oooh lordy, this video is about to get some attention
oooh lordy, this video is about to get some attention
I have a pet theory that the slaves who survived the journey across the Atlantic were bigger, stronger, and dumber, but were able to pass on their genes, meaning their aggression and stupidity were passed on to all their descendants. This lady is a prime example that outliers from the racial traits curve exist.
>the slaves who survived the journey across the Atlantic were bigger, stronger, and dumber, but were able to pass on their genes,
That would make sense if the people in Africa weren't also big stupid niggers.
I really really want to share this on normie book but i don't want to get lynched
It's best if you don't.
I'm not gonna watch the vid but i'm gonna guess it's because they spend all their welfare on the newest Jordans instead of saving to gain work tickets/education.
The comments are pretty golden
>Her parents are Nigerian culture but listen to her speak the whole time! I couldn't get past three minutes of this without hearing a pretentious "Paris Hilton" white supremacy in her voice and enunciation of grammar! I bet she sucked plenty of white dicks before, doing nothing but empowering white men's consciousnesses.....
do it but take an open minded position. be like, "interesting perspective." they still wont' agree with you/her, but you'll redpill some people
kek yes
bigger and stronger are not the qualities favourable to survive the voyage surly it is resistance to disease as that is what what caused the vast majority of the deaths.
and we already know that bigger mass and strength does not correlate in humans as a whole as niggers genetically do retain more muscle mass but are far more susceptible to disease than whites.
However I dont know if the same is true within nigs alone maybe stronger blacks are more disease resistant than weaker blacks
Woke as fucck.
>Black people speak out against liberals
>They're obviously an Uncle Tom
I love how the left literally cannot stop shooting itself in the foot. The moment someone thinks for themselves and questions the left, they practically throw them to the right.
I like niggers with an IQ above 90. Makes me want to ignore that 40% of them have sexually transmitted diseases.
Source: World Almanac
The same thing happened during the Spanish Civil War. The left controlled all of the major cities and were against a bunch of rural folks. Yet somehow they blew it, they always do.
Even today with all of the media and society on their side their movement is crumbling. This is why the left is doomed to fail.
>those comments
oh lawdy sometimes I forget how bad youtube can be, so much whitesplaining of this woman because she DARES to not promote leftist ideology
>um sweetie in your seven minute video you didn't get deep into CONTEXT hunny bunny
>mfw she has a white bf
Exactly. The beginning of my "red pilling" was coming to accept the disparities in IQ between races. It simply exists. Coming to see the world how it really was instead of through idealistic lenses was a major wake up call.
You can't save everyone. Some people don't want to be saved. Some people don't have the ambition, drive, or even the intelligence to help themselves. It's sad but it's better to see the world how it truly is.
Someone needs to make a porn site if there isn't one already. I'm sure white supremacists men would jerk off to it regularly.
She's so fucking hot. I wish I had a redpilled negress gf.
>we must preserve the exis-
I didn't ask for these feels bros
the left pole
>SJWs and niggers attacking her because she and her parents are from Nigeria (some amerifat explain this to me because it baffles me)
>People saying that using statics as arguments is wrong and offensive.
What the fuck did I just witness. Shame she had to go into the "there is no sexism in the justice system" and spoil the video. Nobody is perfect I guess.
honestly, most Negresses who are conservative are only doing so to attract a white man. I'm positive Josephine's motivation for making the videos she does is so she can get a white man to impregnate her. You see, the smart Negresses realize they can't compete for white males with Asian and White women by just looks alone since the # of white men who fetishize black women is too low, so they resort to appealing to the white mans interest and values. Back in the slavery days, these cunning negresses were refereed to as Jezebels because of how skilled they were at manipulating the white man for his affection and seed.
When a black woman likes you, she can become charming AF.
Do this:
Worth a watch. She breaks it down very well and has some good numbers.
Is she /ourgirl/?
The blacks who immigrate (not as rapefugees) to the US today are the best their nations have to offer. Those same blacks regard the niggers in the hood as fools who squander their lives and generally see them pretty similarly to how Sup Forums does. Nigerian immigrants are also infamous in my area for publicly shaming the niggers in their free time, it's quite hilarious.
That "makes sense". What's the counter move of the native niggers? Saying they aren't real blacks or that they suffer from "internalized racism" like women do for other women that don't share their insane views?
I don't really understand their position because I knew my father, but I have seen groups of niggers gang up on a few Nigerians and just beat up on them 4-5 times. They just see the Nigerians as enemies of their ideals I guess.
It's really based Asians breaking down the "White people oppress everything" narrative because it literally can't be maintained as Asians increasingly dominate society.
If liberals theories were correct, Asians would still be having severe problems today, but instead, they've arguably already surpassed whites.
Thanks Asians for being successful enough to break down leftist narratives.
Do you think she likes white cock?
wtf i love black girls now
Good probability
Fuck this woman can argue better than I can.
I want a hwite partender so I make up racitsts video.
bix noob
>white bf
HOW can black "men" even begin to COMPETE with the SWC (Stable White Cock) and infinitely better genetics?
This makes sense. That would explain the nigger//black person difference.
I do believe there are smart black people, but the genes have been weeded out by slave owners who wanted dumb, strong brutes to pick the cotton.
Y'all faggots better leave my black waifu josephina alone. I've been watching her videos for a while and she's perfect. She's dating a potato nigger but that won't last forever.
Not true at all, I have worked with Haitian blacks back before graduating college they were by far smart guys or what some may call the best, but they just never stopped working and were totally different from American blacks
>tfw no logical chocolate gf to play out my slave owner fantasies with
Why even live?
>cultural appropriation
>blacks with straight hair
>blacks with blond hair
>blacks with lipstick and western clothing
>cultural appropriation?
Hell I've met plenty of immigrants from almost every group who's children have grown up to become successful members of society. It is literally only just black Americans that can't fucking get their own shit together collectively, and take responsibility for their own actions for once. I actually want them to succeed, but they are too fucking short-sighted to ever do this.
This girl must've gotten dicked by a white dude, she is too redpilled for her skin color.
African niggers are even more retarded, what are you smoking?
Are you in South Florida? Haitians down here are fucking scary dude. They sacrifice animals and shit kek. But I agree, they tend to be smarter and less violent than American blacks. Just very superstitious.
Just want to restate this because freedom.
>dumb strong brutes to pick the cotton
Ok so either you are confused or retarded because what you just typed is basically what you replied to.
Just googled her
>white bf
How did I guess? Isn't it curious that trashy white girls fuck black dudes and the top seed black girls go for white dudes.
reddit is a lost cause, stop going there.
Shit everybody should take notes.
The part that Nigerian immigrants have better outcomes than African Americans is actually a really good point. If we're going to start off assuming all races are equal in terms of IQ and such, just for arguments sake, than that's a clear indication isn't not simply oppression, there's actually something fucked up with African American culture.
The stats on how single parent households drastically affect household income are staggering as well. Just getting more two parent households would have a PROFOUND effect on the money a black family would have to live on. Forget about socialist redistribution schemes.
I knew about some of the stuff she talked about before but this is just well argued, it proposes a real way forward for the Black people to succeed instead of just going "Welp we're fucked", and while she's not going out of her way to say whites dindu nuffin she clearly has no patience for the constant scapegoating which is used to avoid self-reflection.
Reddit is so brainwash
Someone post that drawing of the balding white guy looking at a hot negress while a slave is being hang in the background, please
I'm almost cumming
If there is a Negress that is under 150 pounds, then she is with a Beta White male; gauruuuunteed.
I don't know about "Beta". Generally white guys that dick black girls are just normal dudes. Bluepilled sure, but they aren't betas. White guys who fuck Asian girls are typically the beta ones.
It's not really curious. Trashy white women don't want to be judged so they date niggers who can't judge them because they are just as trashy. A white woman who's fucked 70 men will always be able to find a black guy to settle for them because black men don't have much self worth. A successful black woman will lean more towards white men because their values align and they are more likely to be in the same places where they will meet and date.
Black men seem to really like degeneracy up until it bites them in the ass and they end up in jail due to not paying child support.
seriously, this hasn't been posted yet?
Let's not be the LARPing negress who thinks that their black slave pussy is as important as a hwhite womens, shall we?
Your IQ is showing, OP
I think the Asian girl one depends. I've known white guys with Asians who I wouldn't call betas at all. White guys who have open relationships and shit like come off as the most beta to me. I live in Seattle though so I meet cucks like that a lot. I'm pretty beta I'd say but I'm not into Asian women.
White kid gets a B on test
>White Parents: Well you passed, but I think you can do better. No TV until you finish your homework
Studies harder
Asian Kid gets A-
>Asian Parents: You're a disgrace. No anything until your grades improve. We'll share a bedroom so I can keep an eye on you
Studies harder and ups adderall dosage
Black kid gets F
>Black Parent: Dat's racis. Cultural bias. You a victim. Nothing you can do
Doesn't study at all. Goes play basketball and steals adderall off white kid to sell to asians.
>black men have to make literally millions of dollars to compete with an average white dude
white men who date blacks are retarded
Holy shit that pic
Making money and living high.
The butthurt in the comments section is making me rage.
I'm single so I can't hate on anyone who has a successful relationship.
Don't stop at the voyage over. They were also killed and their breeding controlled for generations after the survivors arrived. Any of them smart enough to lead a small rebellion was probably eliminated.
We aren't attracted to her though.
I was being sarcastic, I know white the white women who date black men do what they do.
Unlike most of Sup Forums, I'm not strictly racist but I am aware of what goes on around me. I've fucked women of all colors. I'd be a moron not to see that white women who screw around with black men all tend to be the same: Poor, trashy, slutty, or all of the above.
Also, don't sell white men short. All men are the same, and I truly believe that. I've seen my share of white men "settling down" with a whore who already has a kid, sometimes black/brown kids. Black men do the same, they settle down with black women who already have Jamarquavius' kid. Men are all thirsty mother fuckers who will take a few bullets to get their dicks wet, and don't you ever doubt that. That is why women can fuck up so badly in life and still end up with a guy in the end, while men can realistically wind up alone.
No matter how many mistakes a woman has made or how ugly she is or how shitty a person she is, there will always be a man who hasn't gotten laid in a while.
She has a white/irish (inb4) fiancee.
>tfw no cute based black wifu to make curry coloured kids with
why live
There arent enough attractive niggers in porn let alone mildly attractive like the whites that kike uses. Lansky wouldve done it already if there was money to be made.
She looks like a moon pie with lipstick
> is better
She still looks like a brown orc.
>tfw now I want to race mix with a high IQ, eloquent, negress qt 3.14
I've never thought about it like that. Just like then the left eats its own eventually. Then it was anarchists vs commies vs democrats, now its gays vs feminists vs trannies vs nigs. Let's hope we can maintain our momentum better than Franco did.
I used to fuck a girl like this in college. Dark skin is great if you're pale like me, too bad black women have ugly hair and usually don't like condoms.
>don't like condoms
Are you literally gay?
Use condoms please, this is how my country happened
Having worked with legal Nigerian immigrants they truly are the top tier of blacks, bar none.
Detest American niggers.
well 80% of the nigs stolen from africa ended up in BR not US
I don't want to get a girl pregnant. As a military fag when you get sent overseas they literally drill you into insanity about condoms.
first read that as black worm explains why black people are poor. that would have been a lot more interesting.
wurm squirm!!
how can black bois even compete with the BWC?
doesn't change the fact that you shouldn't breed with your fetish
If you're a fag, Travisty, then you're a fag.
The cynic in me makes me think a Sup Forumsack paid her to say all this.
However if she's genuine, good for her.
My roommate during college was a halfer, dad was a white SA guy (military I believe) and a negress from Nigeria. He looked like a lightskin but he had these weird green-grey eyes. He was a pretty chill guy and he worked his ass off. Absolutely detested every nigger he came across especially the ones on the football team who only got into college for athletics.
Oy Vey Nigga. When you gon man up bout dis shieeeit?
Wait, when you gon kill da wite man? Yea nigga.
She's been making videos like this for awhile. Pretty sure she's genuine.
>no woke black gf
But you got the hottest girls and they make the best love in world. Why complain?