(((are turks nordic)))
it's THIS thread again
(((are turks nordic)))
it's THIS thread again
waiting for spainbro
Im here cutie.
>tfw spainbro will always find you
Sadly mods keep deleting thread ;w;
this guy is a fucking weird ass
nobody except him acts like this, he was mocked all over facebook when this hit the news
atleast we can always find eachother ;P
I will find you and do lewd stuff to you.
In what sense ?
a-are you cute?
and are you really gonna pay tickets to sweden just for meeeeeeeeeeee
Yes. Anything to cuddle you.
but to get back on point
what else do you suggest?
-talking to him, see where it goes
I have him on facebook aswell
If you have him on facebook you should stalk him a bit. See what he likes and learn a bit from his hobbies so at least you have something to talk about with him. Become knowledgeable of stuff he likes so he ends up liking you.
Turks are Nordic, just look at the native Swedish population. They're perfectly normal for that climate and shit.
well, we already kinda like eachother
we smile at eachother, talk a lot
oh and there was this one time...
>sitting at benches
>waiting for class to start
>me and HIM sitting next to eachother
>we have different classes
>not just me and HIM sitting there, bunch of other people, were all like one big gang
>me and some other dudes gotta go cause class starts, I stand up and walk next to HIM
>he slaps my ass when I walk by him
>look over at him and he's smiling and laughing
>everyone else laughing
>i smile back and laugh, point at him and keep walking
>hear someone say "I bet he liked it"
but it was probably just a bro/friendly slap
I dunno spainbro
You have it easy qt. Keep it like that and he'll fall sooner or later. Also you should try doing stuff to him too.
> Also you should try doing stuff to him too.
good idea dude
I havent actually DONE anything in response to what he did
MDMA, not even once
mfw Sup Forums gay dating becomes a thing
Then the next step is that. Hope it goes well.
dont let the mods find us
thanks spainbro
i'll try to find you again when I need anythinng or when I have some news
Sure. Take care
see ya dude
>tfw have someone to always support you
One of the biggest problems with this board is that it can't just go "what? No. Fuck no, stop being retarded" and leave it at that. Threads like that ALWAYS last >150 posts
I can understand the necessity to call them out for being retarted but atleast sage for fucks sake
What the fuck is this faggotry?
Ssshh! Just use this opportunity to get a qt3.14 swede waifu and get away before they regain their minds.
>mfw I had a semi-sexual faggot relationship with a swede too
Oh boi
Shhh, it's cute.
I can imagine them having dinner for a first date and interlocking arms while drinking from each others wine glass.
We are a Catholic country, we will not allow such things!
Already did
He was a slut
hey OP here again
anything cute?
that sounds lovley
Turkics and steppe Chinks need to be gassed.
Only these peoples are Nordic:
Ancient Romans and their descendants (Romania)
Not really, mostly internet sex
Wanted to meet irl with him, he grew distant, that pissed me off, didn't talk to him again
was he feminine? or some fat ugly thing?
Of course
>my cock was bigger