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>The National Front Awakens

>Marine Le Pen 2017 Trailer

>"If we fail, France will become muslim"

>Le Pen's Official Campaign Video

>Marion Le Pen explains why feminists are hypocrites

>New Campaign Ad

>Marine Le Pen Destroys Islam, Praises Farage

>Nigel Farage Met Marine Le Pen

>Le Pen Best Speech Ever

>Le Pen of Front National speaks at anti-EU populist summit

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Basically, he is projecting a facade of being youthful and honest, he speaks well and this facade is very well polished, however it is complete bullshit. If the facade drops, so does Macron. He has a weak base and if he looks bad they may just not bother voting in the second round.

He is "center left", in other words a socialist. The socialists weren't going to win, so Macron split from them and created his own party which has a socialist platform. He's Hollande 2.0.

>Bercy Scandal

He spent 120000 Euros of public money from Bercy aka the Ministry of Economy, meant to be used for his role as Hollande's minister of finance on basically lobbing media and politicians for his coming presidential run. Then quit as Hollande's finance minister and ran for president.

A book was released about this in January 2017, it is getting very little media coverage:

>Did favors for Patrick Drahi in order to get favorable media coverage

In February Macron got 480 minutes of air time on BFMTV against ~80 for Fillon, ~70 for Hamon and ~60 for Le Pen and Mélanchon, BFMTV is an info channel owned by Patrick Drahi a French Israeli billionaire that was allowed to purchase SFR, one of the main French telecom companies, by Macron when he was minister of economy despite the previous minister opposing the purchase. Patrick Drahi also owns the newspaper Le Monde which also shills for Macron.

>Source of his campaign finance

Macron receives 5 millions for his campaign from a close circle of private (((donators))). This is probably a result of his lobbying with the Bercy funds or will turn out to be corporations which benefit greatly from globalism, they just need to be exposed.

>His comments regarding French people

-There is no French culture
-Crime against humanity is the French colonization
-France will have to get used to mass immigration

Reminder that it is our duty to go on the news websites that are the most used by frenchies and fight the shill narrative.

Top contenders are:

>Le Figaro

>Le Monde

>Yahoo France

Go in articles about Le Pen and use Google translate to answer and write comments (it works well as long as you use simple sentences)

Here are some brief points about her program you can use to argue:

- Retrieve territorial, monetary, economic and legislative independence;
- Restore a strong state and re-establish the republican order everywhere;
- Reaffirming French values and the rules of secularism;
- To promote work, defend purchasing power and develop French employment;
- Organize tax justice and efficiency in the management of public money;
- Saving social security and guaranteeing pensions;
- Promote high quality education and training;
- To find an influential diplomacy at the service of the power of the country.

If you need help for translation post here and we will help you

Third for based fillon


Why are you against fillon
He has much more memeability due to his more moderate public opinion
and fillon has better policies

Marine Le Pen will make France great again... yeah sure...

ça lui va bien de dire ça à ce grand con ! maintenant qu'il bouffe dans la gamelle de "en marche ..."

German media is heavily shilling for Macron.

Not against him but I have more trust in Le Pen. Fillon might not keep his promises once he's in power and it will just be more of the same status quo.

I can translate text ok with Chrome but wouldn't mind a translation of this video.. not sure if that's possible:


Not really, he has been attacked non stop
And Le Pen is a woman
With a fag vice
i can assure you he will influence her decisions
She already has cucked the party massivly
Phillipot is the true leader
Fags are not right wing
I can assure you, she will be a second Merkel
A woman listens to a man
That is our biology
Phillipot will play her

So in other words the ideal case is Le Pen vs. Fillon in the second round?

So our does.

I think he is overevaluated, and also Le Pen.

In fact, situation is as the following: primaries went from not good to bad, and from bad to worse.

Oligarchy wanted Juppé on one side, and Valls on the other side. They are so deconnected to the real people they believed that because both were in control of the party, they also were in control of the militants. I prooved wrong.

So now it's their backup plan : Push Le Pen (which is historically a paria party) against Macron (which is a synthesis of Valls and Juppé),

because in reality Macron is a weak candidate (as Shillary was), and he can win only against Le Pen.

I should really install photoshop

Will not happen: Fillon is politically dead.
Every day there is a new scandal about him.

Link for the murican in last thread francetvinfo.fr/monde/usa/presidentielle/donald-trump/une-bonne-blague-est-plus-convaincante-qu-un-tract-sur-les-reseaux-sociaux-les-pro-trump-se-rangent-derriere-marine-le-pen_1925531.html

What if Fillon makes it somehow into the second round and faces LePen? Would he be weak enough to be defeated?


So MSM in France is doing to macron what it did to Hillary here?
I'm seeing a pattern lol. If le pen wins, it seems using the tactic of using MSM as a weapon has failed

Merci user.

What is with the left-wing Candidates? Does have anyone of those get a chance to beat Macron? (Supposing that LePen makes it into the 2rd round)

Marine Le Pen would lose on the second turn to everybody except maybe Melenchon (far left).

Every time I hear about France in the news (rarely) it's either anti-LePen or pro-Macron.

Basically. Fillon ISN'T an ennemy, he is one of the only practicing christians left in politics, and also despises multiculturalism and immigration and that's why he was teh most attacked, a lot more than Le Pen.

He is also MUCH more right wing than Le Pen about economics, but less anti-Europe than her basically.

Le Pen-Fillon is an ideal senario, it's basically right wing vs right wing.

We have to go FULL FORCE against Macron, he is the globalist candidates, wants to increase immigration and a Euro-puppet. He is backed by Rothshild lobbyists and supported by almost every french media networks owners.

It's not that. If it's Fillon-Le Pen, nowadays Le Pen is far more to the left than Fillon is.

Fillon is in fact supported by "Sens Commun", a radical religious movement which is really dangerous if in power (wereas Le Pen is maybe less dangerous).

His support base is very small, and with all the scandals, he lost a lot of moderate right voters.

why the fuck would you post this garbage here?

A fillon v Le Pen is the perfect scenarioThats why we need to meme him against le pen

why are french people retarded

Both Melanchon and Hamon would loose to Macron. Unless the MSM is outright rigging the polls, we're looking at Marine Le Pen vs Macron on the second turn with Macron probably winning. He will be our Trudeau 2.0.

If it turns out that way, we'll have 5 years of multicultural hell for the FN to sort themselves out. They should get rid of the Le Pen dynasty at this point, they're more of a liability than anything else.

its to prevent idiots to pass as the politician and do fake tweets etc

What are the "Sens Commun"? From what I read they were behind the anti-samesex marriage protests or at least related to them?

Radical catholics?

>They should get rid of the Le Pen dynasty at this point, they're more of a liability than anything else.
Seems sensible. I've been hearing about Le Pen for like 10 years already, so it would probably be wise to have some fresh blood being recruited, and she can continue on as an ideological public figure who managed to help and modernize the cause.

They could but only if one of them withdraws, they are polling around 11-13% each, which makes it impossible for both to get to the second round unless they pull a major upset, which seems very unlikely since Hamon (Socialist) is a VERY weak candidate and a poor speaker.
Mélenchon (far left, commie tier) could possible make an upset, but it's unlikely because he only panders to commies.

So basically, we have to shill against Macron and if we manage to get a second round Fillon-Le Pen we're good, because we can get Le Pen to win this since Fillon scares the leftists (he is very far right on economics, which is rare in France), and if Fillon wins it's also not a bad outcome, not ideal but not shit either.

>le pen is /our frog/
>fillion is not as good, but acceptable,
>macron is the globalist shill
>everyone else has no chance

Well, Left wing you have the candidate for the PS: Benoit Hamon. It's a real surprise because he is really from the left. But on the other hand, he is completely locked by his party (PS) which is not on this political line. For instance, between the 2 turns of the PS primary, when it was clear Hamon would win, the leaders of the party decide most of the candidacy for the législatives elections to comes after presidential. more than 3/4 of the appointed candidates are on the Valls-Hollande line, radically opposed to Hamon.

The other serious left wing candidate is Jean-Luc Mélenchon. This one is stable at 12%. He makes a very decent campaign, has serious proposals, and strictly no judiciary issue. Yet he is the really dangerous one for this elections, as his program is really a revolutionnary one, radically different. On EU he state that if he can't get the agreement he want, he'll slam the door and leave. He hates medias, and medias hates him.

If a surprise can come, it'll be from Mélenchon, but to be faire he has less than 1/1000 change of getting the job:

What do you hate more
Heavy socialism
Or the EU
If you answered socialism
Then you should back Fillon
If you answered the EU
then you should back Le Pen

Sort of. They are a pro-religious lobby group basically. They lobbyied against samesex mariage and gay adoption, and some of them are pro life.

It's a bit like the religious movement involved in politics in the US, but more moderate.

>You, who were part of Delphine Ernotte's team, did you knew that it was to campaign for Francois Hollande's?

It is obvious when Delphine Ernotte was appointed, it was evidently to do the campaign of Francois Holland. All Paris knows it, we do not hide from it. The information must be controlled and we are in constant contact with the French government.

>When François Hollande could not be a candidate, did the strategy of Delphine Ernotte change?

As soon as Hollande was no longer a candidate, our objective was to prop up Macron with a clear objective to beat Marine Le Pen. It is clear that this is a way for Holland to stay behind Macron. Behind Macron there is always a little bit of Holland. Besides, Macron and Delphine Ernotte have a friendship which they do not hide. It is a relationship both professional and friendly managed by ?. Even if she denied it, it is well known that Delphine Ernotte met with Macron at the very moment that she was campaigning to be appointed to head of French telecommunications.

>You agreed to speak with us today but why did you want to remain anonymous?

We do not have the right to say what we really think in a drafting conference, we always self-censor. We know that there are things not to be said, things not to be deferred. As the elections approach, it's even worse, everything is under control, all the editorial staff are silent and there is not one ear that moves.

Fresh blood is being recruted. The FN is growing fast, that's mostly why Marine was a good leader, she managed to make the FN a competitve party and not a fringe party.

You must kill the EU.


Yes but i think she cucked it down too much
I mean a fag vice
She is very cuckservative IMHO
Women are weak
I think she will be the next merkel

Hey I'm about to fry the bacon I obtained last night to celebrate article 50 getting through. Cheers, and if all we get out of this is Brexit, that should still lead to a healthy righting of our respective ships.

they should get rid of the entire FN for a start. the party never was respectable, and is not in the process of becoming respectable.

It's by far the party with the most judicial condamnation, most of them being on fraud or money laundering.

they have a very tiny experience in leadership, everytime it turned completely ugly. In the medium cities they have led, the debt just exploded while local leaders took the money and run.

Whats their stance on immigration, muslim race issues etc.?

I don't like Philippot either but I don't think that he is playing her, he definitely made the party go to the left economically but it's mostly because there was a lot of votes to earn that way.

Only time wil tell. A Fillon/Le Pen hybrid would be perfect.

awesome. thanks.

Most if not all the leaders around Fillon comes from radical right group such as Occident, GUD, Corpo : true antisemitic and very opposed to immigrants.

Women absorb what men think
A man can play her very easiliy
That's why i am against females in politics

That not fucking true, what the fuck are you talking about ... stop lying
Give me some name ..

VERY opposed to immigration, especially muslim immigration, but also against jewish influence in France.

No problem m8

Not true about Sens Commun at all. And Fillon isn't supported by anti-semites.

The leaders around Fillon are mostly ex-Sakozy people.


I'm sure you remember where Philippot comes from:

He's from Chevènement


"Élève à HEC, Florian Philippot préside le comité Grandes écoles d'une douzaine de personnes autour de Jean-Pierre Chevènement, candidat à l'élection présidentielle de 2002, et dont le slogan est « HEC avec le Che » ..."

Debunked, fake news, fuck off

WHAT?!!???!!??! Please tell me it's not true.

I want to vote now, I had fucking enough of this god-awful campagne filled with macron shills in all of ours medias.

Its like a male Hillary.

Go Marine!

Marion isn't a real blonde she has darker roots then that girl, you can also look at the eyebrows.

Nice cherrypicking

(((They))) made sure that she's getting blacked, she's already hooked on black cock.

I'd say that Filon is another old guard conservative. Better than some of the others but definitely not /ourguy/.
Many of his supporters though are merely long time conservatives who want to continue voting for the Conservative party. However it is now clear that Filon is not going to win, and we've seen him go down and Le Pen go up.
This is a sign of what is likely to happen, the vast majority of Filon's supporters would rather vote Le Pen than Macron.
This is why Le Pen vs Macron is the ideal option. If it was Le Pen against Filon, than the right vote would be split, Filon would appeal more to the left wing voters and they would vote for him over Le Pen, giving him the win. But in Le Pen vs Macron, Le Pen would take the whole of the right and even possibly steal some centre left voters who do not like Macron.
Either way, Le Pen vs Macron is the ideal option. Kek has willed it for us. This is a sign of Le Pen's victory.

I want you to be successful


Tv debate 9pm Monday evening.


what are her odds at winning the elections, I wanna bet some gamble bucks on her.

/mlp/ general yet no mlp posts yet

Le pen is a literal socialist tho
You must pick
Do you hate the EU
Or heavy french socialism
I think we should try to make some Fillon generals swissbro

> name(s)

Hervé NOVELLI - Occident, GUD

Valérie BOYER - GUD, Ultra catho


Gérard LONGUET - FN (he wrote FN's first economic program), Occident, GUD, Ordre Nouveau, made riots

Bruno RETAILLEAU - too young to be in those student groups such as GUD, but radical anti-gay and very near of Philippe de Villiers

Eyebrows too bushy. Hair is too bleached. Skin isn't clear enough to be /Ourgirl/ Girl in pic also looks 21 a most.

so this nigger is in the FN?

It's not looking good, she just has the fringe right, it's only enough to get her to the second round. Afterwards it'll be a whole media attack with all the parties having a coalition against her. I'd be amazed if she won.
The Dutch elections not turning out well may have actually helped if they've let their guard down.

I'd pick hate the EU. The fundamental struggle here is the fight to keep the nation-state.

Financially, the whole world is fucked anyway, whether it's good socialism like in Scandinavia, iffy socialism like in France, or shitty socialism like in the US.

>Yes goy, vote for Filon. Not Le Pen, she's a socialist. Filon has true conservative values. I'm sure he won't be obliterated in the second round Goy... if he makes it there...

If by fringe right you mean faggot socialists then you would be right
French economy is dead tho
Also US is not socialism
France has very few rich people left
Most left to avoid taxes
The system is dead

If fillon makes it there it would be fillon v Le pen
>supporting a zionist faggot shill

It's about uncontrolled mass-immigration right now and culture wars.

EU is only so strong as european Leaders (of Nation-states) want it to be.

Not yet.

Wait for the debates.

forgot pic

Fillon will not have migrants tho
No socialism = no rapefugees
And fillon wants to weaken it

You literally were just telling people to support Filon over Le Pen. Don't you think Filon growing in support would take more voters from Le Pen rather than Macron, an actual socialist?
Making it Filon vs Macron, where he would lose.

Whether you want to call the US socialist, corporatist, cronyist, or whatever else doesn't matter as much. Our system is broken as well, although perhaps closer to working again.

I'm more of a Ron Paul type guy, and the entire reason I came to Sup Forums in the first place was to talk about banks. So naturally I did not like the idea of Trump. But he convinced me that we have to take care of immediate problems first and we can worry about ideological perfection later.

This kraut is correct. That's why as soon as I found out about the refugees massing up in Calais I changed my entire Sup Forums game to make as big a deal as I could about how this has to be stopped and reversed immediately.

This thread should go into /mlp/ just make her a gay horse and it will be ok.

He has common sense.

Laws are made for people like you; who do not.

What about the millions of muslims living in france in the Banlieus etc.?

Any chance of an Algeria reversed, just this time the Muslims settlers leaving France?


Sticks is also kinda skeptical about her winning. It makes the returns kinda irresistible. Haven't checked yet but I guess it's about 3:1.

Fillon had a strong centre right moderate support base
the (((((((((((media))))))))))))) stole it
The economic situation is very dying
THe unemployment is skyrocketing
If she gets elected then french nationalism will be associated with the failiure of Le Pen

Get out.

All of Europe is a lot more left then we are so it's harder to gauge for me. It'd actually be more of people who lean more authoritarian that want lepen then left/right I guess.

Many of them are unemployed
They feed off the welfare system
There would be no point for them staying under fillon
They would most likley go to germany, a state about to elect shulz, so it is safe to say that germany is dead

>If she gets elected then french nationalism will be associated with the failiure of Le Pen
Then blame it on FN and as the frog above suggested, disband FN and let the ideas reformulate in a different party.

Maybe Fillon is the better choice, but I have a hard time seeing the downside to Le Pen. It's a solid choice for where things are right now, and the future is increasingly uncertain.

Come on... it's fake
It's just another picture of Iggy Azalea

Yet another troll having fun again

Well yeah, pull off a macron
Le pen is just more of the same but more spending
Where will she get money for border patrols
She will also not deport any french citizens that are algerians
While under fillon the useless bunch will leave freely

I'm going to marry Marion Le Pen!

Who is her real Dad?

Fillon will be more able to have a talk with Trump or Erdogan.

Let me tell you.

This Fillon Putin Trump will be a good team.

Imagine a meeting Putin Trump in Versailles hold by Fillon.

Oh yeah, because we should be voting moderates who will just perpetuate the continued globalization of the world. People like Filon won't change anything. He's just another corrupt politician. He's better than Macron but doesn't give two shits about the survival of Western culture and the White race.