Are you for or against portrayal of strong women in media Sup Forums?
Are you for or against portrayal of strong women in media Sup Forums?
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Does these women never consider that although the character might have had armpit hair, that the actress playing her might have objected? Should she be forced to do something against her will, for the entertainment and satisfaction of others?
well, actors are whores, so...
Thought she was suppose to represent the ideal woman
>strong women in media
Aren't media supposed to tell the truth?
Those aren't strong women, they're fake men. Strong women care for their family.
>be feminist
>reject people telling you what your body is supposed to look like
>took other people what their body is supposed to look like
>Women living in the deepest Amazon
Despite her being a spaghetti beast, that's some high quality pit-pussy
Actually the Amazonian amerindians have very little body hair, because body hair traps moisture and the amazon is very very moist. Pic related is an actual Amazonian Indian from the Yamomami tribe. As you'll note, the woman has no hair in her armpit and the man has no body hair.
Then again the whole idea of a magical European Amazon girls-only tribe is hugely sexist and racist.
But of course, instead of that, SJWs decided she needed armpit hair to fit their neo-liberal status signaling requirements.
>Pic related.
>tfw hairy armpit fetish
as a patrician i'm finding one thing about feminism unobjectionable
If they want to drive away the lonely male market with ugly women, that is their business.
When is the last time one of these super women was allowed to be in the presence of a man and actually enjoy his company?
You don't think Samus Erin or Super Girl ever gets hot for a man? Fighting deadly space aliens and super villians is a lonely job. You think the writers would squeeze in a little romance once in a while.
Sag das zu meine Gesicht!
Why does a strong woman have to be like a man? Thats where the kikes have fucked up
>Samus Aran*
Yes, she's getting PAID to perform a rule dumb fuck.
The only strong woman is one that has children, keeps the home comfy and tidy, and her family fed. Every other woman is a useless slut.
Apart from the fact that it may have a massive effect on the raping and murdering of women, no, not at all.
>confuse Greek amazons with Amazonian amerindians
American education.
>A woman living in the deepest Amazon
I don't think these chucklefucks understand what an Amazon is in this context. I'm pretty sure Ancient Greeks loved shaving their body hair anyway.
hairy armpits used to be a pretty normal thing for women to have till the early 80s. I really dont see how this is a controversial topic.
Are there any movies that depict good mothers in a positive light? Basically light anti-feminism?
Apollo 13
The Amazons aren't from Amazon, it was a Greek myth
this isn't about strong women in media, or anything else.
THIS IS ABOUT ONE THING-should wonder woman have unhaved pits in the movie?
You seek anime, my lad. Only modern form of entertainment that isn't corrupted completely by the jew.
Strong women, yes.
Strong apes like your pic suggests, no.
Give me a good entry level anime, user.
Never watched one in my life.
I'd say most movies before 2005-ish. Hell I rewatched the 1993 movie Dennis the Menace the other week after someone posted about it on Sup Forums. Used to be my favorite movie as a kid.
The mom was portrayed as a good hearted loving person, while her childless (and wanting no children) coworker was cold and a bitch.
That entire movie reminded me of how movies weren't constantly pushing political bullshit narratives, rather they just told stories.
it's a lot of white looking people yelling for three hours before they actually perform an attack and the comedy is an exaggerated reaction from a character to a small insignificant thing.
i'm sorry, animes suck. i kinda liked the balde of the immortal comic though
Not really
And embrace femininity
If you don't mind action watch Fate/Zero.
If you want more "really makes me think" then watch Death Note or Steins;Gate.
If you want watch a classic like Cowboy Bebop.
I chose these based on the good english versions.
>hairy armpits used to be a pretty normal thing for women to have till the early 80s. I really dont see how this is a controversial topic.
She's never depicted with underarm hair in the comics. Comics that date back much further than the 80s.
>have suggested that as a woman dwelling in the deepest Amazon
>perhaps depilation would not be top priority
I love the left doing SWITCH TACTICS on a hourly basis. Are we following comic lore or not? Are we treating it as serious or "just a movie"? It all depends on what advances the lefty agenda at that particular second.
As long as we make white characters nonwhite (which in lefty logic means black 95% of the time) and don't make nonwhite characters white, it's all good.
>"Some websites have noted"
This is up there with "unnamed sources claim". As in "I just made this shit up". Close relative to "here's what some people on twitter say".
>be feminist
>tell everyone that the current beauty standards are wrong
>conveniently believe that the "beauty" that lazy slobs have is beautiful
They're all just low energy.
such journalism
many relevance
hard hitting
Gurren Lagann
so wearing makeup and styling her hair is taken for granite, but shaving her pits is out of the question
we're followinjg the comic
WW, as an immortal, would need to change and adapt to modern ways.
But, she would also need a symbolic anchor to her original life, not something obvious, but something hidden from all but those most intimate with her.
Her armpits. their hairiness is her link to Themyscira
>Are you for or against portrayal of strong women in media Sup Forums?
Too varied to say, really, user. Depends on your tastes. I like Slice of Life, but others find it boring. Clannad is okay, I guess. I watched it pretty early on as well. Make sure to watch After Story if you don't drop it, though. It's the second season and the best part.
I don't care. Hairy armpits are my fetish anyway.
I don't give a shit, as I don't care about 99% of media.
I don't give a shit until WW looks like this.
Amazon fetish > creepy skeleton, ok? Dog bless.
It's comfy
>Hairy armpits are my fetish anyway.
my fetish is nazi taytay
women with hairy arm pets? WTF is wrong with people now a days?
no that would actually be authentic, we need pseudo-authentic, feminist but lithe and pretty, you dig?
She's a marble statue brought to life. Why would she need armpit hair?
Is this even important? I'll bang her anyway
Women should look how they want to look as long is it fits their narrative
They can't dress slutty if they're good looking and they can choose their bodytype if the bodytype is healthy
Feminists just want women to look unappealing to men, that's it
Can't she just be a woman??? Stop trying to push agendas in my movies plz
Watch high budget films and OVAs before you branch into serialized stuff. Good classics include:
Ghost in the Shell
Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
Ninja Scroll
Rurouni Kenshin: Trust and Betrayal
Princess Mononoke
Anime is really about the art and imagery IMO, the plotlines are frequently aped or cliched, so if you dont enjoy actually looking at it dont bother.
>dwelling in the deepest Amazon
Jesus Christ, these fucking cuntniggers don't even know the difference between the myth of Ancient Amazonia and some jungle nigger tribes in South America.
clay statue you piece of shit, and they're doing the N52 origin for her, so now she's a demigoddess daughter of Zeus
You are wrong. Kys
No because having less body hair as a modern human is beneficial not just in looks.
You know what?
Let them.
Let them have hairy pits, leak period blood where ever, walk around half naked with their cellulite ridden flesh hanging about.
They will be promptly dropped from the gene pool.
samus is always alone
What an incisive analysis of a literal clickbait article. This isn't a fucking "lefty" manifesto in any sense, and its not news. You should bring those critical thinking skills to something more worthwhile, or alternatively kys
Because that's what the article was referring you, you niggerrigatonie. Read it again after wiping the Ragu from your eyes.
Also, the same goes for Greece. Greeks removed body hair as well.
do you have any idea of how important this subject is, user?
She was completely shoe-horned into that movie. It didn't add anything besides a "positive" female image. Her special theme music became a distraction from the feeling of Superman and Batman finally cooperating to defeat a common enemy, which was supposed to be the closing of the narrative arch. Not only was it weird that they played her theme at the start of the final battle, but her theme didn't fit with the rest of the movie at all. If Spiderman had suddenly appeared to the tune of black metal and kicked the bad guy's ass, that would not have made sense? That would have been bad enough, but we all know this is blatant political propaganda. Not only is it bad, but they actually ruined it for reasons unrelated to the supposed purpose of the movie: entertainment. She also has a terrible body.
>hairy arm pets
>Greeks removed body hair as well.
that was just Achilles, he was, ah, special
Hunter x Hunter. I guarantee my nuts you will like it.
> for granite
>Are you for or against portrayal of strong women in media Sup Forums?
Is it pertinent to the story or just a cheap gimmick intended to pander to crybullies?
Yeah but I can't have a potential gf or wife watch it as she will think it is weird, also potential daughters should not be raised on anime.
Does that matter? I'm against whether it's pertinent to the story or not.
thanks, and checked
>feminists say that beautiful women aren't really beautiful
>say that everybody is beautiful (if everybody is beautiful, what is beauty?)
>say that fatties and uglies are beautiful
They're just lazy slobs
> should x be y
> should a have b
who ever decided that these things should be up for public debate? jesus christ who in their right mind would still want to create something in this day and age?
Linda Carter>Gal Gadot
quality journalism
quality discussion
nothing more important going on right now than whether batman shaves his butt cheeks or not
Only if they actually look the part and isn't a tiny, out of shape, jewess reliant on CGI crutches.
>Should she be forced to do something against her will, for the entertainment and satisfaction of others?
this man knows his shit
I'd like more actually 'strong' women in media. i.e women you'd marry.
They only exist in animo right now.
Actors are well known to demand things like taking off their mask or be given scenes to act.
mah fuckin nigga!
Better do away with the white skin, teeth, and feminine features as well.
(((Strong woman)))
Cowboy Bebop
Default westerner gateway anime
Cowboy Beebop. Solid SciFi with minimal goofiness.
Should Jews create more tension and division between the sexes? Of course!
Fair point. My position is just that anything that is not an essential part of the story shouldn't be part of the story at all, e.g. sexuality, bodily haircuts, political opinion etc.
Protip: feminists are 0.2% of the population, there's no money in appeasing them
name a modern hollywood movie without tacked on romance
>bodily haircuts
they speak to the personality of a character in a visual way, and movies are a visual medium
>political opinion
integral to a story
She is. She's supposed to be the greatest example of beauty while also being one of the finest warriors in the world. But we live in a world where women decide what men want so of course she needs hair all over her fucking body now and to weigh 400 lbs
>half their plots are about cuckoldry
>not corrupted
wew fucking lad
Isn't it counterintuitive to have women act manly as an example of female empowerment?
I'd assume that feminists would like to have characters be strong without sacrificing feminine qualities and beauty and self hygiene may be artificial additions to femininity but nevertheless ingrained over generations.
that ugly jew should not be able to play wonder woman
who was a blue eyed big tits amazon
Political opinion isn't necessarily integral. It depends on the story itself. Romances are cancerous. Nine out of ten could be written out and not change the story in the slightest. And haircuts could speak about the personality, but don't have to.
>Posting QUALITY anime.
Kill yourself.
Good taste