Ask a black man anything

And be nice.


Hi I'm Mike what's your name?

do you hate whites

Where's my bike?

Why are you not in sweden?

It is true that you black ppl get instantly triggered when you hear a neanderthal say "nigger"

Can I get my TV and XBox back? Please?


Could you kill yourself?


Don't mind them, apart from the racist ones and the SJW ones who want to get offended on my behalf. My fiance's father is A FUCKING WHITE MALE.

I sold it so I could buy some sizzler wings from Dixy's. Sorry blud.

Seems like a nice country, hope to travel Europe one year so I might go.

Depends on the context. If it's some white kid saying it as 'nigga' it doesn't trigger us, we just find it cringeworthy.

I already sold them, sorry.

Yeah, Jews have done enough damage to our people too. The biggest coons and uncle Toms are the ones buying into the divisive shit they push. Plus if they looked more black than white they'd be doing the same shit with us that they do with you, posing as black people to polarise us with statements about how we're all bad people.

One thing white and black supremacists will unanimously agree on: Fuck the Jews.

is that fredo santana?

But I'm happy with my life. You don't seem happy with yours.

Fuck off KSI

Why is the sky blue most of the time?

>Bulgaria can not into science.

what race is your fiance?

What do you think of African Americans?


You mean the 10p chocolate bar? Racist.


I dunno, atmosphere I guess.

Do you like mudkips Eric?

it's magic, has to be.
The sky was white before the reptillians started dumping toxic waste in it.

In the last line you mention black supremacists, would you consider yourself one or are you rather neutral on that?


Why blacks only work in south America?

Do you wish you were born white?


Don't you feel ashamed? That people bought your grandfather for like 100 bucks,how do you feel to be a sub-human? a commodity ?

Fuck off filthy nigger thief.

What do you think of Hotep?

Do you think jews are cancer?

Half white, half black. It's her dad who is the "race traitor", and my people who are the "cucks" in this instance.

Some have been some of the most talented and influential figures in contemporary pop culture. Others need to sort their shit out. Stop killing each other, stop blaming the white man, stop letting white liberals tell them what to think.

Generally most are just normal honest people, like with every other race, albeit they've had a pretty fucked up history.

What I will say is that having visited America, and being around them, I was made to be more aware of my blackness than I ever have been here in the UK.

Mind you, the white power types here hate pakis and Poles than they hate blacks.

why do brothers like fighting games so much?

How do you feel about white people who crack race jokes for good fun, and don't really mean any harm?

i bet you're not pure black
how much of white blood do you have?

I went to a Servo a week ago, an Abo was passed out in their driveway, another group of them were camped outside the doors.
Apparently they're the only group of people in the first world to have third world diseases.

How does it feel being related to them?

I guess that's what happens if you live in the third world.

you cunt

Hello 2006 oldfag.

Not really. I'm proud of my Jamaican roots, and I'm aware of the struggles of black people, but generally yeah I'm pretty neutral.

It's pretty stupid to lump all black people in as one culture, as it is with white people. Jamaican culture is very different to Nigerian, for example.

Aren't you all black, Sergio?

Never really thought about that to be honest.

Yeah but you shit in the street.

My grandparents came over here from Jamaica to work and gain the title of British citizen, by the way. As is the case with a lot of black Brits.

Some interesting stuff from Hotep, but the "black Egyptians" thing is bullshit. They were neither white nor black.

And yes, Jews as as much of a danger to black people as they are whites. Read more here

Black American here. So OP, from your perspective do British blacks on average have as shitty a culture as American blacks?

Which bit of New Pakistan are you from lad?

Wuz you?

How does it feel to watch your own race bitch-slap each other like primates for youtube money?

Don't white people love that shit too? I guess any man likes things that makes them feel empowered.

Depends. If it's between friends then it's fine, but if it's a white guy doing it to a complete stranger, well I can see why some people might get pissed off. Me and my white friends have racial banter all the time.

More than you, probably, you Slavshit.

Just kidding. I'd imagine my ancestors aren't 100% black, but no-one is 100% anything.

We're all related in some way.

Unless you're actually a crocodile, Aussieposter.

"Black culture" in the UK is pretty similar to white working class culture.

I grew up on a mostly white council estate, and had black friends who lived on their own estates, and the parallels are striking.

Generally there's less tension between blacks and whites here than there is in America. The only BLM protest was done by a bunch of middle class white students.

Leeds, you?

Why do you not chose to get down on your knees and follow all my orders like you niggers should?

Around blacks, are you able to relax?


>Leeds, you?
Leeds too.

Do you consider yourself British or African?

I fucking hate blacks.

How do you feel about the blacks who sold there own people for guns during the trans-Atlantic slave trade?

Do you ever feel the longing for a Cadillac Escalade with donk wheels?

can I have my bike back?

Because of the emancipation proclamation.

And I'm British, you're American. So it's you who answers to me.

In subsaharan Africa, yes. Also that black dude who was Roman Emperor for a while.

Where abouts in Leeds bro?

I consider myself black British. And I'm of Caribbean stock, not African.

Would you kindly go back to Mogadishu or Khartoum or whatever your preferred city on the dark continent is?

I'm sorry you feel that way.

Anyone who does that is a fucked up person, black, white, whoever.

Looks a bit gay, that car.

you ever had problems with serious racism?

Trust a fucking leaf to try and ruin this reasonable discussion.

We fucking stomped your ass 2 tomes nigger lobsterback. Dont make it 3

You think you are special nigger? I would whip you and your kids until they cried for me to stop

What is the Izzle of Shnizzle Popizzle?

>Where abouts in Leeds bro?

>And I'm of Caribbean stock, not African.
Beer can sandwich, amirite.

The only racism I've faced has been from pakis. A load jumped me one night about ten years ago. Wrong place, wrong time.

I grew up on a "rough" white council estate and the people were great friends to my family.

Deep Southerner here, how do you feel about inner city gangster culture?

Do you think that Europe should stay white? You know, europe for europeans, africa for africans, asia for asian type of stuff.

>black British
No such thing. Get lost.

It should. No niggers allowed anywhere but Africa

niggers aren't human.

Why do you commit 50% of the crime?

Whats your opinion on Britain becoming a minority 40% white by 2040?



No shit! I grew up on the Landseers! Living in Hyde Park now though.

Chill Winston!

>grew up on the Landseers
WEW, spoopy that my nigga.

>Don't white people love that shit too?
White people definitely love fighting games too.

It's complex, loads of nuances about the causes, but here in the UK it's a problem among whites too.

In the area I grew up in there were a lot of white guys who fell into crime. I wanted to avoid being like them or the black people I knew who were the same, so I went to University and now have a good job, and am due to get married.

White people in Europe are so varied culturally though. Irish people are nothing like Greeks, for example.

I was born in the UK and raised here.

Spoken to your Serbian rapist father much lately, Luka?

You prefer Arabs don't you, Sven?

Me personally? I don't. I got cautioned for possession of weed once.

Haven't people been saying that for nearly a century now though?

Dont ok me you nigger I will have you working longer than all the negros in the rice fields.

Which do you prefer:
Jungle Bunny
Black as Toby's Ass

Why are you so loud on the bus. Keep it down will you

Sheeeeeeiiit, this is so weird. Were you old enough when the Sanny Arms was still open? Also do you know a certain IB?

Well LARPed, my friend.

I prefer getting my rake out and genociding your irrelevance of a country.

Is it true that you niggers only stink so that the blind people can also hate you?