How do you feel about the increasing replacement of jobs via robots?
As an 18 year old, upcoming high school graduate, the thought that I could be stranded in an unhiring field with zero experience elsewhere in 10 years scares me.
How do you feel about the increasing replacement of jobs via robots?
As an 18 year old, upcoming high school graduate, the thought that I could be stranded in an unhiring field with zero experience elsewhere in 10 years scares me.
Study robotics.
What about all the typists, phone network operators, tv station staff, and slave-handlers?
Somebody think of the slave handlers bawww!!!!
What I am saying is pick an everlasting industry such as gold mining or prostitution.
do what I did:
>undergraduate in Mathematics
>Masters Pure Mathematics
>Ph.D. Pure Mathematics
Computers can think, but they can't think incredibly abstractly and they will not be able to do high level theoretical mathematics. Pick a field that computers cannot master is what i'm saying.
The Simpsons predicted yours and everyone's future
if this were 50 years ago would you bitch about the refrigerator putting milkmen out of business? Fuck no, because the bottom line is that it's a good thing when people don't have to work as much. People have been preaching economic doom to automation for the last hundred years now.
Be a robot master.
Use some of that GenZ charisma, user.
Become a car salesman make 10-20k a month!
stop being a brainlet
robotics technicians will be so fucking valuable when all manufacturing processes are automated but one of their pretty machines breaks down
double checked
Join the military! sure there are drones but every country likes saying how many soldiers they have and since you never get deployed you can live a NEET lifestyle!
Robots can take over some of our jobs. But some things only humans can do
" many traditionally manual jobs are being replaced with machines."
" Robots already do many of our jobs faster, cheaper and more consistently than we can. They can process information and analyse data far faster than we ever will. They can produce endless, exact replicas of an object and do so quickly and efficiently without a need for breaks, team-building days or compassionate leave."
Get in the business of robotic turret guns that wipe out hungry hordes of unemployed laborers
The advice I'm going to give you right now will lead you to $100,000 a year job in 7 years. Without any college. Assuming you're smart and have a good work ethic.
There is a shortage of workers that are proficient with computers let alone program, run, maintain and build automation machinery. They train you, chances are good you will not learn the appropriate machine language in college anyway.
Companies like Amada America (
robotics will be automated like everything else. There will only be a short window with high demand and diminish fast.
Also don't study law.
A well run society creates more jobs as less people do the same work or machines take over tasks.
This view that the only way forward is unemployment is retarded.
Why does Trump want to enslave me into a manufacturing job?
I don't want this. Most jobs involve mindless fast movement. At my size I won't be able to stand up for that long. My mother who can't stand up for more than 1 hour keeps saying she can't wait for Trump to get her a job. WHAT THE FUCK. These type of jobs are at least 12 hrs shifts. I see liberals with their shitty desk job, at least they get to sit.
Also when are they going to make Obamacare better?
don't take this retards advice. If you're going to go this route just do a 2 year degree or take a class in control logic and plc's at minimum
just make sure its a good program.
mine transfers into a BS in engineering and I might finish that eventually but for now doing the tech route
p.s., robots are a long way from actually "taking over everything"
Learn a trade. Finish a brief apprenticeship. Profit. Take night and online courses to finish your bachelor's. Debt-free, secure; options open for life.
Computers are composing music, painting, designing and work right now. They're only going to get better faster with the cumulative creativity of every artist EVER.
How many artists and creative people do we need out there. Certainly not enough to maintain the economy. There is no such thing as a POEM BASED ECONOMY
It clearly means
this guy gets it
but i recommend doing the engineering route if you can
I build roads.
Robots ain't gonna build roads so I have no worries. If your job is mindless and repetitive you should fear robots.
I did both. Started in trades, got engineering degree. Never been poor.
#1 I never said he doesn't need education. He just doesn't need a four-year college degree unless he wants to be an engineer a doctor a lawyer or an accountant or professional bona fides from accademia.
#2 He's not going to be an engineer
#3 "mine transfers into a BS in engineering" implies you haven't even graduated. I don't even know if you're on your second or third year yet. Definitely not an engineer. You will be at CAD Jocky at best. Chances are, you probably won't even finish college but you'll have all that lovely debt. You haven't done SHIT with your life yet. You don' know what you are talking about.
I was at University of Illinois Chicago and transfer to Iowa State for EE. I'm fighting with Indians and Chinese and Indonesians for engineering work. Guys who work in robotics fly all over the world and get paid more than I do because of overtime and travel expenses.
If he decides at 25 that he wants to go to college he can. Assuming he has save some money from his job he can pay it all off immediately. By then he will have a full understanding of exactly what it is he wants to do with his life in his career
The cost of installing, programming, and maintaining a robot in mcdonalds to assemble mcdoubles would rival the cost of paying a staff of 5 for the next 10 years. Unfortunately free monies while robots do all the worlds work isn't happening in our lifetime.
yeah except for this early prototype of a road laying machine which actually build roads.
they're getting better and faster and smarter they do not get sick they do not grow old and there's more of them coming.
they never said anything anti-Semitic
they don't walk off because it's Mexican day
there are no problems with sexism
they do not protest
they do not go on strike
they are not racist
they never have issues with HR on their supervisor
15 years in engineering (design/manufacturing) here. US, Europe and Japan.
For every three shit-tier jobs that robotics replace you need two new roles, developing the software and maintaining the robots.
Long story short, if you ever find yourself doing a job that you think you might lose to a robot then rethink your life and get a proper career.