Is it worth pursuing Western women in 2017? The kind of women raised on social media, Marxist indoctrination, feminism...

Is it worth pursuing Western women in 2017? The kind of women raised on social media, Marxist indoctrination, feminism, and Buzz Feed? This is the majority of women you will find especially if you go to a university or are in the white collar working world.

Could you honestly see yourself spending the rest of your life with these women? How do we fix them?

Fix yourself first.

Convert to Islam, and try to get a Muslim woman.They are usually chaste and moral, and want to have good family lives.

That's what I did. Happier than ever.

I'm doing fine, I'm satisfied with where I am in life right now and I can attract women somewhat easily. I just don't enjoy being around them because they all act the same and believe the same things but it seems like they don't really understand why they believe them. Like they've been brainwashed.

I chose to replace rather than fix. My ex is 35 years old and totally indoctrinated.

Do you wear old shoes that someone else wore?

This, it's our job as men to become great, we're the ones who will save the West. Women will change their mind, if you are more attractive than the (((modern world)))

>Could you honestly see yourself spending the rest of your life with these women? How do we fix them?
No, and they have to fix themselves. Luckily for guys, we can get young cuties from younger generations when they come of age pretty easily and still have children. Women expire around their mid 30s. So this is waiting game we can afford to win. Many of the fucked up women of this generation will be left to a life of single motherhood and swimming in cat piss however.

Nice, where did you meet 'the replacement'? Through acquaintance, a real social group/club? I'm trying to look for the same thing and having same luck as the OP.

I have to agree, most western women are just not worth it.

Same situation, I am fit and tall and people think I get a lot of pussy but I am actually a kissless virgin.

Agreed, they are damaged goods and with be lonely, bitter cat ladies.

Get out, search like minded groups.

Lauren southern?

Sup Forums is literally the last place you should ever look to for advice on women.

Dumb luck, went to a Turkish restaurant and bar , landed a really sexy Iraqi American girlfriend. Speaks better English than me.

Good advice, but often I find nothing but a sausage fest with other anglers.

Pot, meet kettle.

Enter the Otaku culture.
You'll find your waifu there.

I'll pray for the luck of the Irish then, thanks!

Hardly, I'm 42 no kids and educated. Ex let herself go, bitter and past her prime.


Seriously. Focus on yourself and leave the women to their own demise

No worries, get out there.

Right wing women exist...but they may not be pretty

I just realized she tucked the rest of her hair INTO her ass crack

I've seen this pic a million times but this is the first time I noticed she stashed her hair in her ass

You gotta separate yourself from the crowd. Dress better, get in shape, talk with class and intelligence. You'll be surprised at what you can accomplish.


I'm learning Japanese right now and getting a business related degree and if all goes well I'll find a job in Japan, the only place left in the world worth spreading my genes at.


women would be better off if we stopped valuing beauty and started valuing intelligence

Yes my girlfriend is one of the most liberal brainwashed person I've met. She loves getting fucked like a whore and I am slowly redpilling her on issues.

Yes, but 2/3 are crazy, and the 1/3 are taken, so good luck.

If you're "man" enough, you should be able to fix them to your liking no matter how brainwashed they are.


Don't go to a social studies college and you won't have issues.

Stop pushing this fucking meme around. These are Internet "women", ie women who are vocal on the Internet because they don't have a life elsewhere.

I'm not always looking for pretty. Sometimes women are sexy and not pretty if that makes any sense.

It's never worth your time to be putting extra special effort into getting pussy. Fix yourself.

It's not wonder so many here have yellow fever, at least Asian women still try to be feminine.

I'm in your same boat.. bought tinder passport and started swiping in kiev.. gonna find me some good foreign born that wants to raise a family.

>ucked the rest of her hair INTO her ass crack

Ya gotta admire a woman that makes her won toilet paper.

social media: because 10,000 selfies is just so fulfilling

indoctrination: ...and niggershit tier hollywood garbage 'music' too.

feminism: along with a brain full of pathetic values and 'empowerment' via the cock carousel makes a useless female.

I'm 42 and have a wife moulded before this shit western garbage infiltrated her mind. children on the other hand. ewk

I'm here to tell you there are absolutely un fixable woman in this world. You'll waste your entire adult life trying to fix them and you'll be tired and broken.

What a surprise

>The kind of women raised on social media, Marxist indoctrination, feminism, and Buzz Feed? This is the majority of women you will find especially if you go to a university or are in the white collar working world.

no it isn't

maybe if you work in media or go to a uni with a strong humanities focus

otherwise the majority of women are only vaguely aware of all that stuff.

Me and my gf are 18. She's pretty redpilled mates, do your job and redpill your gf/wifes too faggots

>pic related her political compass

I don't get people like you bro.

first, women shouldn't cook. i can cook and i do it better than women.
second, women shouldn't be in the house all the time, it's suffocating and annoying, and their cleaning habits are sloppy
third, women actually contrubuting to a household financially is GOOD for men
so basically women today are better than they've ever been, if they're very career-oriented you may not even have to see them aside from casual sex

Comrade... the brainwashing runs very deep in America. I had a 3 year fiance leave me because I voted Trump.. They're all fucked up.

It's all over. I give the west ~20 more years of a "normal" life, and then shit will hit the fan. Just imagine what will happen once the old whites die out, millennials turn 40 and become the backbone of our society. A generation brainwashed since birth; rampant autism, stupidity, physical weakness and psychical diseases and a strong anti-white (anti-self) sentiment. We're in for a wild ride that's for sure.