Why do millennials refuse to become housewives?
Why do millennials refuse to become housewives?
Diet. Without nutrition a woman cannot think clearly. Even with nutrition it can be a struggle.
Because they are literal whores or overweight and no one wants to touch them.
if I have a girl that will pay for everything I would become a housewife (male).
>manage budget
>stays more time with the kids
>have some free time for personal proyects
>can cook whatever you want
>only a man is strong enough to repair and clean the house properly
>drink wine after a one good day as a housewife (male)
>no retirement fund
>no savings (personal savings)
>no health insurance
>no vacations
>no possibilities of promotions
Because it may result in a form of responsibility and they can't have that.
Jewish brainwashing.
>Why do millennials refuse to become housewives?
They will and most do. Having a rebellious phase is common but they are always put back in their place.
Wait for GenZ chicks, they're at least redpilled
The economy is too volatile for that. Especially here in Canada.
Also, social brainwashing that has made men and women believe they are 'equals' when they clearly are not.
>He actually believes this
Millennials will be the reason whites will become a minority unless GenZ whites breed so much. At least they're conservative, While Millennials and Boomers are the most bluepilled of all.
housewife means husband with job with lots of money
no such thing anymore
Being a housewive is oppressive. It's much more liberating and fulfilling to be working some job and paying taxes.
This. They need to be well fed and breed at an early age so that they can fully mature. A woman goes through a second puberty when she has a baby.
Useless old fucks bleed them dry while selling out their countries to globalists and Third Worlders and then whine about young people not marrying.
>get younger chicks to breed with
>get more conservative breeding stock
>have enough experience, knowledge and wealth to take care of them and your future family
Patience is the ultimate redpill.
because our society doesn't honor motherhood like it did decades ago. People get the notion that a life as a mother is not an equal alternative as a life as a career woman, and most families can't support to raise children without the mother also working at least part time
It's not easy to pay for a family on a single income around here these days.
naw man, they're all complete retards too. -t. Gen Z
People who hate patience are bluepilled mongs.
Men started caring about women refusing.
you guys date the wrong girls-- In fact, it sounds like you don't interact with girls whatsoever... they exist... stop being a cuck and grow some balls and ask a girl out
stupid thread but I get triggered when I hear men on here constantly bitching
>Why do millennials refuse to become housewives?
b/c the average normal household income of 1 person can no longer support a family.
Which in turn means they elect to pursue Chad instead, because humans are dimorphic and that means mate competition when our behavior is permitted to be animalistic
Wait for them to reach 30
They'll regret every cock they sucked while secretly hating on traditional Generation Z girls for "stealing all the good men"
Between financial struggles and the advent of modern appliances, it's a life style that's really going the way of the dodo.
One of the spouses being a housewife is a luxury these days. If you want to support a family while still saving for a cushy retirement, all while still buying your consumer goods, you'd best have two incomes coming in.
Rather than humanizing ourselves by overcoming our base instincts and ensuring the production of society.
>and ask a girl out
Where? I hate you people who come in these threads acting like it's the simplest thing in the world to get a decent girl. Fuck you.
because there is a lot less housework to do.
there used to be an enormous amount of domestic labor. Now its like 30 minutes a day. What the fuck do you do with yourself then, drink wine and watch soap operas? fuck that.
I would kill to be at home all day spending time with the kids.Fucking good for nothing trash.
The only solution then becomes a mass re-taking of our rightful place as the masters of society, in stark contrast to the shamers and blamers who would suggest playing the game by women's rules.
Women, in turn, follow naturally.
You don't want a wife, trust me. They just bitch and moan and want more without ever giving. Let the whores be slaves to the corporate jews they worship so much.
You have to be 18 or older to use this board.
Because most houses don't have a Starbucks in them you silly goose
so his idea of being alpha is; do what the women want.
That is a great big ZERO for reading and comprehension.
Technically it's a service industry. Realistically as a country we should see the benefit of having someone at the home to help with the kids, it would benefit society to ensure that. But I think we are closer to having an annual purge than to help the poor.
If you're digging through the trash, you're not likely to find a steak dinner.
Repent and believe. Join a church. Court a Christian woman. You'll find a housewife very easily. Or you can keep picking up gutter skanks and be baffled as to why they won't be domesticated.
>t. Reformed Baptist married 13 years
I think the tides are turning. Females are largely becoming bitches, whores, and completely insufferable in large amounts. Men will become the ones who society desires again, and women will be treated like the garbage they have become. Everything swings both ways eventually. Women have had their time in the sun. It's time for men to be the needed ones in relationships again. Stop giving into whores, let them rot. Praise the good ones by offering them your genes and your true love. Let the whores and feminists rot in piss.
I am a girl you prick- so I know how simple it can be
Met my bf in line at Chipotle....Don't be a pussy, strike up polite casual convo and see where it leads
>Why do millennials refuse to become housewives?
>Why don't millennials refuse to take part in a dying social norm that their parent's constantly complained about after being influenced by the jewish media
gee golly thats a brain scratcher right there
They throw their pussy around until age 35 then bitch because they can't get married. Become cat lady then grow old and die alone.
1995-1999 is still millennial, I saw a thread that link to article saying that GenZ women thought that men were superior at most things.
Rule 16, newfag
I could never do that. I have to work. It's in my blood
>Repent and believe. Join a church. Court a Christian woman.
I just can't worship a dead man on a stick. I grew up Christian, and I tried to go back to it, but I just can't. I have my own morals and values, and I don't need to go to church to keep them within me. Most Christian women are insanely devout to their faith and you will hear about god and Jesus time after time each day. It would be living a lie to pretend that I believe in the thing she holds above even her own family, when I really don't.
>managing your home is not work
interesting. I will save these pictures to present to unbelievers in the future.
I noticed that it is the naturalists, the evolutionists, that have these particular ideas about men spreading their seed and competing for reproduction or women that they see close to the heart of the motive for production and development of civilization.
is important insofar as to understand what world view contributed to the reduction of the place and purpose of man in society to a worker bee that works for his right to even exist.
marriage technology is another bizarre term I think typical for these types of views and our age really. Dumbass.
I have met more levelheaded and redpilled girls who were under 20 than above it so yeah, the next generation will fix it
hey, is that the meme, HWNDUS girl?
Generation Z has already been proven to be more conservative as is. More of them are religious compared to other generations.
>Muh Hispanics
This is also effecting the white ones as well, Millennials will become the next boomers in terms of laziness and leftist ideals. Millennial Women will die alone while Generation Z will care more about family life and about having children. Trump is very popular among High School students. Considering how Ivanka is now allowing females into STEM it's only a matter of time till marxism dies off in America.
>I am a girl you prick- so I know how simple it can be
You have zero fucking place to talk on the subject then. You're just showing how simple it is for FEMALES to get a man, and we already know this. Unfortunately, most men aren't able to win over a female in line at a shitty fastfood joint.
In particular, do ourselves the favour of not falling for the tired quip that it is men who know women the least who find the greatest contentions with them.
Lol its funny seeing pol swiftly beat out
because they have that freedom.
or do you hate freedom.
I don't talk to too terribly many girls and I get exactly what you're saying. Agreed 100%. A lot of these guys are obsessed with the whole "no hymen no diamond" deal which isn't exactly a reasonable expectation these days unless you want your genes excluded from the next generation. But this guy is right. Okay so what, you get rejected a few times, brush yourself off and keep trying. Nothing ventured nothing gained
How to get cucked: the post
What a bunch of bullshit. Woman has always been unruly. The only difference between now and then is that you can go to prison for ruling her.
Haven't seen this rare Augg before.
Society now tells them being a housewife is unacceptable.
^Legitimately this. Starting with Betty (((Freidan)))
>she fucks other strong independent men daily
Peru means Turkey in Portuguese.
>t. peruroach
>why aren't we able to continue our indoctrinated existence?
“Feminine virtue is nothing but a convenient masculine invention.” – Ninon de L’Enclos
>Dead guy on a stick
I hear that fedoras.com is having a buy one get one special coming up soon, edgelord.
OP was sick of degenerate women. I know a consistent source of submissive non-degenerate white women.
Skip the charismatics, mega church types, and things of that nature. Find yourself a Presbyterian church, Reformed Baptist church, or something in the Calvinist vein. Or just lower your expectations in a woman.
So I assume that you live with your bf and have sex with him. Has it ever occurred to you that our generation is a bit mismanaged with regards to healthy relationships between men and women?
Now now user, let's call Bettye Goldstein by her given name, the one she went by before getting involved in Marxist circles.
There are actually more traditional women around than men willing to marry them
>Met my bf in line at Chipotle
Cheap sluts like you shouldn't be talking about this subject
My wife is a housewife and is taking care of our daughter. I told her she can get a job later after shes older. But really my plan is to have more kids heh.
Yeah it's cause they're all lazy has nothing to do with neoliberal marketing practices. If all women are just lazy and unworthy outside of being hosts maybe you should just try out a bunch of animals to see what takes
You're probably right about meeting higher quality girls at various Christian churches, but what an impotent, worthless religion. Hurrr, turn de oder cheek while I rape you to death nao, goooy. I see two horses, one strong, and one weak.
I have met many Christians. Fat, lazy. Liars. Stuck up, look down on others without realizing it. I don't give a fuck about their religion, as long as they are morally good. Religion is often just a front. Or empty people filling themselves with Christianity because they have nothing else. Those types are dangerous.
Wow August is looking really unhealthy nowadays.
Do the men in your future a favor and lkearn to clean a little. I cannot figure out this woman do housework meme came from, I have yet to meet a woman who isn't a fucking slob.
Probably because it's boring as shit and unfulfilling.
I can't blame them for that.
Your kids will grow up to be good people. Congrats. That's a rare thing these days.
because the males are fat and play video games and go on Sup Forums unironically. nobody wants to live with that.
I hope Gen Z is redpilled enough to realize it is okay for them to marry and reproduce with a man almost twice their age.
t. Older Millenial.
that vest is horrible
OP what are Argentinian women like? Moving out there in a month so need to know.
>fuckin porteños
>the males are fat
Lad, have you been on dating sites or walked around a shopping center lately in the USA? For every fat male I see, I see at least 10 to 15 obese women. At least for males many of us work labor intensive jobs so we stay reasonably fit.
Housework fucking sucks
You'd have to be brainwashed from a very young age to think it's the "duty" of a free man to clean up someone else's shit for free and be glad for the oppurtunity
This image would be objectively funnier if it were reversed. Is this some kind of meta joke since you're German and it's in the least funny order?
Degenerated Jew Scum.
(((Orna Donath)))
Pic related.
There will always be girls who prefer older more grounded men. This is a reality that will never change. Whatever you anons do, do not take a used up 30+ year old whore to raise someone elses baby. Don't do that to yourselves.
She tries to be unattractive on purpose.
Struggle with kids and their parents is trying to become individuals. Struggle with women and society is trying to be recognized as men. Women will never achieve this. The choices we have are to submit to women and let them take over ( which will destroy the world) or stand our ground and put them in their place. So if you're not suicidal just put women in their places. They are not, cannot and will never be men.
More millionals voted for trump then gen x you fucking fag
forgot your picture of steve o
Yes being a wageslave and never seeing your family is obviously desirable. You have no fucking idea what it's like to have a traditional family do you? Most of the women work from home, have ebay stores, cook and experiment with food, take their time shopping, actually spend time with the kids, take care of the pets, clean as needed, do chores and laundry as needed while watching their favorite movies, programs or playing games, budgeting or doing vacation planning, helping kids with schoolwork, starting a garden, shopping and decorating the house etc, etc, etc. Being a housewife is absolutely required for a good family. You're just brainwashed into thinking CAREER = everything. I realize some people think like this, but they should not be having families if they can't take care of them or spend time with them.
I truly feel sorry for all the kids these days who never got to experience having a traditional family.
I really needed to hear that
Let me tell you about the last girl I dated before I met my wife
>peak sjwism
>meet girl we hit it off
>after a month in our relationship
>she goes full feminazi on me
>patriarchy this and that
>tries to emasculate me and humiliate me
>wants an open relationship
>etc etc
>I refuse
>after weeks of no contact she caves and wants a 'boring monogonous relationship' her exact words
>another month goes by I find her tumblr and her rants about the cis white male patriarchy
>she gloats about all the guys she's slept with while with me
>I decide to end this but I want to do it in a way to get back at her
>already met my future wife by this point >don't tell her I have a GF
>me and my future wife get along really well
>tell my GF I've been thinking about it and want to try an open relationship
>her eyes light up and she invites her nigger friend over
>she wants me to watch
>I don't
>start relationship with my future wife
>date for over a year
>wife to be tells me she's pregnant
>perfect opportunity
>tell my future wife the truth
>that I have another women and that I don't love that cunt at all
>Explain our arrangement
>tell her my plan was to abandon her and leave her with the bills and never call this slut back
>my wife almost does not become my wife and wants to end it with me and get an abortion
>I plead and tell her that me and GF don't have sex at all I just see her once a week to check in on things
>I put GF on the lease and she's paying for everything since she's using the apartment more than I am
>long story short. Buy a ring and put a down payment on a house.
>Take my wife to my GF's place
>introduce them to each other
>then I tell GF that she's a god damn whore and I know everything including the tumblr blog
>and that I'm getting married to my wife
>she's a perfect housewife and not a disgusting slut like her
>GF breaks down in tears
>screaming that I used her
>I rub it in and tells GF she'll never walk down the aisle
His fist looks so tiny, if this shooped?
Getting into a relationship with a woman who already has kids is like retroactive cucking
Also, does anyone have a picture of Aug's backside. How does her hiney look?
This is why men always rule and are always in positions of power throughout history in the vast majority of cases. Women are too childish, too easily swayed. Look at Merkel, look at Sweden, etc. Look at our female politicians. Completely separated from reality. When women rule, societies collapse. I'm not sexist, and I'm not racist, but people need to realize there are differences between sex and race. Certain individuals are just better suited to certain roles. That's all there is to it.