Are indians the future of mankind...?
Are indians the future of mankind...?
I think indians are the most unattractive race on the planet
wao i want thid daddy
I see your point and raise you a Somalian
Indian Science Man?
>india is britains frankenstein
why are they always so gay
Indians are fucking based.
They form one of the trio of civilized races along with whites and Asians.
Cleveland from Familly Guy
When I was a kid, I went to school with an Indian girl named Pooja. Obviously she got picked on for her name, which was made even worse by the fact that she actually smelled like poo. No joke, any time you were near her it smelled like she had shit herself.
Why are Indians so alpha?
Did she love to poo?
hey thexthee, i wan 2 suk ur boobs spansh man
hey, she's a curry pie
that's some classic indian bants
I counter both your creatures with a 5/5 flying Australian Abbo
I send your monster to the graveyard with my Canadian the Forbidden One.
*raises glasses*
huh... looks like you activated my Nationalist Turk
I divert the effect of your trap with Drunken Slav!