Facebook's pre-Thoughtcrime Unit appears to be up and running
Facebook rewrites history
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Snopes is garbage. As is Facebook.
wow, holy shit
Will i guess you should try posting real news.
micks getting told
Zuckerburg 2020
What the fuck? They are doing this now?
Someone post share something left wing that is horribly false and see if that warning comes up.
I learned about indentured Irish servants being basically enslaved in fucking school..
Jesus Christ it's real
facebook btfo Sup Forums? Duh.
Try not spreading bullshit around using facebook.
I mean, its not like it stops you from sharing this.
Its just telling you maybe you're wrong.
Which I just did some preliminary research; and its not true. No irish slaves. Just indentured servants (((slaves)))
What the fuck is this 1984 shit?
why even bother?
>When liberals keep screaming that they'll be "on the right side of history" they meant that they're going to actively rewrite history to make them look better.
Fucking finally!
This is the start of hate speech laws killing far right pantshitter propaganda in its crib.
No, Donald Dumbfuck won't do shit. Electing him just delayed how fast and hard we bring it.
I love when I get called a kike for not being alarmist about everything little thing that happens.
This isn't scary. Its what can be done with it that is scary. Its the difference between studying anti-biotic resistance and weaponizing it.
This is a good thing. Nobody is going to trust zuckerjew to vet their news. If people get confronted with this regularly, they will begin fact-checking the fact-checkers and from there develop total independence from MSM propaganda. This is just the death rattle of a power system that has become too inept and out of touch.
oh thank god the fat kikes are looking out for me
>Nobody is going to trust zuckerjew to vet their news.
Completely wrong. Liberals absolutely 100% trust the mainstream media, because they are the same people and they say all the things the others want to hear.
This is our future, being "notified" that our history doesn't fucking exist, as "verified" by some Black nigger bitch using the platform of a cucked jew parasite.
Facebook is completely within their rights to control the content of their website. Free market. If you don't like it, go to another country.
>This was already debunked by Sup Forums "intellectuals" please visit Sup Forums for more information at www.commiesneedtherope@Sup Forums.org
this will never happen
Kosherberg is a fucking moron.
By adding the whole "disputed" marking to such articles, he basically points out to the sceptics on the fence, which kind of articles they don't want them to read.
The effect is the opposite of what the elites hoped for: They are not marking lies, they are marking the truth.
>still using facebook
>The effect is the opposite of what the elites hoped for: They are not marking lies, they are marking the truth.
Liberals aren't people. They have no self preservation and actively run headlong into their own genocide.
Can we just nuke the world already?
I'm ready to be a war-boy, or at least a blood-bag.
>""""""""""""""""""""""""fact"""""""""""""""""""""""" checking
literally (i mean this in the literal sense) the worst thing to come out of this election cycle. it's just a giant appeal to authority, and a majority of people do not fact check the fact checkers; they just see "FALSE" and then spam "LOL FAKE NEWS DRUMPF BTFO THE FUCK OUT" on facebook.
Lol ok.
So liberals think you can be 'stare raped', 'fart raped', 'verbally raped'.
Liberals think men can have periods. That some girls have a penis.
Liberals have destroyed the meaning of almost everything in society.
But calling indentured servitude 'slavery' is just a step too far.
I guess there's no such thing as sex slavery then? After all, according to the law they're still humans, so they're not really slaves, they're indentured sex workers correct?
I'm surprised they didn't just SHUT IT DOWN
It wouldn't be terrible if it wasn't all disingenuous half-truths.
It's basically just bullshit legalese, where they think semantics disproves something.
I wonder what would have happened if you had tried to say less than 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust.
Is it too late to kill myself?
If you only post the Truth™ you have nothing to fear.
>Multiple, Independent Fact-Checkers
Let's Just Hope This Isn't Real.
>AP responsible for checking facts
The irony
I wish you fucks would try harder with your bait. I'm getting bored reading the same obvious clumpfth btfo swill in every thread. Back in my day shitposting was an art.
Ov vey it was 7 million goy!
Hrm Who excessively stakes their claims on legalese and semantic arguments? Who could be behind this?
Are there no patriots at facebook?
technically correct, but im not sure how independent anyone is
The dirty, crooked, stinking JE-
JERRY! Yes, I HATE my ancestor Herr Thoughtpolice. Y-yes, diversity is our strength! Haha, yeah... I love Merkel. B-blumpf BTFO... haha...
LOL @ liberals still seeing snopes as an authority/beacon of truth
Snopes if funded by Soros. So is the group that facebook is uses that filters "fake" news out.
True, I don't really disagree with the idea of an "independent" fact checking agency that deals in pure numbers or verifiable facts (though statistics can show anything you want them to), but most of these are just contrived biased bullshit. The other thing is that these "fact checking" agencies tend to "fact check" things that make the people they like look truthful while making their enemies look like liars. When was the last time you saw a Trump statement marked "true" by these independent agencies? It's always them aiming for low hanging fruit and then ignoring the things he gets correct.
My issue is the use of the capital letters.
>literally two kikes deciding what's true and false
It's pretty much the illuminerty.
>posting on (((((((ZOGBOOOK))))))) and (((((((SNOPES))))))))
Wrongthink exists, user.
>I don't really disagree with the idea of an "independent" fact checking agency that deals in pure numbers or verifiable facts
this is how they get you, every time
they ask you to substitute someone else's judgment for yours
The moment something is used as a standard indicator for something else, it is gamed, and since people know that the standard indicator is coming, it is gamed on day zero, Goodhart's Law cannot be escaped.
If god came down from heaven itself to tell you directly the moral code you should follow, it is still up to you to decide to follow it. You cannot substitute the priest's judgment for your own, unless you wish to serve the priest.
You are the only independent fact checker in your life.
Very astute observation, user.
>"potato niggers deserve to be prosecuted like the jews and blacks"
>pol's globablist foes say that one of the worst things that have happened to irish didn't actually happen, so they still count as privileged
>the same foes that say something which didn't happen to the jews happened, making them not priviledged
REALLY revs those engines doesn't it?
I think people
Good. Kinda getting tired of all those nazis on my FB spreading their hateful shit.
Can you please refresh your bait? You might actually turn some passerby's into rightwingers for us if you keep that up.
I know - just don't use Facebook.
Hoping Facebook joins Myspace in oblivion soon.
Denying the entire history of Barbados, Cromwell's "Irish Laws", the Enclosure Acts of Parliament creating the urban poor and the "press gangs", the history of Ireland, Scotland, New England, and Australia. Hilarious. And that's just within the British empire -- it says nothing of slaves captured by Muslims for thousands of years along the coasts of Europe.
Yeah but MUH MOOOOOSLIMS!!!!! Right Schlomo?
These are listed without qualification as if they're equally important.
So I guess AP is just a blog now. Which means we shouldn't care about either of them?
Can anyone tell me how an early 2000's website that talked about walt disney and music conspiracies turned into the default fact checker for any political statement and opinion?
Anti-saged :^)
You know who was involved in the slave trade? fucking everyone, even africans conquering weaker tribes.
And twitter is suspending accounts and deleting tweets. The censorship is real
>Liberals think men can have periods. That some girls have a penis.
>Liberals have destroyed the meaning of almost everything in society.
>But calling indentured servitude 'slavery' is just a step too far.
Good. Pussy-ass white nationalists finally getting their shit pushed in on facebook.
But whose version of the truth? Zuckerbergs? @jacks?
fucking shill
Hitchhiker Killed in Middle East?
An article published in 2016 reporting that a hitchhiking woman was raped and murdered by Muslims is inaccurate and based on an incident from 2008.
This Facebook post (and blatantly clickbaiting headline) linked to an article (riddled with inconsistencies, bad information, and misspellings) about the death of Giuseppina Pasqualino di Marineo, better known as Pippa Bacca, a performing artist who was killed during a world peace effort known as “Brides on Tour”:
>SJW Italian goes on middle east tour to show muslims are peaceful
>Gets raped/murdered by muslim turkroach
As the incident occurred eight years ago and Turkey is an officially secular country, it’s not clear how Yes I’m Right concluded (despite the statements from law enforcement and her own family) that Bacca had been killed over religion.
Holy fuck, how stupid are people?
How do you know his name is Will? Name says anonymous...
>As the incident occurred eight years ago and Turkey is an officially secular country, it’s not clear how Yes I’m Right concluded (despite the statements from law enforcement and her own family) that Bacca had been killed over religion.
>because it occured 8 years it's not true
>because Turkey is a secular country on paper (but 99% of the population is muslim?????) it's not true
Therefore it's hard to figure out how anyone could even think for a second a muslim killed her, when in fact a muslim raped and killed her.
Why sage though?
Facebook has huge impact among normies
Why does snopes say it's real? Sounds like 6 year olds sold as labour isn't slavery if they are white? Ok I see, muh reperations!
I recently copied a pic from a fake news (WP) about rabbis spreading herpes and it had a pic of a rabbi sucking some screaming kid
>72hr ban instantly for child pornography
Why would anyone use Facebook?
It's literally a normie brainwashing and monitoring tool.
A shame you weren't aborted.
>The fact checking sites, Associated Press and Snopes
Yes,and the point of this thread is to inform the "market" of their practices. That should make sense to your jewish sensibilities.
>not 600 gorrillion
racist goyim
yeah, it's actual well-documented history, but we can't have anyone pointing that out to diminish black slaves in america 150 fucking years ago
check out this psyop captcha i got
Edgy. I just got into a top ten PhD program in my field but I'm sure you're real successful.
Someone on Alex Jones brought up something very troubling. There is a bill that will force people on the Internet to delete "outdated or irelevant" information. They are rolling out censorship despite trump being in.
What's the bill's number?
>Trusting any Jew, including those on the right like Ezra Levant, Ben Shapiro, etc
Well done google for keeping non-whites from posting.
Because the goal of this is what exactly? To let you now that your information is in question? Fuck off faggot.
The obvious endgame here is censorship. If they did it all at once there would be an uproar. This is simply the first step to get people used to the idea.
This is a basic sales technique. For example, Coca-Cola slowly changes thier formula to use cheaper ingredients. They only change it a little bit at a time, so that the flavor after any individual change is not noticable. But after 10 years the product is completely different than when it started. It's a shame that you are probably too dense to understand this.
Don't be like that — Snopes has been confirmed 100% accurate by Snopes
Sorry it was the European union.
And it was from 2015, not sure why it was brought up, but it was a guest this week.
And so modest too. Bragging about getting into a PhD program is admitting that you fit in and suceed in academia. In other words you are a yes-man.
I take pride in the fact that I removed myself from a PhD program while my soul was still intact. Now I am a partner in a new business. I'm an entrepenuer, but you have fun sucking the corporate dick for the rest of your life. They make you comfortable physically, but that's fine because you're sooooooo smart that you just know that the soul is make believe, right?
Jesus Christ what a joke. Are normies going to put up with this shit?
make a force meme out of this having zuckerberg telling you not to post shit on Sup Forums
You both are fags. I finished my PhD and now work in a private practice and make lots.
>pick one
the Jew is loose!