Basically, he is projecting a facade of being youthful and honest, he speaks well and this facade is very well polished, however it is complete bullshit. If the facade drops, so does Macron. He has a weak base and if he looks bad they may just not bother voting in the second round.
He is "center left", in other words a socialist. The socialists weren't going to win, so Macron split from them and created his own party which has a socialist platform. He's Hollande 2.0.
>Bercy Scandal
He spent 120000 Euros of public money from Bercy aka the Ministry of Economy, meant to be used for his role as Hollande's minister of finance on basically lobbing media and politicians for his coming presidential run. Then quit as Hollande's finance minister and ran for president.
A book was released about this in January 2017, it is getting very little media coverage:ère-Finances/dp/2709658577
>Did favors for Patrick Drahi in order to get favorable media coverage
In February Macron got 480 minutes of air time on BFMTV against ~80 for Fillon, ~70 for Hamon and ~60 for Le Pen and Mélanchon, BFMTV is an info channel owned by Patrick Drahi a French Israeli billionaire that was allowed to purchase SFR, one of the main French telecom companies, by Macron when he was minister of economy despite the previous minister opposing the purchase. Patrick Drahi also owns the newspaper Le Monde which also shills for Macron.
>Source of his campaign finance
Macron receives 5 millions for his campaign from a close circle of private (((donators))). This is probably a result of his lobbying with the Bercy funds or will turn out to be corporations which benefit greatly from globalism, they just need to be exposed.
>His comments regarding French people
-There is no French culture
-Crime against humanity is the French colonization
-France will have to get used to mass immigration