How is this ok?

I always thought it was just the republican party that supported this but its the democrats too....
How are both of our parties supportive on this?

Other urls found in this thread:

careful, Sup Forums is pro Israel now, they'll probably say something about "muslim subhumans" or whatever.

Oy vey they're just getting started goy.

because 6 gorilonz

shut up and join in


>Israel is nationalist, with one of the best moral armies, building walls, despise islam, don't like orthodox jews (merchant hand), good economy, democraty, nukes and of course is capable of destroying the whole middle fucking east.
> Palestine is a semi-sharia country, fucked up economy, they hate the west, hate whites, they are sandniggers, no culture and does not mean anything to the western world.

Pick one

>Muslims start war with Jews
>Jews kick their asses and take land
>Muslims won't accept peace
>Jews try to give land back
>Muslims won't take it back
>fine, Jews start settling there
>Jews kick their asses more
>Muslims suddenly want peace
>"hey where's our land??"

It's not OK, the Israeli's are doing the same thing to the Palestinians as the Nazis did to the Jews in the 1940s. "B-b-b-but the Palestinians are terrorists!". Yeah, you might become one too if it was your home literally getting bulldozed. This is also happening with your tax dollars, but like most things, Americans are either too ignorant or just don't give a shit because it's happening 'over there'.

You forgot to add:
>Israeli's keep stealing Palestinian land despite the borders being obvious

>How are both of our parties supportive on this?

Jew cancer. Jew bankers.

spotted the human toilet

That map is fake & gay.

>Muslims conquering Europee
pol: meh
>Muslims multiplying like a virus in US
pol: meh
>Muslims constantly demanding genocide of whites
pol: meh
>Jews take a small plot of contested land


Pick both

Mudshit detected

No it isn't cunt

>Be Palestine, have muslims in land for hundreds of years
> Be conquered by Ottomans. No biggie, the muslims get along with the christians and jews
> Be taken by Britain once the Ottomans crumble, nothing changes
> Britain frees you
> All of a sudden the jews want this land you've occupied for hundreds of years for themselves because muh 6 gorillion
> You refuse and get your buddies to kick their ass
> Fail
> Ask for peace with this new state of Israel
> Peace refused
> Leftards now support Israel and terrorism, meaning most Palestine supporters are outspoken

Sup Forums will defend this like the good goyim they are

the green line borders were bullshit, it was a shitty drafting by the UN that made it so neither Israel or Palestine could survive with the given resources, plus I would want to kick out the mudslimes who were constantly screaming to "throw the Jews in the ocean" at least one country is redpilled enough to not suck Ahmed's dick

spotted the shitskin


>Pick one

Because literally no one gives a fuck about shitskins.

"Palestinians" only exists as a proxy for antisemitism, it is a literal meme nation.

this is true, the Palestinians never accepted the green line borders. After the British stopped their occupation they immediately declared war on the Israelis

Oh look its JIDF with blatant lies

>>Muslims conquering Europee
>pol: meh
>>Muslims multiplying like a virus in US
>pol: meh
>>Muslims constantly demanding genocide of whites

all of these are directly the fault of jews

>ask for peace
top kek, how retarded are you? The Israelis asked for peace long before the Muslims, and when Israel offered to give the land back they refused!

>on a right winger board: "YOU ARE MUSLIM!"
>on a leftists board: "YOU ARE A NAZI!"


To be fair palestine wouldn't be meme tier if Israelis weren't bombing them and settling their lands for the past 60 years

people like you are the reason us Leafs are so hated, kys

>if Israelis weren't bombing them and settling their lands for the past 60 years
They hate them for their fredums

I hate the Jews but i hate the muslims more. if there was a way to get rid of both it'd be great

Show me a map that says Palestine from before 1900

It is better to have a stable, western style government in charge rather than Muslims. It is the better of two evils.

shitskins like you are the reason leafs are hated, Palestine isn't even a real country, just a meme created by the other Muslim countries to spark hate and sympathy. Why is it that leftists never talk about how the surrounding Muslim countries uprooted and expelled more Jews than Israel did to Palestinians in the same time period? how come leftists never talk about how not a single Muslim country would accept the Palestinian refugees?

>mudslimes being herded into ghettoes like cattle, by their sworn enemy
>endless goreporn and leftist butthurt

I see no problem here.

Show me one with Israel

they can't because the country didn't exist until the Muslim Nations created it


You are just a racist bigot and do not belong on Sup Forums

that one says palestine but not israel anywhere on it. you did the opposite of what you wanted

t. Very, very good goyim

you all get two shekels

Found the americlap idiot.

Pol is not pro israel

That's Canaanite land, Israel never existed. The Canaanites are the original owners.

Where are they now?

(((Really, how?)))

Exterminated by you fuckers


You're saying that as if it's a bad thing.


You have to go back Ahmed

You are saying that if hitler did nothing wrong.

Nice. Conquer those beasts.

Keep up the good work

Saudis don't actually care about Palestenians and are working secretly with Israel

Abraham religion is false. God is not real thus they died for nothing.

Darwin has disproved Abrahamic religion through science. Dinosaur fossils are a thing.

God is not a real state agent, god is not real.

> 930 bce

Because without the Jews constantly trying to pit us all against eachother, there would have been peace long ago. In fact The US had no problems in the middle east until AFTER Israel.


The saudis are working with israel, Sup Forums hates Saudis, the "exterminating mudslime" argument dies
Rothschild created israel, Sup Forums hates globalists, "Israel fights against globalists" argument dies

>shittiest countries in the world are in the promises land

He invaded Russia. You do not invade Russia.

Have a fedora.

A reminder that Sup Forums leftist or right wing does not support Israel

>somehow not the origin word for palestine

im guessing you aren't an ashkenazi, they aren't this dumb. go back to manning a checkpoint and let your betters argue on the internet with goyim. you make the tribe look dumb.

ahh the eternal swedecuck. once iran nukes israel, bernadotte's blood will be avenged, since his countrymen are too worthless to do it themselves.

Typical leftard sleight of hand.

>comparing an extinct (((people))) to a non-existant (((people)))

It's not okay. It's horrible what is happening to palestinians in their own land. Everyone who is okay with jews uprooting palestine's indigenous inhabitants deserves to have their homeland overtaken by refugee scum. Just because they are muslim doesn't make it any less their land, no matter how shitty the religion is.

>Have a fedora.
Have some diversity friend

Daily reminder



>Implying once you are expelled from your origin country you are no longer that ethnicity with rights to your home state.


whether you believe palestinians=philistiines or not doesn't matter, you were arguing about maps with words on them. call one of the ashkenzaim over here, you are better suited for the checkpoints.

Wrong flag on the left

>still believing in the kike on a stick

>Jews constantly trying to pit us all against eachother
What is self defense?

might as well post a pic of jewish oscars winners, its just jews giving other jews (((gold stars)))

Palestine was never a real state.

A nation of converted white people is better than a nation of the original Jews.

Remove the mud-slime

Sup Forums is not one person either. I don't think we should be funding Israel at all, but at this point they're an established state.

I always see these threads about israel retaking the land that was rightfully theirs, but never saw any of those showing the arabic conquest instead. 2 thousand years of occupation and no one gave a shit whatsoever.

I really think the west should stop being a crybaby and start having some balls. It's because things like that are socially acceptable that greece didn't take Constantinople back, and even if it does in the future there would be tons of anti western propaganda like that going on in order to hijack morale.

Jews aren't a problem here, at all. Muslims are. The same goes for the majority of Europe.

You realize that Israel is one of the main reasons for the shit that is happening there, right? Just look at kikes bombing Syrian Army who fight IS. Israel loves IS and is interested in IS keeping up, so arabs wont realize who their real enemy is. Israeli think tanks confirmed that already and Israeli gov acted up on this yesterday by bombing several Syrian targets, but no jihadis among them.

>Hitler doesn't like Jews
>loses war and allies let Jews take land in middle east, even though there's already people living there
>muslims forced to move
>Jews, with American weaponry and funding, easily kill a bunch of undereducated farmers
>Jews want even more land
>Muslims don't like this, start an actual conflict with other Muslim nations
>still lose because US has best military and cucks to Israel
>Jews rub hands and continue to expand their borders and murder people to this day, and decry all attempts to resist this as "terrorism"

Wow like if they were both controlled by the same people, really makes you think.

Care to explain why mudshits are lazy sacks of shit?


>Kill muslims
>Put all jews in Israel
>Build a huge wall around it
>Flood it
>The golden age of humanity begins

All that map proves is that the ethnic cleansing of the shitskins is not progressing fast enough. Greater Israel when?

Did the department sent you this new maymay today? Or are you guys free to create your own?

The british thought it would be fun to import a ton of Jews to Palestine after they took it over. Then in '48 the Israelis managed to beat the shit out of the half-hearted militia the Palestinians and other Arabs cobbled together, and everyone else was just like "ok, whatever".

It didn't help that Pan-Arabism, which was explicitly anti-Israeli, got tied up in pro-Soviet and ani-Western sentiment, because that meant that in order for the US to be anti-Soviet it had to be pro-Israel, even though our government didn't particularly like Israel (which is why Eisenhower stepped in to stop them during the Suez Crisis). It only got worse in 1967, when the Israelis somehow beat the shit out of 5 different Arab countries simultaneously in less than a week. At that point they were certainly not going anywhere, so the US decided to work with them. It's only gotten worse in the past 30 years, as radical Islam has replaced Pan-Arabism, because now it's a matter of our own national security to oppose radical Islam and Israel is guaranteed to oppose it too as long as it exists just because that's the only way it can survive.

TL;DR: The British started it, handed it off to us, then a combination of Soviet meddling and fundamentalist Islam convinced Washington to back Israel. Now there's a consensus on it.

which one do you like better?

This is a shitty bait image. "palestine" did not exist until 1993.

jews and evangelicals.
these two groups support israel.
usualy supporting israel is not enough but important in order to not alienate them

i like how your pictures include the golan hights as always jewwish

muslims have been taking over non muslim countries. so what if the jews take a small piece of it from them?

National socialists(nazis) hate jews
International socialists (comunists) hate israel

Sup Forums grew out of socialism in the last two years and now is pro israel. Still hates western commie jew media. It's a really good thing.

How can it be for two thousand years if the islamic states didn't show up till around 1450~ years ago,

>How are both of our parties supportive on this?
its quite the opposite.