians who would have been happy to have been liberated from Communism were the Nazis not total autists
>Declared war on America for no real reason
The list goes on and on.
Sup Forums = Politically Incorrect
Freedom of speech is the law here newfag
Find me some evidence he commited mass genocide, just one piece of evidence
Not finishing.
>momma said always finish and give it 100pee
Went against Russia when he should have gone all on on UK. In fact, he should have started with UK and them steamrolled france after.
He should not have allied with Japan. That was simply stupid.
He lost the war
>pile of dead bodies in concentration camps
>not evidence of genocide
Are you going to tell me these are just fake dead bodies?
Again, provide me one piece of evidence Hitler commited mass genocide. Hint: You can't
The Nazi's just found all these dead bodies like this right?
you could say he committed involuntary genocide against his own people
>you could say
is not evidence, try again user
He tried fighting a two-front war
He tried to fight Russia.
What? How many Germans need to die to live up to your personal definition of genocide?
His downfall to Russia was his Generals converting his war plans to their own
what the fuck does this even mean
he wasnt ruthless enough. too much sun not enough lightning
He's was the leader of Germany. Are you saying that as a leader of a country, he has no responsibility to what his countrymen do? When you lead a nation, you are responsible for it. That is the point of being the leader.
Is your argument that he did not personally walk up to and execute each and every person? Nobody fucking does that.
Modern example, Rodrigo Duterte as the leader is having thousands of people killed for drug related offenses. He's not personally going up and killing each person, but as the leader of his country it's definitely his responsibility that he's doing this.
first post best post
Hitler was a puppet for his generals. Merely a figurehead and nothing more really. Most of the time he was drugged to keep his pain down from illnesses he had too.
Being this new
Operation Thunderclap is real and something to look up
I'm looking for evidence linking Hitler to mass genocide
Also, still waiting on that evidence
Invading Russia.
Was Hitler just completely blind and ignorant of his concentration camps and their conditions?
Was he just so woefully ignorant of the humanitarian abuse his country was actively engaging in?
Why do you guys praise him for being such a great leader if he was so ignorant of what was happening in his own country??
>Operation Thunderclap
more like Operation Thunderbrap
Hitler's plan was retarded. The general's goal was Moscow, a major supply hub, particularly in the centralized and still modernizing Soviet Union. Are you really implying that General Guderian, the father of modern manuever warfare, was an idiot and that Hitler, the failed artist and former homeless man, somehow understood war better than some of the best officers in the world?
>dead bodies in concentration camps
>identifies Jews were kept in camps
>final conclusion JEWS DONT DIE
People die in a war and you're surprised? Those footage were taken by the Bolcheviks (85% Jews), the same guys that killed 30 million of their own people. But I agree we should never forget the 8 million Aryans that died for us. R.I.P
Hitlers plan was the flank north and south, coming around the back and cutting off russian supply. The generals went gung-ho straight in
He was the leader of Nazi Germany, that is his link to the atrocities of his country.
You have to have incredibly cognitive dissonance to look at the piles of dead bodies Nazi Germany was seen piling into mass graves and think Hitler was that woefully ignorant that he had no idea what was happening within his own area of influence.
where's the sauce then bitch
>piles of dead bodies Nazi Germany was seen piling into mass graves
Okay, now proove that those people were killed as part of a deliberate campaign of extermination and not due to disease or starvation.
Again, no evidence shown. There is a reason why Historians can't debunk David Irving in this sense, he has a bet that's been going for 40 years proving there is no factual documentation linking Hitler to the holohoax
>Too noble to destroy the British at Dunkirk.
>Again too noble to keep up the bombing of London.
>Kept some of his best forces in Africa and Southern Europe when they could have been better utilized.
>Probably should have allied with Stalin to BTFO the US first before settling their squabbles with each other.
>Did not kill all the Jews when he easily could have. Especially since everyone today thinks he did anyway.
idk what is so hard to understand about a leader assuming the responsibility of a country.
He must have been a real fucking shitty leader to separate himself from his countrymen.
They didn't go straight in, they surrounded armies along the way to Moscow, with the intent of winning a quick and decisive victory. Hitler's plan was to starve the Russians out by draining them of manpower, food, and resources. He didn't appreciate how big Russia is- a war of attrition was a guarenteed loss for Germany.
A note from Himmler after a conversation with Hitler about the Jewish question. His response: "exterminate them as partisans."
From Goebbels' diary, December 13th 1941:
>"With respect of the Jewish Question, the Führer has decided to make a clean sweep. He prophesied to the Jews that if they again brought about a world war, they would see their annihilation in it. That wasn't just a catch-word. The world war is here and the annihilation of the Jews must be the necessary consequence."
I hope this is a joke, at least. If it isn't a joke, this person does not understand how to Sup Forums.
Go ahead and get forensics on that ink then come back with some evidence, kay?
it's a joke don't worry
>Goebbels' diary
Let me guess - the soviets just happened to (((find))) it.
Hitler did NOTHING wrong.He was closest to perfect then anyone in modern history.
Operation Barbarossa
>Too noble to destroy the British at Dunkirk
More like he got cold feet. He was afraid of a British armored counterattack (the win in France had been too easy, so he was expecting stiff resistance somewhere) and Goering told him the Luftwaffe would be enough to destroy the army.
>too noble to keep bombing London
What are you talking about? He kept bombing London, and when he ran out ofplanes, they started shooting missiles designed with the intent of bombing London!
>Did not kill Jews
He probably should have killed more than he did, but some Jews did die during WW2
not letting the generals command the army
>The woman did not come back. But she left me a few issues of Life, one of which contained a long extract from Winston Churchill’s War Memoirs. In it, the British ex-Premier tried his best to explain that the Führer’s orders to stop the rush of the German armoured divisions to Dunkirk — the orders that resulted in “clearing the way for the British Army,” — were taken on the initiative of General Runstedt, and inspired by anything but the desire to show generosity to England as I had somewhere stated in the third chapter of my Gold in the Furnace. He buttressed his deductions, — he said — upon the “actual diary of General Runstedt’s Headquarters, written at the time.” But as I read that, I suddenly recalled what Miss Taylor had told me of the privileges granted by the British authorities to the so- called “war criminal” General Runstedt, in particular, his leave from prison on parole. And I also recalled Colonel Vickers’ statement to me, on Wednesday morning, the 6th of April, 1949: “Political prisoners are the last people to whom we grant special privileges . . . save in the case they write for us or do some secret work for us, in one way or another” (sic). I could not help . . . “putting two and two together”
For fuck's sake, lurk more, I fucking can't believe this. Hitler HAD to invade the Soviet Union. Think about it: The commies wanted what UK wanted, they hope that Hitler will annihilate his country while fighting the other, and then they could just march in and take the nation. It is historically accepted that Stalin wanted to rule Europe, and sources say that he wanted to do this in 1941. The soviets already had superior weapons compared to the german ones. They were only missing a good general, but Hitler did not knew that, so he had to attack to save not only Germany, but Europe.
>being this bluepilled
I see. Goering must have gone disobeying orders when the Luftwaffe started shooting and bombing the soldiers Hitler was so "generous" to "let them" leave.
Literally WW2's equivalent of >I was only pretending to be retarded!
He lost.
This is true.
he lost
>It wasn't me, it was my chain of command below me.
Poor Hitler, despite being praised for his war time leadership, he is conveniently not responsible for the atrocities under this leadership.
He lost the war.
There are only 2 things he did wrong
1st: The African theatre. This was the reason why he had to delay the soviet invasion, which was almost a succes even against the russian winter.
2nd: The alliance with Japan. This was the only reason why the USA joined the war. I don't say that they wouldn't find another way to do so, but this was the way they did.
>it's actually asking money for charity
I'm not even surprised
Harsh but fair
Hitler declared war on the US after Japan attacked. He was not obligated by treaty to do so.
In his position, he needed all the allies he could get.
Attacking the UK without first neutralizing France would have been suicide.
But yes, attacking Russia was incredibly stupid. He started by taking out Poland, then moved to France. From that position, he could have mounted a full-on invasion of the U.K., but didn't. He had a treaty with Russia, stating neither would attack the other unless provoked. Then he attacked Russia. In the winter. Basically a fucking suicide mission. It would have gone much better if he had let Russia be and moved expansion westward, taking Spain and the U.K. From there it would be child's play to take the middle eastern territories and Scandinavia, by which point he could focus efforts of taking Africa and Southern Asia, while still having a formidable enough defense to ward off attacks from North & South America. During this time, the Japanese (with some reinforcements) could've easily taken Korean and Vietnamese territories, possibly even taking India if they were lucky. Once Africa was taken, Hitler would have the remainder of Asia practically surrounded. At that point he takes the rest of the southern Asian countries, which wouldn't be at all difficult with the troops he would have by this point in time, and push upward through Asia toward Russia. THEN he can take Russia out on a more southern front, effectively eliminating the cold factor. At that point he takes South America from both the East and West, then works up through Mexico toward Canada. From there he can take Greenland (as if they would have posed any threat to begin with) and ta-da. The world is his to do with as he pleases.
2 posts by this ID
Go away leaf
What he did wrong?
He didnt end the jewish race.
The world wouldve been a lot better without them.
He wasn't this expansionist. If the famous theory here that Russia would have attacked Europe in 1941 is true he just tried to prevent that, but nobody knows, my mind still wonders why would he hurry so much?
He did literally nothing wrong
>the atrocities
which ones are you talking about?
but he didnt exterminate all jews.
2 posts by this ID
I guess nothing he ultimately tried his best to prevent communism in Europe. The end didnt justify the means I guess, because he lost. All these deaths... Jews have so much blood on their hands, that people like Mao are little babies.
He wasn't particularly expansionist, but complete control of the world would've certainly helped with the complete annihilation of the Jewish population.
Hitler allied with the Japans because he RESPECTED them, and this is fair. But the US used this against them, by cutting off oil supplies from Japan, so she can't continue her fighting efforts. After trying to solve this peacefully, Japan had no other choice, but to attack the USA. And as a fellow ally, and partner, Hitler jumped in to help the Japan nation when the US declared war against her.
I think it is clear why did the USA cut off the supplies.
Of course he is talking about the aryans that died because of him. Lurk moar.
Literally nothing wrong.
attack russia in the winter
>he committed mass genocide.
Hitler literally had no hand in the holololocaust. He didn't even know that it was happening.
Goering was the true power behind it all
Got to war with Poland
Hilter didn't want to dominate the world. All he wanted was to protect ethnic germans who were left in other countries due to Versailles treaty.
He managed to do that peacefully in checkoslovakia(?) but Poland refused to cooperate.
Looks like Typhus to me. Here is another Holocaust survivor from the American Civil War.
>documents that prove the holocaust are fake but documents that support jewish conspiracy are totally real and credible
Oh you are so right. Bombing Axis supply lines helped Typhus along nicely.