What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Nothing. It is a multicultural paradise.
United States of Europe.
giv mony
Nothing, it's good for the stability, economy, and safety of Europe.
This is some next level jewery folkes
Don't forget to sage
European nations will no longer be the monolithic homogeneous countries they once were.
Treaty of Rome. This laid the foundations of everything else. Even the EEC birthed the potential of gradually eliminating sovereignty of the member states.
There is literally no reason whatsoever that the EU should have been anything else but a trading bloc like NAFTA and AFTA. Even before Thatcher's premiership, the EEC had grown too bloated, her rebuffing of European integration was admirable, (though she unfortunately consented to the Single European Act), certainly much more so than her two successors.
If a military were necessary, (and it wouldn't be), NATO would suffice in almost all instances, having almost all members of the EU. The fact that the filthy kikes are actually pushing for a military indicates they've learned nothing from Brexit, which is good for those who want the disintegration of the EU.
Why the fuck would you sage? OP is clearly implying something went wrong with the EU. My fellow nationals are just shitposting/baiting.
Nothing. People are idiots and fail to understand a great structure when they live in one.
thats a pretty neat flag
Somebody gave Germany responsibilities
Actually, I partially take what I said back, as there wasn't any particular act that resulted in the error that is the EU, though it had its origin in the Treaty of Rome and seed of something that would become much larger than a trading bloc. Treaty after treaty gradually granted more and more authority and power to the EU body, similar to how more and more power was granted to the Federal government in the case of the United States by the individual states. The difference was that it happened much more slowly in America, and there has always been a national identity of Americans, when there really isn't one for Europeans.
Had they been a little slower, a little more patient, or a little but more subtle, (not decrying the nation state whenever they could), they might have gotten away with it, but the Eternal Anglo was there to fight for Europe's freedoms in being the first to declare their independence.
>tfw shorter than Merkel
feels bad desu
This and the money we spend in autistic leeches like sandniggers and retard people. We baited the moors to invade us.
I laugh to all the nationalists who wants to leave EU. They will be eaten by Trump or by Poutin, because their economy will not stand a chance..
Of course the EU needs a great reform to have more political power at an international level, a real united military (not really needed because of the NATO) and a real politic.
As a citizen of the EU, I think we need to learn more about our own institutions (which are a complete mess) and the politic system.
But for its defense, EU was born from scratch 70 years ago between countries that have been frequently at war since 1500 years, so that's a first step.
1,6m isn't bad for a monkey
Extension to the East.
Introducing the Euro in the failing economies in the South.
Bureaucracy that's running amok.
>that have been frequently at war since 1500 years
did you ever think that maybe these wars were what made Europe what it is today?
Pan-European Flag :
The red cross for the crusades that united Europe
The yellow sun and the blue sky we all share
And the twelve stars crown of St John Apocalypse.
Remove Kebab.
Everything is fine.
Are you Europoors such incredible savages that your countries have to give up sovereignty in order to eliminate war? Yes, Asian countries and the Americas have had a few petty conflicts, but nothing hat remotely justify giving up power to an institution like the EU in order to obviate the possibility of war.
> They will be eaten by Trump or by Poutin
And how are we supposed to swallow countries like France, Germany, and UK? They seem rather distant from the US, and they are several countries that separate them from Russia. Do you really think that Russia could in anyway swallow them, when Russia's economy is not only considerably smaller, but really has not militaristic means of doing so? NATO, which most of the countries are a part of, absolutely dominates Russia in terms of firepower, meaning there's little chance of Russia overpowering these countries, and even if they were, most of the EU member states are already part of NATO, so it's not like their defense is significantly improves by being part of the EU.
thanks m8
Kind words like that really mean a lot to me.
Expecting people that don't really know each other to actually cooperate, that's what happened.
In fact, it ended up with some random people from random places that report to no one other than themselves, forming bonds and just trolling the realm, while making the most profit as possible for their own private interests, while completely ignoring the needs of those in their domain.
With having no relation to the needs of each individual state, a general leadership ruled by those not giving a crap, and a massive array of agendas....
Yeah, what went wrong?
>did you ever think that maybe these wars were what made Europe what it is today?
Ofc they made Europe, we can't deny it.
By saying that I just wanted to show that it's a huge progress to unite these people under one flag, and with their consent
Economically eaten, in their influence sphere if you prefeer.
They lied.
It was supposed to be a "United States of Europe" but was sold as "oh well we just wanna make our economies all good so that we don't become Nazis."
If they had simply told the truth and told people that it is just a plan to make all of Europe one simple super-state, then it would have been fine (if the people truly wanted that, which i doubt it, which is probably the reason why they lied)
And why is that certain? Why hasn't that happened to Switzerland or Norway? Why not any other country that isn't in a political union? Why hasn't it happened to Russia, with a much smaller economy than either France, Germany, or the UK?
That's why, we the people who believe in Europe, need to show to all the politicians and poeple, what Europe should be.
EU could be best thing ever if only they stopped ALL immigration from 3rd world. Navy and millitary boats patrol Mediterranean, watchtowers, Military war dogs in Bulgaria external border etc.. but they allow 3rd worlders, thats why EU sucks
I'm gonna be one of those people.
I honestly don't think the EU was some nefarious component in the long-term globalist/jewish scheme to take over the world.
My own theory is that the EU was really just a haphazardly conceived economic union that was cobbled together at the last minute when European leaders realized that the sheer economic output of China, Japan, US, and India, Brazil, and Russia would inevitably make Europe irrelevant in 21st century global affairs.
All of other political, demographic, and ethnoreligious crap that came afterwards were unintended side effects that were just capitalized on by the activists, progressives, and globalists afterwards.
Expanding eastwards. All of a sudden the EU was full of shit countries, turning the union into shit.
> Portugal
> Islam
Chose one
I would add greece to that mix.
The South should have had his own Union, they may be cultural close to us (especially more than the Eastern Euros due to lack of Kreml influence) but their economical backwardness is a huge problem
You're right. Portugal is POO
K, the UK would still not want Poles and Romanias. As other European countries stagnate, this makes the inflow of cheap labor and inferior peoples into wealthier nations inevitable.
So no, that's not good enough. There also needs to be an end of a freedom of movement. And the common fisheries policy, which devastates fishing areas that should belong to their home countries. And various other idiotic laws. Actually, just remove everything from the EU except free trade and make it nothing but a trading bloc, which is what it originally was and should have always been.
>My own theory is that the EU was really just a haphazardly conceived economic union that was cobbled together at the last minute when European leaders realized that the sheer economic output of China, Japan, US, and India, Brazil, and Russia would inevitably make Europe irrelevant in 21st century global affairs.
Wrong. The economic union was conceived before any of these countries were seen as anything resembling competitors, except the US. Even Russia was a joke at that point and could barely do anything but pose a military threat.
They invited poor countries into the union. Might have worked better if we had a Germanic Union, Germanic nations only. No poor countries like Romania and debt riddled countries like Greece.
Good post.
Seems about right
it was created. thats what is wrong
>Germanic Union, Germanic nations only.
Impossible at this point, but perhaps always impossible, as however much people feared German unification, even more intolerable would have been the union of Austria, West Germany, and East Germany, (and the Czech Republic, and maybe the Netherlands, and the rest of Scandinavia, who are all Germanic?)
sometime around when they used taxpayer money to pay for this
The basic of the EU is fine. Free trade, free movement of workers, prevent tax fraud etc.
It's when they want us all to be just one big blop the chain brakes
Shit stain that didn't even get democratically elected to power, had to join with fuckin commies.
is it just me or is this graph super fucking unclear
It's just you. Look at the great parts and you'll see the contributions or receipts to and from the EU.
letting east europe join the eu
and the autism french idea of the €
That flag is a apart of whats wrong.
It sounds like Jew know your stuff
Also, here's one thing: the stars should mean something, and they don't.
>Also, here's one thing: the stars should mean something, and they don't.
>What went wrong?
the lack of omnipotent God as a supreme judge you can't run away from
if you remove this threat from the equation there is literally no reason for people to limit themselves even if thir actions demage the rest of society as long as there is some gain there to be had
this is less noticeable at the bottom of the totem pole as plebeians have no power but when you look at various oligarchs and political aristocrats you will see the damage they can and in fact do cause to our civilisation just to get a few shekels more as they feel neither responsible for or connection to anything or anyone
>Twelve was eventually adopted as a number with no political connotations and as a symbol of unity
Okay? I feel to see what's inherently non-political of 12 over other numbers, and I don't see what's so unifying about it.
Your weak defense of the EU's flag by linking Wikipedia has failed, Hanz.
Go back to this flag you pussies.
>Your weak defense of the EU's flag by linking Wikipedia has failed, Hanz.
i didn't want to defent it you moron, only wanted for you to know why they choose 12 stars on the eu flag.
thx to you guys forbidden
It's not all of our fault, remember when Hitler invaded russia?
You need to get your eyes checked Mahmoud
Or perhaps you are Janusz
Okay. I stand by the fact that they don't actually mean anything.
This. This is why we voted to leave. All the evidence that a super-state was being created was there but they lied to us.
guys you have the potential to troll the fuck out of the lefties , i can imagine it , "Share to show you support refugees" the cucks will take the bait
>remember when Hitler invaded russia?
pretty sure after the war, america was pretty sad that they failed to destroy the udssr. at least we tried it, but also thx to you guys who supportet the soviet union with guns and equitment this also failed.
number 12 is just a traditional symbol of unity, don't ask me why, pretty sure where is a history behind it.
That may be true, but then there is this asshole....
>pretty sure after the war, america was pretty sad that they failed to destroy the udssr.
No, they weren't, though they should have been.
Burger, if you think FDR wasn't more enthusiastic about an alliance with the USSR than Churchill was, you're utterly delusional. This is in addition to the fact that the US provided much more support to the Soviets than Britain did.
>they let in underdeveloped states, too much inequality
>the goals changed ambitiously from the start but the means didn't
>Germany and france want to rule, they do everything for their own interest.
>Suddenly is ok to let 'refugees' pass
>pretty sure where is a history behind it.
Aside from the twelve tribes of Israel, I can't find else relevant associated with that number.
The circle of golden stars have been used in European art since the early medieval age
I'm pretty sure there are more explanations on the internet about the twelve star Europe symbol (technically it's not a flag)
The germans lost in 1945
You misunderstood what I meant.....
India is a shithole
>but then there is this asshole...
Was asshole supposed to have a positive or sarcastic connotation?
german harz 4 reforms. germans are paying WAY to low wages
>I'm pretty sure there are more explanations on the internet about the twelve star Europe symbo
The explanations I've seen say there isn't one, or that they stars don't mean anything.
>technically it's not a flag
I was obviously being sarcastic
We we'll have to disagree on that.
We will*