Country flags seem to be very detrimental to actual conversation on this board. Every thread it seems eventually devolves into:
>le 60% >haha swedes love black cock >a fucking leaf >Germany is muslim shut up krautcuck >R A R E F L A G And is constantly used as a fracture point for shills and idiots. Should we not all be user? That is the point of this board, correct?
Hunter Torres
IDs and flags should both be banned. I find it funny when people see suggestions like this and call me a "shill" when total anonymity of each post has been the greatest thing about this website since its creation
Evan Myers
yes but it wouldnt change much since americunts are the biggest shitposters here.
Daniel White
>Makes a post against flags >Has an American flag >Is probably using a proxy to hide his true, possibly cucked country
"Nice proxy user." (Correct)
Elijah Morris
IDs actually do stop the most obvious shilling, though. I think they should stay in place.
The only annoying thing about Trump is how much breitbart he brought in here.
Easton Williams
I doubt that. Australians are close.
Yeah would be better without ID and Flags. ID and Flagfagging are annoying.
Easton Lewis
We should remove flags. There are no countries, there is only the world. There are no races, there is only the human race.
Kayden Morris
no australians dont use the word "cuck" in every sentence.
Luke Smith
Whoever makes a thread should be able to choose if flags are shown.
Alexander Bennett
Good. No more PooinLoo
Btw what's with all the Cultural Appropriation lately? Pic related
Cameron Lopez
No, flags are awesome.
David Hill
Same in Californian cities as Miami. Bring in a bunch of homeless third worlders and whatver trash that comes for the easy living and they just shit on the streets. When I visited San Francisco it smelled like piss everywhere. Sad to see what's happening desu.
Easton Murphy
Tyler Brown
Only leafs and jews should have flags
Easton Gray
Oliver James
>brits >not asians >straya >not asians >german sign with arabic subtitles >not meant for asians
Jeremiah Reed
Kayden Brooks
fuck you. flag collecting is all i have left in life
Camden Flores
Asher Anderson
Well i cant really explain the egypt one other than brits just being plainly fucked up. But id wager the rest are from a rather peaceful bunch of Mohamedeans, looks like there is arabic translation for the german shower.
Carter Sanders
without the flags, Sup Forums with flags would just be a redundant Sup Forums
Alexander Jones
Imagine the same-fagging and back-pedaling in debates without IDs ("you can't prove i said that comment!")
Landon Thomas
All flags should be banned except the jewish ones. Likes should be outed where soever they try to hide
Elijah Cox
I wish we had flags for political affiliation like in the past.
Carson Campbell
no, the flags are here for us to ridicule you with.
Carson Long
Flags make it interesting, IDs are needed however to make it harder to samefag
Robert Thompson
"i wish i had a banner to live and die for instead of free will"
Nathaniel Young
>tfw always picked the texan flag good times
Christian Brooks
Flags and IDs are the best thing to happen to Sup Forums
Lincoln Fisher
Then you could have leaf's pretend to be Americans, Japs as Koreans, Mudshits as Sweidsh... Oh wait, mudshits are Swedish now
Luke Mitchell
LARPagans should be banned.
Aaron Murphy
I want old flags mixed with country flags back
Wyatt Wright
>implying we wouldn't still be able to spot the canadians