Just curious because I am pretty clueless about healthcare in the States. Why is it so difficult to implement a universal healthcare system in the us? Is there something unique to its economy that makes it especially difficult, or is it really all just dilatory politics?
Just curious because I am pretty clueless about healthcare in the States...
Because we're not socialists.
>something that is objectively good is automatically bad if I can distort the word socialism to make it a plausible description of that something
So it is just an ideological thing?
Those countries don't have 350 million people. Single payer works because being insurance en masse makes it cheaper but the discount only works up to a certain population size. All those countries also benefit from all the healthcare R&D that takes place in the US.
I ain't paying for some lazy nigger's medicine
Japan has 130 million people, US has 320 million, and japan's healthcare system is the envy of the world. Where does the ability to provide UHC break down in between those two figures?
>objectively good
The NHS is a shitshow and we'd be better off without it. Everything in a socialised healthcare system costs twice as much and runs at about half the speed as it would in a competitive market. And I say that as someone who actually works for the NHS.
The reason that Americans have so many problems with healthcare is less about it not being universal coverage and more to do with their whole system being massively corporatist and politically corrupt.
I guess to begin with, the cost of healthcare before insurance is applied in america is higher than other countries on this list. Possibly putting more price regulations on the medical industry in general could reduce the price for consumers.
Another but less effective way is to force more competition between companies. they will fight to keep their insurance rates low. It comes to more of a balance between competition and patient pool. A larger patient pool helps keep expenses more predictable, but larger companies have a bit less competition.
Just making the government pay for it all via taxes doesn't get to the root of the problem in my mind. I think the real problem is the base cost of medicine and services are too high and universal healthcare will only encourage companies to raise prices.
Also we have a shortage of doctors due to foreigners coming to get their medical education and then going back home. We're exporting doctors and not getting anything in return but that's more of an education problem.
how do you non-US countries like your cheap drugs and not having to pay for all the r&d? the US literally pays for your healthcare. youre welcome.
>Why is it so difficult to implement a universal healthcare system in the us?
It's unconstitutional.
Our hospitals are private or shareholder businesses/corporations
We do have a few hospitals that are charitable (501 C, no profit) or not-for-profit organizations but they are few. Religious organzations such as the catholic church used to operate them but they've been mostly bought out by profit-based corporations.
Our health insurance companies are shareholder profit-making businesses.
Our medical professionals are all profit-making businesses.
It is a fact of a capitalist free enterprise economy, and one could argue it is a drawback.
The government does not generate a profit, in fact ours is 20 trillion in debt. So paying the costs to these profit-generating healthcare business comes out of taxpayer pockets. So either way we pay for it, whether we pay direct or the government taps our wallets to pay for it. There is no such thing, even in your country, as 'free healthcare'. SOMEONE pays for it. In a universal healthcare system, government collects enough money from all taxpayers to pay for the taxpayers needing health care and hopefully the inflow is greater than the outgo for health costs.
But how could that work in the US with: 20 trillion debt, 11 million illegals drawing benefits including healthcare (and NOT paying federal income taxes- when liberals say they pay taxes, they are talking state sales taxes and other consumer taxes as on liquor and cigarettes), unemployed people don't pay in to the systems and still draw on healthcare, and citizens In crippling student, housing and consumer debt that can't be tapped further? There's no money to be found anywhere to rob from Peter Taxpayer to pay Paul Healthcare in the US.
The government getting in between the consumer relationship between the buyers of health care and the sellers of healthcare, made it worse.
Argument from authority. You abolished slavery and changed the election of the senate to be a popular vote, why not amend the constitution once more.
The US government bureaucracy ruins everything. Why would I want it in charge of my health care?
you already do....
The US is full of Niggers, Spics and white trash that don't pay tax, but are mostly obese.
They could have a single payer system like us, but their tax base isn't big enough.
Japan is nearly entirely homogeneous with a strict and disciplined culture of self-responsibility.
We don't have universal health coverage like other countries, you're required to have insurance but you have to buy it yourself. Nice alternative facts.
Not a radical idea, just a bad one.
And facing economic, demographic and environmental failure in the next century.
They're so fucking obese you have to raise 10 billion in taxes just to care for the unemployed obeese Bertha who lives with her extended family making sweet pumkpin pie and drinking 2lt cokes for this weekday afternoons.
So? I'm sure Japs are smart enough to figure it out. It's not like importing massed amounts of shitskins will make a difference for the better.
Because universal health care is for socialist. And you know that people in socialist countries just die for no reason because the government is fugged up
You have need to pay for insurance first. Also you are forced to pay it.
But whatever. Let's pretend that it's better rather than another option.
When the system is so complex that you can get a 2 year degree in medical billing, you know there's a fuck load of overhead that could be eliminated by single payer. At this point I don't even think the insurance companies are the bad guys. It's the healthcare providers gouging everyone. It's sickening. If big daddy government could force the cost of healthcare down to reasonable levels, then so be it. No other entities have that power.
I wish Australia would ditch Medicare and welfare programs. I'm sick of being taxed heavily to pay for '"free" healthcare when I pay for for my own private care anyway. Socialism and capitalism don't mix
>Why is it so difficult to implement a universal healthcare system in the us
Because the medical lobby is bigger than the oil lobby and the jew lobby combined and they dont want to lose their insane profits.
Also if we had to cut costs we would no longer be able to afford keeping people alive on such shit diets and the junk food industry would bitch that they could no longer make food that is literally engineered to make you sick and addicted to it.
The combined desire on the part of these corrupt institutions to keep americans sick and hyper-medicated has succeeded in programming many americans to reject the idea using meme buzzwords like 'socialism' and 'innovation'.
>the cost of healthcare before insurance is applied in america is higher than other countries on this list.
This would be corrected via single payer.
>fight to keep their insurance rates low
The problem isnt insurance companies, its medical companies
>and universal healthcare will only encourage companies to raise prices.
This is cognitive dissonance friend. You admit that our costs are higher than anywhere else, you realize that everywhere else has universal care. This should be communicating to you that universal healthcare causes lower costs. But instead of abandon your line of logic and then just tack on at the end "but it would be bad anyway because governments raise costs!"
This is exactly like what the fat documentary guy when he gave a rousing pro-trump speech but then at the end said "and thats stupid!". His heart knew the truth, but his programming kicked in.
Realize both mainstream political parties, both mainstream political movements, are not your friend. Break the programming.
You really think replacing germans with shitskins will save your country from the same fate? Native german birthrate is 1.4 .
If I were to start an insurance company I would target only the tech industry. Their demographics are skewed to young and male. That's the cheapest demographic and you don't have to be weighed down by as many unprofitable people. Your prices would be lower than the other companies and you could make a tidy profit margin.
Basically the company would only do business with other companies who are looking for health insurance and we'd only accept tech companies.
I'm not sure if setting up connections with only specific companies is illegal. I know with single patients you can't deny them, but a company is a different story
Its not an insurance provider issue its a medical cost issue.
When you look at what insurance costs, and look at what medical bills are, you can easily see that insurance companies are not making huge profits.
Completely non profit insurance companies would, of course, be able to be a little bit cheaper, but its not an insurance problem, its a medical cost problem, and all the regulating, deregulating, subsidizing, cost cutting, and jiggling of medical insurance you want to do is not going to fix the problem.
>japanese healthcare
>cash only or no surgery
>they close at night
>envy of the world
honestly he U.S. just has too many sickly people because we are fat as fuck. and because we of that itd be too expensive to afford. yeah mexico is fatter than the u.s. but their food is natural. all of that fake sugar, fake cheese and corn syrup is killing americans at a crazy rate
Where do Uganda Angola Rwanda Lesotho Burundi Morocco Botswana Senegal Chad Madagascar Ethiopia and Djibouti lie on this issue?
>too many sickly people because we are fat as fuck
Our food is engineered to make us fat
Its part of the machine. The whole thing needs to be fixed.
Oh, so many countries with a free healthcare - which one of them is the most powerful economy in the world, by the way?
I'm only talking about me making money and making my customers happy. I don't care about the rest of the US.
Some customers are profitable and others aren't. By targeting certain industries that typically have skewed demographics, you are able to sidestep some of the laws in place.
Being a company that only offers insurance through employer allows you to pick and choose who to do business with.
The health insurance world isn't that profitable but you can potentially get around some of the restrictions in place. Close up shop when the law catches up several years later to avoid bleeding money. Make out like a bandit.
>I don't care about the rest of the US
Japanese people have healthy diets and walk everything because of population density.
America tends to be less dense, more people live in the suburbs because immigrants and niggers, therefore needing a car and missing out on exercise.
>New Zealand
Wow such great countries I really want to be more like them
healthcare must be produced
the free market, and the free enterprise system, is the most productive system ever to exist.
Therefore healthcare is best delivered through the free market.
Dr Devi Shetty, an indian doctor and entrepreneur, is showing the world how to make free market healthcare work. He runs an affordable hospital chain in India called Narayana health.
Nobody fucking wants to because almost everyone realizes it's a shit idea. Why on Earth would I wanna pay taxes to buy shit for other people, be chained to the state, and have to settle for whatever the government decides my healthcare is? We want the freedom to decide what kind of plan we want, how much we wanna pay, or if we even want healthcare at all.
>Why on Earth would I wanna pay taxes to buy shit for other people
You already are. I can become homeless and walk down to the wellfare office and get on medicaid if i wanted to, and be taking your tax money, i could be doing this in a couple of months since i have a qualifying condition that would skip a lot of the hassle and wait.
The entire argument of 'dont want to pay for gibs' is a retard argument, because the gibs are already being paid for.
The thing is you are paying for others gibs, and you arepaying for your own health care, and you are paying MORE THAN YOU SHOULD BE FOR BOTH. you are being screwed like 4 times over, and you resist trying to make things better for EVERYBODY INCLUDING YOURSELF because you are a fucking inbred backwards idiot who has no idea about how american medical costs work and you just parrot the "muh taxes" programming you see on Sup Forums