Will National Socialism ever return?
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Old world - yes
New world - most likely not
"n ourselves alone lies the future of the German people"
Communism will return before NatSoc
It is returning now, brother. Such is our fight
No. Not only because its a shitty meme shallow ideology that has been dead for 80+ years, and not only because EVERY attempt to revive it has failed miserably, and not only because by its core tenant it should be dead, but because today, it is made up by NOTHING but weak people, both mentally and physically and morally ect.
Just detestable cowards and worms who essentially act edgy to feel powerful and noticed in the world. You guys can get all angry at me, but at the end of the day you arent going to do shit. Youre going to play with your dick all day because youre a 22 year old virgin, and then youre going to post the same "epic" nazi youtube videos and pictures over and over and over and over again.
There's a lot of emotion and ad hominem in this post. There's not a lot of rationality.
Nazism is bad I agree but you're not gonna convince anyone with a post like that.
>There's a lot of emotion and ad hominem in this post
no there isnt. The fact that you offer nothing but "muh adhominem" even though I never came even close to doing that shows that you have no argument. Youre obviously new and think saying "ad himinem" is an automatic "win" because you never bothered reading any of the other logical fallacies, like the "fallacy fallacy"
A National Socialist who doesn't strive for personal improvement is no National Socialist. The downfall of our ideology is that it's filled with hypocrites who don't know what they're talking about and aren't willing to admit any of Hitler's faults. What National Socialism needs are pressures to get people to respect it, like economic depression and more immigrants.
LAMO, are you actually spending your day running into every pro-white thread and spamming the same shitty commie meme images?
how many shekels?
>the nazis rooted for their side
brilliant observation
Are you dense? Of course not.
Yes, be on the lookout for it tomorrow
we need it now more than then. hitler failing was the real tragedy of ww2.
Another post that just makes you look stupid.
>What National Socialism needs are pressures to get people to respect it, like economic depression and more immigrants.
its pretty funny how you just admitted that its such a shitty ideology that the only way anyone will even pay attention to it is in a horrible situation
>Yeah, I can get a girlfriend! I just need her to be a starving and homeless crack head living under a bridge! This somehow means Im desirable!
youre not pro white though
he proved how much of a fool he was with these statements.
He suspected the jews as the knife in his back, and it was the english.
captcha: ryan private
>youre not pro white though
go ahead and share your logic for that conclusion
>inb4 hitler lost and white people died in a war, therefore its his fault and not everyone else fought him for being pro-white
>its pretty funny how you just admitted that its such a shitty ideology that the only way anyone will even pay attention to it is in a horrible situation
Yes, when an ideology has been trampled on and beaten into the dirt so badly that nobody even knows what it's about but still hate it, of course it's going to take a lot to get people to recognize it. That has nothing to do with the quality of the ideology, but everything to do with the open-mindedness of society. Most people can't name five concentration camps off the top of their heads. Most people have never heard of the 25 Points of the NSDAP. Yet they criticize us. Like I said, the way people think of our ideology has nothing to do with the ideology itself. It's the way it has been propagated to them.
National Socialism/Fascism is the attempt to capture an eternal idea. It may not look like National Socialism/Fascism as we saw in the 1930s, but the spirit, the worldview, and the truths will be the same
He wanted to reach out to the British because he knew a war between them would be devastating for both sides. Was Hitler too easy on them? Yes, he was. But it was the Jews who got the British into the war *cough* Hore-Belisha *cough*, and Hitler didn't want a war with people controlled by Jews. Rather, he wanted the British to recognize that he was not the real threat to him.
Hitler only went to war against other white people and killed more of them than anyone else and is directly resonsible for the worst war in european history. He also never said ANYTHING about white people. Thats just stupid americans projecting their own racism onto his racism.
keep crying bitch nigga. Might makes right so fuck nazism
youre angry and lashing out. Youre also such a coward that you had to pretend to be a "moderate" when you are clearly a stormfag.
Hopefully not
Socialism is a cancer
Whatever you say, Schlomo.
>Hitler only went to war against other white people and killed more of them than anyone else and is directly resonsible for the worst war in european history.
He went to war against the poles who were persecuting minorities, such as its reisdent german minority. He delayed the war three times to negotiate, but the poles refused to even accept messages from germany. England and france started the world war when they declared war on germany (but conveniently looked the other way when Russia violated poland's independence)
>He also never said ANYTHING about white people.
Aryan meant German (which he defined as most of Europe), just as today, when we speak about white, we mean white american. We're both espousing ethno-
nationalist ideologies.
>Thats just stupid americans projecting their own racism onto his racism
oh god, dont tell me im RACIST, that would make me a RACIST
>lose argument
>make jew joke
a classic stormfag staple! No one buys your pathetic attempt to project power and you just come across as some desperate edgy LARPer.
You never refuted any of my arguments, you just insulted me.
But not the particular sort of natsoc Hitler did.
It will be in a different guise, under a different name.
Are you so stupid that you can't see a shill or are you actually taking the bait?
Only in South America where everyone is the same due to racemixing.
Nordfront is trying in nordic countries. I actually agree with their manifesto.
>But it was the Jews who got the British into the war
nonsense. The british and the americans wanted the war, to take europe and to catapult the Americans into position of superpower. With europe in the place it was in before the two wars, America could not be what it is today.
I hesitate to say the political elite of the nazi regime was oblivious to the rise of America. What makes me believe that they were was the last letter of Göring to Churchill in which he talked about the threat of the asiatics (!) and the jews which sounds idiotic in hindsight given that neither was even a small problem for nazi germany at the time.
you just cried about facism being a victim which is contrary to their "might makes right" ideals.
This only proves that youre nothing but some edgy LARPer and nothing more.
>He went to war against the poles who were persecuting minorities
No they werent and the fact that a stormfag would bitch about persecuted minorities is hillariously hypocritical.
>Aryan meant German
exactly, so youre full of shit when you try to invoke "white people" into hitlerism when that has nothing to do with it. He only went to war against other white countries.
>oh god, dont tell me im RACIST, that would make me a RACIST
thats not even the point I was making. Im just pointing out how the "white power" thing is just dumb americans projecting their own ideas onto hitler, since americans are mutts.
Yes we just need these flyers posted in every town,frequently
No, and it's because you guys have been so unbelievably Jewed, to hate everyone and divide yourselves, rather than stand united and focus on the kikes.
But who cares, world's going to end soon, markets are going to crash because the kikes are leaving for a son to be established greater Israel within the decade and we will all be 3rd world shitters. Good job falling for the storm kuk meme established by a bunch of kikes. Hitler would be rolling in his fucking grave.
Yeah they definitely don't have any hierarchy based on how much white blood you have.
>implying stormfags know ANYTHING about history or politics
man, you guys are right they really do stand out.
sorry I actually challenge your ideas instead of just letting you form little safe spaces
In uns selbst allein licht die zukunft das deutsches volkes
What would a hybrid German-British Japanese be to Sup Forums?
When the white race will be kiked in the last corner of europe it will be our last resort,the best ideology for war,total war.
Sieg heil brothers let the 4th reich rise.
"Might makes right"
Lol ok.
"In the end, the truth shall be the victor, and the truth is with us" -Hitler
Truth is ultimately what decides who is right. That's one of the primary beliefs of fascism and similar ideologies. Having a more powerful military isn't what's right, that's absurd. And nothing I said about the illusions that have been spread about NS are wrong. You have proven to me yet again that you're incapable of providing an argument that isn't an insult or strawman.
Nothing hypocritical about it, I root for my team, if you're not part of it I don't care either way.
>exactly, so youre full of shit when you try to invoke "white people" into hitlerism when that has nothing to do with it.
I never did that, I claimed it was a good model for creating an ethno-nationalist system. If you want to bitch about incongruency go look for natsocs who are white-nationalists or pan-european.
>thats not even the point I was making. Im just pointing out how the "white power" thing is just dumb americans projecting their own ideas onto hitler, since americans are mutts.
But by your own logic, its not dumb, as since americans are mutts, the best term to identify themselves as is simply "white." But its funny how you claim they cant latch on to Hitler when the largest white-American ethnicity is german.
It is ok op we now have national Capitalism on the rise.
hitler did nothing wrong
hail our people
What do you mean, "return"? It is currently present on Earth, just look at Israel.
Never in name but in spirit soon enough.
Nazis use their own blood to survive unliked Judaism.
Hitler wrote that natsoc changes from nation to nation according with their traits and behavior. So jewish natsoc will differ from german of course, but it still is a state dedicated to needs and preservation of ethinc nation.
>Nothing hypocritical about it, I root for my team
says the american who rooted for Germany against America. inb4 "BUT IM 1/16 GERMAN!"
>Truth is ultimately what decides who is right
you fail even there. Just look at the other poster, you guys have to lie and make shit up and no one believe you anyway. No matter how you try to cut it, its a failure and no matter how edgy you act on an anime discussion board, nothing is changing that fact
Okay I mean, the idea is if you need others to survive you don't deserve to live.
>says the american who rooted for Germany against America
I didn't realize i was alive back then
>inb4 "BUT IM 1/16 GERMAN!
never claimed that
>you fail even there. Just look at the other poster, you guys have to lie and make shit up and no one believe you anyway. No matter how you try to cut it, its a failure and no matter how edgy you act on an anime discussion board, nothing is changing that fact
You say that, yet we're winning.
Its allready here.
Yes, but it won't be called national socialism nor have any NatSoc imagery. It will also take a different form of government.
22 is an odly specific age to pick...
>Nazis use their own blood to survive unliked Judaism.
what are you talking about?
Best Post.
National Socialism will never return under its formal name and aesthetic, but as a philosophy and way of life it will return in a way one day in which people will not draw negative comparisons to Nazi Germany. It will be something else in name and execution but similar in spirit.
Same female (or faggy) liberal from the FTN thread.
Basically everyone walking over nuclear glass.
>the wonder of modern warfare
And now they get the US to destabilize the middle east whenever it seems like muslims are finally ending their strife. Also, google "USS Liberty"
>I didn't realize i was alive back then
youre the one who brought up this situation so now after I point out how dumb your own reasoning is, you want to be autistic about the situation? lol
>never claimed that
So that mean in no way what so ever is Nazi Germany "your team" which is exactly the point I was making.
>You say that, yet we're winning.
yes, please tell me you think trump and farage are nazis and ANY second now they will reveal their true intentions. No one wants fascism. No one wants some bloated bureaucracy filled with autistic retards dictating every aspect of their lives. They want a democratic society without having third worlds blow them up and rape them. Thats it.
and way to just drop the subject of your lie about Poland when called out on it lol
Both Sup Forums and tumblr share the same problem. Both think that their "party" leadership (commies and fascists) would be flawless and incorruptible and that their promises are actually their end game.
>buh buh democratic ones are liars too
Yeah, but those you can take out with the vote.
It was never truly gone
All that mad and not a single argument.
Antifa shill go get into the oven as fast as you can
>Yeah, but those you can take out with the vote.
also note how they praise Trumps victory in the election while bitching about how democracies never work.
maybe you should post more "le epic" SS pics.
>National Socialism/Fascism is the attempt to capture an eternal idea.
Thats too loud. Essence of natsoc is merely putting interests of your own tribe/people/nation above interests of others. Jews, currently most influent and powerful nation on Earth, always live that way, yet goyim arent even allowed to think about doing the same.
>All he wanted was to protect ethnic germans who were left in other countries due to Versailles treaty.
>He managed to do that peacefully in checkoslovakia(?) but Poland refused to cooperate.
The level of mental gymnastics Sup Forums keeps having to pull to believe this is astounding. I mean go ahead pretend that Lebensraum and Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact didn't exist.
>literally says how they did NOT hand power to the soviets
>""the state was committed to the destruction of religion and destroyed churches, mosques, and temples"
Stormfags truly are the dumbess mother fuckers on this board lol.
404 argument not found
>Essence of natsoc is merely putting interests of your own tribe/people/nation above interests of others.
no it isnt. Why do you guys make up all this shit about it?
>locked in your country
according to russia its already returned in the ukraine
There you go
Hitler was a great man, he could have made Germany incredible if he didn't start the Polish war. He should have stopped after he had annexed two countries.
Yeah they filed to handover power because legit right wing death squads killed them all
The Nazi Party was effectively a corporation whose board was mostly comprised of the German aristocracy.
Capitalism and the corporate model are the most effective forms of wealth acquisition on the planet, and arguably the most effective method of leadership.
Germany forged a path to the stars by making its country a corporation.
I can't watch the video :^(
>youre the one who brought up this situation so now after I point out how dumb your own reasoning is, you want to be autistic about the situation? lol
But you did nothing of the sort. You projected a position onto me that i never espoused.
>So that mean in no way what so ever is Nazi Germany "your team" which is exactly the point I was making.
i never claimed they were my team. only that their system is a good place to start from when creating one for your own team.
>yes, please tell me you think trump and farage are nazis and ANY second now they will reveal their true intentions.
never claimed that, but populism is the first step in the right direction
> No one wants fascism. No one wants some bloated bureaucracy filled with autistic retards dictating every aspect of their lives. They want a democratic society without having third worlds blow them up and rape them. Thats it.
so people want a bloated bureaucracy filled with lying conmen dictating every aspect of their lives.
>and way to just drop the subject of your lie about Poland when called out on it lol
nice try big boy,
They were just as rough on their Ukranian minority, and evicted non-polish professors from office. Poland was just as nationalistic as germany at the time, and had no qualms about invading lithuanina or annexing czechoslovak land.
And the shareholders to whom they are beholden are the people of the nation.
It never really left, the only problem is that it keeps failing in places like Venezuela and North Korea.
No the state made corporations pay a fair and livable wage with other benefits and the state made sure the corporation could still make money and was getting exploited by the workers so it could continue to grow
Theres no way he could have ruled for a long period of time without a war. Without resources from other countries to strengthen themselves they would stagnate and without a war menace, people would turn against him because they would find out that they were "shackled".
Do you not realize that the right wing death squads killed the communist because the Socialist told them to do that? And that the communist revolted in the first place because the Socialist refused to give them power?
for the love of god, please at least read that wikipedia article instead of just ctrl+F "jew"
Free enterprise is amazing, but the fascistic mantra is that your business cannot harm the nation/people nor should it destroy the commons unless the people are adequately compensated.
you said you like nazis because its "youre team" yet youre an american who doesnt even have any german ancestry.
just admit youre a simpleton whos impressed by the theatrical nature of a 80 year old failed dictatorship
>posting literal nazi propaganda
>read the wiki article
Wikipedia is not a source
All you've done this entire thread is sling insults and post le epic meme pics. Why don't you man up and say what system you think is better? Because until then you swing an empty sword.
Typical Jewish post. The 25 points can be adopted for any race.
do you have the same amount of space in your brain as your posts?
>"look at this wikipedia article! its proves da jews did it!"
>"its actually doesnt. at least read the whole article"
lol. Its funny when stormfags talk about the German revolution since you have no fucking idea what it was and literally just make shit up about it
I've pointed out what a shitty system it is and what stupid assholes its followers are.
>Why don't you man up and say what system you think is better?
I already thought I made it clear it was democracy. But once again, our American Democratic Republic is better. It has lasted 240 years compared to uncle adolfs 13.
"not an argument"
>wash wash muh palestinians
how to identify a lame stormfag
not an argument.
Posting another shitty wikipedia page (this time will full blown lies in it) wont cover up the fact that your last one outright said how you were wrong, but you were so stupid you thought it was proving your point.